List Request : Popular Sites & Domains
Category: Computers > Internet Asked by: captainnemo-ga List Price: $50.00 |
03 Jul 2004 11:41 PDT
Expires: 02 Aug 2004 11:41 PDT Question ID: 369283 |
This is a bit weird and perhaps also somewhat difficult to answer question, I am looking for a huge list of popular sites & domains, in a very simple wordlist format (single site per line) of atleast 1K+ (so it has to be non-generated). The format goes as follows: yahoo.com google.com hotmail.com microsoft.com etc Please do not use the following formats: www.site.com subsite.site.com site.com/~user/folder http://www.site.com http://site.com/ subsite.subsite.site.com A simple top level domain is more than enough. Thank you | |
Re: List Request : Popular Sites & Domains
Answered By: pafalafa-ga on 03 Jul 2004 18:03 PDT Rated: |
Here ya go: 3com.com 3m.com 4woman.gov aa.com aaas.org aap.org aarp.org abb.com abbott.com abebooks.com about.com accenture.com accuweather.com aclu.org acm.org acronymfinder.com acs.org act.org active.com activestate.com ada.org adbusters.org addall.com addall.com addme.com adidas.com adobe.com adobe.com afp.com agilent.com ahrq.gov aim.com aircanada.ca aircanada.ca ajb.dni.us ajkids.com ala.org aladdinsys.com alamo.com alamo.com alcatel.com alexa.com alistapart.com aljazeera.net allmovie.com allmusic.com alltheweb.com altavista.com alzheimers.org ama-assn.org amazon.com amazon.de amd.com americanheart.org amnesty.org amnh.org ams.org amtrak.com analog.com ananova.com andale.com angelfire.lycos.com ansi.org answers.google.com anywho.com aol.com ap.org apa.org apache.org apha.org apple.com apple.com apple.comitunes aps.org arab.net archive.org archives.gov arizona.edu army.mil army.mil arrl.org arthritis.org artlex.com ascap.com ashrae.org ask.com askjeeves.com asme.org asp.net astm.org asu.edu atari.com ati.com atlapedia.com atomz.com att.com audiogalaxy.com audubon.org autodesk.com avantgo.com avaya.com avaya.com avis.com avma.org bahn.de bankofamerica.com barnesandnoble.com bartleby.com bbb.org bbbonline.org bbc.co.uk bea.com bellsouth.com berkeley.edu bestbuy.com bestwestern.com bibliomania.com bigbook.com bigcharts.com bigfoot.com bio.org biography.com bis.org bl.uk blackboard.com blogger.com bloomberg.com bls.gov bluetooth.com bmbf.de bmi.com bmj.com bmn.com boeing.com bookfinder.com borland.com boston.com bp.com braintrack.com bravenet.com britannica.com british-airways.com britishcouncil.org brown.edu bt.com bu.edu budget.com bundesregierung.de business2.com businessobjects.com businessweek.com businesswire.com buy.com ca.com caltech.edu cancer.org cancer.org canon.com careerbuilder.com careers.org cast.org cast.orgbobby cbs.com cbsnews.com cdbaby.com cdc.gov cdt.org cebit.de census.gov cert.org chicagotribune.com childrensdefense.org chron.com cia.gov cia.gov cio.com cisco.com citibank.com citrix.com city.net citysearch.com clearinghouse.net clickz.com clipart.com cmu.edu cnet.com cnn.com cnnsi.com coffeecup.com coffeecup.com collegeboard.com collegenet.com colorado.edu columbia.edu comcast.com compaq.com compusa.com compuserve.com computer.org computerworld.com congress.org continental.com cookiecentral.com copyright.com copyright.gov cordis.lu corel.com cornell.edu corriere.it cpan.org cpsc.gov craigslist.org csmonitor.com c-span.org csszengarden.com cuteftp.com cyberpatrol.com cygwin.com daad.de daimlerchrysler.com dartmouth.edu daypop.com daysinn.com ddj.com debian.org defenselink.mil dell.com deloitte.com delphion.com delta.com developer.com devshed.com dhl.com dialog.com dice.com dictionary.com digidesign.com digits.com discover.com discovery.com divx.com dmoz.org doc.gov dogpile.com dol.gov dot.gov dowjones.com dowjones.com download.com drudgereport.com dslreports.com duke.edu dupont.com dynamicdrive.com ea.com earthlink.net easyjet.com eb.com ebay.com eclipse.org ecommercetimes.com economist.com ed.gov eds.com education-world.com educause.edu eduplace.com eeoc.gov eff.org elibrary.com ellisisland.org elpais.es elsevier.comwpsfind enc.org enchantedlearning.com encyclopedia.com energy.gov enterprise.com eonline.com epa.gov epic.org epson.com ericsson.com eslcafe.com esri.com ethereal.com etrade.com ets.org ets.orgtoefl etsi.org eudora.com eurekalert.org euro2004.com europarl.eu.int eurydice.org excite.com expedia.com experian.com exploratorium.edu ey.com