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for pinkfreud-ga only, "I've got a gun and..."
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film Asked by: mathtalk-ga List Price: $50.00 |
02 Jul 2004 12:38 PDT
Expires: 01 Aug 2004 12:38 PDT Question ID: 369023 |
"...I'm not afraid to use it." This line has been used to humorous effect, but my aging brain cells cannot recall its original context. I think it was an action movie, and the villain, who is getting the upperhand on the hero, is threatened by the heroine with this line. (I believe it turns out she is too afraid to use the weapon effectively, but somehow the momentary distraction turns the tide.) Please, pinkfreud, recall for me my lost (suppressed?) memories & soothe my anxieties... deepest, mathtalk-ga |
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Re: for pinkfreud-ga only, "I've got a gun and..."
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 03 Jul 2004 14:28 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Dearest MT, Sometimes a Google search can become an obsession. Yesterday, today, and even as I slept, I have tried to track down a filmic source for the line "I've got a gun and I'm not afraid to use it" (or variants such as "I have a gun and I know how to use it.") While I found umpty-jillion references to the line, not one was from anything resembling an original source such as a classic film noir, an old radio drama, or a Sam Spade-type hard-boiled detective novel (or even a Nero Wolfe-type deep-fat-fried detective novel). Doggone it, I was hoping for Dashiell Hammett or Raymond Chandler. Woulda settled for Mickey Spillane. But, as far as old sources go, I came up with zilch. El zippo. Diddly. Zeroni. Bupkis. Nada. To sum up, I got plenty o' nuttin'. It is my belief that "I've got a gun and I'm not afraid to use it" is a recent coinage that *sounds* like a line from an old movie, but isn't. Rather, it is a condensation of the sort of stereotypical utterances that one associates with vintage melodramas of the Bogart ilk. Campbell's Cream of Mock Cliché. Mmmm-mmmm good. This reminds me very much of another frequently-satirized quote whose true origins seems to be unknowable: "One move and the [blank] gets it." The most famous takeoff on this was in Mel Brooks' "Blazing Saddles," which is (in my estimation) one of the funniest movies of all time. Don't nobody wanna argue with me about this: that would be opening a big can of beans. I've gathered a bouquet of recent riffs on the "I've got a gun" line: "She's got legs, she knows how to use them." ~ZZ Top "Nobody move. I've got a dragon, and I'm not afraid to use it. I'm a donkey on the edge." ~Donkey, in "Shrek" "I have a biscotti and I'm not afraid to use it!" ~PJ Pete, in "An Extremely Goofy Movie" "Got a knife and I know how to use it, got a knife and I know that he?s to blame." ~Rock group "My Red Cell" "I have a mitt, and I'm not afraid to use it." ~Jeff Goldblum, in "Cats & Dogs" "Take for example, telemarketers, probably more feared and disliked than even the grungiest of bikers. Picture this: An anonymous voice calls your home at an inconvenient time, trying to convince you to buy an unwanted product. As soon as you realize that you have been victimized by the 'random dialing telemarketer'. You can quickly end the conversation by immediately informing them 'I have a Harley and I know how to use it.' It will only be a matter of seconds before you hear dial tone. Problem solved." VirginiaWind http://www.virginiawind.com/backseat/2002_06.asp "Wow! How perfect is this for me to say: I've got a banana, and I'm not afraid to use it!" Dave Barry's Blog http://weblog.herald.com/column/davebarry/archives/013150.html "I suggest that you do not mess around with me Sir. I have a wheelbarrow and I know how to use it!" Greenspun: Mindless Prattle http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=00AibW "Jacob is a joyous child with a great sense of humor. Several weeks ago he spied a bug on the floor of the den, grabbed a shoe and proclaimed, "I have a shoe and I?m not afraid to use it!" Zero to Three: Jacob's Story http://www.zerotothree.org/jacob.html "Careful!!! Don't come any closer! I have a thesaurus and I know how to use it! I can dress you down five ways to Sunday in iambic pentameter if I have to!" Hellblazer http://www.hellblazer.com/archives/002132.html "Shrimp don't scare me none. I've got batter and a Frybaby and I'm not afraid to use them." 9622.net Archives http://www.9622.net/archives/000806.html ...I could go on and on, but won't. Google search strategy: Google Web Search: "a * and I'm not afraid to use" ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=%22a+*+and+I%27m+not+afraid+to+use Google Web Search: "a * and I know how to use" ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=%22a+*+and+I+know+how+to+use Many thanks to you for having asked this fascinating and frustrating question, and having earmarked it for me. I hope I have tweaked its ears thoroughly enough. Ears... Hmmm. Oh dear, now I can't help thinking about "Shrek" and its sequel. Ogre and ogre again... ;-) Your pal, Pink ("I've got a pun and I'm not afraid to abuse it.") |
rated this answer:![]() Thanks, Pink. It does from your research that this is a fairly modern line, hence the spate of fairly modern riffs. Your efforts are greatly appreciated! --mt |
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Re: for pinkfreud-ga only, "I've got a gun and..."