faa.gov fafsa.ed.gov familysearch.org fao.org faqs.orgfaqs fas.org fastweb.com fbi.gov fcc.gov fda.gov federalreserve.gov federalreserve.gov fedex.com fedstats.gov fedworld.gov fema.gov fifa.com finaid.org findlaw.com firstgov.gov fodors.com fodors.com foodtv.com forbes.com ford.com fordfound.org forrester.com fortune.com fortunecity.com fox.com foxnews.com franceguide.com fraud.org freebsd.org freefind.com freemedicaljournals.com freetranslation.com freshmeat.net friendster.com frommers.com fsf.org fsu.edu ft.com ftc.gov fujitsu.com fws.gov gamefaqs.com gamespot.com gao.gov garfield.com gartner.com gatech.edu geocities.com georgetown.edu getnetwise.org getty.edu gimp.org give.org globeandmail.com gm.com gnome.org gnu.org gnupg.org go.com golfweb.com google.ca google.com google.de google.fr google.it gpo.gov gradschools.com gre.org greenpeace.org greyhound.com gsk.com gtk.org guardian.co.uk guidestar.org gutenberg.net hamptoninn.com handango.com harvard.edu hbo.com health.org healthatoz.com healthfinder.gov heise.de hertz.com hgtv.com hhs.gov historychannel.com hitachi.com hollywood.com hon.ch honda.com honeywell.com hoovers.comfree hotmail.com hotwired.com house.gov howstuffworks.com hp.com htmlgoodies.com htmlhelp.com cvshome.org hud.gov hwg.org iaea.org iaf.net iana.org iastate.edu iata.org ibm.com icann.org icq.com icra.org icrc.org idc.com idealist.org iea.org ieee.org ietf.org ifc.org ifla.org ifrc.org iht.com iie.org ilo.org ilovelanguages.com imdb.com imf.org indiana.edu infoplease.com informationweek.com infospace.com infoworld.com ingenta.com inktomi.com intel.com intelihealth.com intellicast.com internet.com internet2.edu internetnews.com internic.net iop.org ipl.org ipswitch.com iraqbodycount.org irchelp.org ireland.com irs.gov irs.ustreas.gov isc.org isinet.com iso.org isoc.org iss.net iste.org itools.com itu.inthome iucn.org iuma.com ixquick.com janes.com jasc.com javaworld.com jcaho.org jhu.edu jobtrak.com johannesburgsummit.org jpmorgan.com jpost.com jstor.org jumbo.com junkbusters.com kartoo.com kde.org kernel.org kff.org kidscom.com kodak.com kpmg.com lacma.org latimes.com lavasoftusa.com law.cornell.edu learn2.com lemonde.fr lexisnexis.com lexmark.com lii.org lilly.com linksys.com linux.com linux.org linuxjournal.com loc.gov lockheedmartin.com logitech.com lonelyplanet.com looksmart.com lordoftherings.net louvre.fr lucent.com lufthansa.com lycos.com maa.org macromedia.com macworld.com madsci.org mamma.com mapquest.com mapsonus.com mastercard.com mathworks.com mayo.edu mayo.edu mbayaq.org mcafee.com mcdonalds.com mci.com mckinley.com mediachannel.org medicare.gov medscape.com metacrawler.com metafilter.com metmuseum.org mfa.org mfa.org miami.com michaelmoore.com microsoft.com miramax.com missingkids.com mit.edu ml.com moma.org monster.com moreover.com morningstar.com mos.org mot.com motherjones.com motorola.com movabletype.org mozilla.org mp3.com mpaa.org msichicago.org msn.com msnbc.com msu.edu mtv.com multimap.com m-w.com mysimon.com mysql.com mysql.org nab.org naeyc.org nap.edu napster.com nas.edu nasa.gov nasdaq.com national.com nationalacademies.org nationalcar.com nationalgeographic.com nato.int nature.com nba.com nbc.com ncaa.org ncbi.nlm.nih.goventrezquery.fcgi nci.nih.gov ncr.com ncsu.edu nd.edu nea.org nec.com netbsd.org netlibrary.com netmind.com netnanny.com netobjects.com netscape.com net-temps.com networkassociates.com networkforgood.org networksolutions.com news.com newscientist.com newsday.com nfl.com nfpa.org nhl.com ni.com nih.gov nineplanets.org nist.gov nlm.nih.gov noaa.gov nobel.se nokia.com nolo.com nonprofits.org nortelnetworks.com northernlight.com northwestern.edu novartis.com novell.com now.org npr.org nps.gov nsc.org nsf.gov nsta.org nvidia.compagehome nwa.com nwhp.org nws.noaa.gov nypl.org nyse.com nytimes.com nyu.edu oanda.com oclc.org oecd.org officedepot.com olympic.org omg.org onelook.com oneworld.net onlineconversion.com openbsd.org opengl.org openldap.org openoffice.org opensource.org openssh.com openssl.org opentext.com opera.com ora.com oracle.com oreilly.com os.dhhs.gov oscars.org osce.org oscommerce.com osha.gov osu.edu paho.org palm.com panda.org pantheon.org paramount.com paris.org paypal.com pbs.org pcmag.com pcworld.com perl.com perl.org perseus.tufts.edu pfizer.com pg.com pgatour.com pgp.com pgpi.org philips.com php.net