From: pinkfreud-ga on 04 Jul 2004 10:07 PDT |
MT, Many thanks for the five stars and the ten bonus simoleons, and for providing an interesting rack upon which to stretch my brain. Pink |
Re: for pinkfreud-ga only, "I've got a gun and..."
From: mother911-ga on 06 Jul 2004 17:12 PDT |
I had originally thought it might be the original Arthur, where Dudley Moore is speaking with the Linda's next door neighbor and she says,"My husband has a gun", to which he replies, I'm sure he does, and for all I know he shot it while you were shouting". But the line doesn't match. Of course we can thank that movie for some of the best one liners ever smashed into one two hour film. My favorite is still Burt Johnson saying,"I don't drink Arthur, no one in my family drinks" To which Arthur replies,"thas great, you must never run out of ice". I also thought it might be from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. When Ed Rooney is in the house looking for Ferris, he encounters Jeannie who is also looking for Ferris. After calling the police she says," Whoever is in the house, or still in the house, I'd like you to know that I've just called the police! So if you have any brains whatsoever, you'll get your ass out of my house real quick. I'd also like to add that I have my father's gun and a scorching case of herpes" Third useless side note, Simpsons Hit and Run contains the repeated line as Homer drives around,"I've got road rage and I'm not afraid to use it". I'm glad I was unable to be of any assistance other then to display the un-natural way my brain works. Enjoy the useless factoids. Mother911-ga |
Re: for pinkfreud-ga only, "I've got a gun and..."
From: mathtalk-ga on 08 Aug 2004 05:43 PDT |
Hi, pinkfreud-ga: Please forgive the unwarranted rattling of old threads, but I'm doing an experiment with GA support for Unicode (this is a post from Mozilla): The proper translation would be Jian Shi Zi, and the Chinese characters are: ???. regards, mt |
Re: for pinkfreud-ga only, "I've got a gun and..."
From: pinkfreud-ga on 08 Aug 2004 08:57 PDT |
Mathy, In Internet Explorer, I see the Chinese characters that you posted as three little squares. Unless this is the Chinese symbol for the Andrews Sisters, I suspect that your experiment didn't work. Best, Pinky |
Re: for pinkfreud-ga only, "I've got a gun and..."
From: mathtalk-ga on 08 Aug 2004 13:54 PDT |
Ah, that's because you haven't installed the Windows font support for Chinese yet! Google Answers is serving up the Unicode characters at its end. If you have your Windows install disk handy (possibly because you had the foresight to copy the i386 directory to your hard disk and do the installation from there?), then you can go (in Internet Explorer) to: View --> Encoding --> More --> Chinese Traditional and you'll be asked if you want to add the font. best wishes, mathtalk-ga |
Re: for pinkfreud-ga only, "I've got a gun and..."
From: mathtalk-ga on 18 Nov 2004 05:42 PST |
Hi, Pink: Subjecting you to yet another of my depraved character set experiments... Let's see what ∪ looks like. --MT |
Re: for pinkfreud-ga only, "I've got a gun and..."
From: mathtalk-ga on 18 Nov 2004 05:44 PST |
Okay, that didn't work correctly... how about ? ?? |
Re: for pinkfreud-ga only, "I've got a gun and..."
From: pinkfreud-ga on 18 Nov 2004 11:52 PST |
The Chinese characters aren't working for me. :-( |
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