phpbb.com physlink.com pitt.edu pixar.com pkware.com plos.org pnas.org poets.org postfix.org postgresql.org postnuke.com powells.com priceline.com princeton.edu privacyrights.org prnewswire.com profusion.com programmersheaven.com psu.edu pta.org publiclibraryofscience.org purdue.edu pwcglobal.com python.org qualcomm.com quicken.com qwest.com radisson.com rai.it ran.org rational.com raytheon.com ready.gov real.com realaudio.com realnetworks.com realplayer.com realtor.com redcross.org redhat.com refdesk.com repubblica.it reuters.com rferl.org ripe.net roche.com rottentomatoes.com rsac.org rsasecurity.com rsc.org rutgers.edu rxlist.com ryanair.com sae.org safekids.com safesurf.com saic.com salary.com salon.com samhsa.gov sans.org sap.com sas.com sausage.com savvysearch.com sba.gov sbc.com scholastic.com sciam.com sciencedaily.com sciencedirect.com sciencemag.org sciencenews.org scirus.com scmp.com sco.com score.org scripting.com seagate.com search.com sec.gov securityfocus.com seds.org senate.gov sendmail.org sfgate.com sgi.com shareware.com shell.com si.edu siemens.com sikids.com skypub.com sln.org sncf.com sony.com sophos.com soros.org sothebys.com sourceforge.net southwest.com space.com spaceweather.com spamassassin.org spamcop.net spie.org spiegel.de sportsline.com springer.de sprint.com ssa.gov ssh.com st.com stanford.edu staples.com starbucks.com stars.com startribune.com starwood.com state.gov stpt.com stsci.edu studyweb.com submit-it.com sueddeutsche.de sun.com suntimes.com superpages.com supremecourtus.gov surfwatch.com suse.com suse.de switchboard.com sybase.com symantec.com systransoft.com tamu.edu target.com techlearning.com techweb.com telegraph.co.uk teoma.com thawte.com theatlantic.com thedayaftertomorrow.com the-dma.org thefreesite.com thegateway.org thehungersite.com thelist.com thenation.com thesaurus.com thinkgeek.com thinkquest.org thomasregister.com ti.com ticketmaster.com ticketweb.com time.com timeanddate.com tldp.org topica.com topozone.com toshiba.com travelocity.com travelweb.com trendmicro.com tripod.lycos.com truste.org tucows.com tvguide.com ual.com ucdavis.edu uchicago.edu ucla.edu ucsb.edu ucsd.edu ucsusa.org uefa.com ufl.edu uga.edu uiowa.edu uiuc.edu ul.com umass.edu umd.edu umich.edu umn.edu un.org unaids.org unc.edu unctad.org undp.org unep.org unesco.org unfpa.org unhcr.ch unicef.org unicode.org unido.org unisys.com united.com unitedmedia.com unsystem.org upenn.edu ups.com urbanlegends.com usairways.com usatoday.com usb.org usc.edu uscourts.gov usdoj.gov useit.com usgs.gov usnews.com usnews.com usps.com usps.gov uspto.gov utexas.edu va.gov variety.com vatican.va verisign.com veritas.com verizon.com versiontracker.com vh.org vim.org virginia.edu virtualtourist.com visa.com visitbritain.com vt.edu w3.org wapforum.org warnerbros.com washington.edu washingtonpost.com washingtontimes.com washtimes.com weather.com webcrawler.com webct.com webelements.com webmd.com webopedia.com webreference.com webring.org webstandards.org webtrends.com weforum.org wellsfargo.com welt.de wfp.org whitehouse.gov who.inten whowhere.com wiley.com winamp.com winzip.com wipo.int wired.com wisc.edu wisenut.com wnba.com wolfram.com wordcentral.com worldbank.org worldpages.com worldtimeserver.com wsj.com wto.org wunderground.com www-306.ibm.com xe.com xe.com xerox.com xfree86.org xinhuanet.com xml.com xml.org xrefer.com yahoo.com yahooligans.com yale.edu yourdictionary.com zdnet.com zeit.de zeldman.com zend.com zonelabs.com zope.org ==================== I tried to weed out any errant (malformed) websites and duplicates -- I think I got most of them. Before rating this answer, please let me know if you need anything in addition to the list posted here. Just post a Request for Clarification, and I'll be happy to help you further on this. Happy surfing. pafalafa-ga search strategy: Compiled the list by searching Google for [ "top 1000" url ] and compiling the lists from several resulting sites into a master list spreadsheet, which I then culled and cleaned up to provide an answer in the requested format. |
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Thank you, this seemed to be a pretty hard job, but you did it quite well. Its a pleasure to have people like you enlighten us, the Google dorks. Thank you once more :) |
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