This is the answer to your question:
Yes, system is feasible and is being used,
but rarely.
It may be the best in some less demanding situations.
Concerns and critique expressed in the comment are not
valid or applicable. The waste heat dissipation issue in
conventional (HP based) geothermal cooling is same is in your
ACC geothermal cooling and those conventional GSHPs have been
tested and used without problems.
Main issue is finding fan-coil unit which would deliver required
(negative) BTUs at very small temperature difference, at reasonable
cost and space requirement. I will give links to available units
and studies at the end.
First, let's adopt terminology:
Water loop system (described at this site, URL below)) --
System can operate either with heat pumps OR
with fan coils in the rooms
A cooling tower, boiler OR geothermal heat (sink/source) OR thermal
storage (roof pond)
can each or all be attached to the water loop.
There is a term, even acronym ACC
Alternatives to Compressor Cooling (ACC)
with it's own research team at University of California Davis,
which is hower is limiting itself to 'nightbreeze' concept
- using cold night air, rather then geothermal to heat homes
However, your concept is also ACC and I would classify it
(after spending too much time on researching this) as ACC GSHP system
Let's look and some case histories
Is it being used? YES
"Core areas often require cooling well into the heating season. These
heat pumps can also use free cooling with economizer coils. When the
outdoor temperature is low enough, cold tower water is used without
operating the compressors. "
The loop temperature could be reduced to about 50 degrees if the water
bypasses the ground coil through a three-way valve. The core zones
could be cooled without using the compressors and the perimeter heat
pumps could operate in the heating mode. Even with near 50-degree
water to the perimeter heat pumps, the heating COP is about 4.0.
Note the 'could' in "could be cooled without using the compressors"
Key issue is (as you mentioned) that 'small temperature difference' makes
heat exchanger inefficient. However, the situation is not as bad as
the commenter (was it neilzero (again?)) paints it as would not use
radiators but fan-coils. We may use closed water loop, probably with
antifreeze, which has higher thermal capacity and allows control of
corrosion. That depends on the water quality (dissolved minerals).
Neither closed or open loop, would 'poison the water supply' nor will
it 'pump the well dry' since water is returned. There are
environmental regulation for open loop, which differ in different
jurisdiction, but it is usually OK and cheaper to go open loop.
Here is info on
SEARCH TERM: Open Water or Open Well GSHP Systems
...An open well system borrows water from a dug or a drilled well,
then directs the water through the GSHP system. Heat is then extracted
from the water in winter or rejected in summer, then the cooled/heated
water is returned to a pond, river, lake, weeping discharge pit or
discharge well, in accordance with local environmental regulations.
Depending on the location, the standard environmental "rule of thumb"
is to return the water that is utilized to the same aquifer level, at
another point on the same property, where the water was originally
drawn. A Geothermal System does nothing to negatively affect the water
quality that it uses, it absorbs or rejects heat only. The discharge
system must be designed to accommodate any locally sensitive
environmental issues.
If the source of water is a lake, river or pond, the body of water
must be large enough to provide a sufficient 'heat sink' capacity.
Rivers can be used as a source of water, but sources with high levels
of salt, chlorides or other minerals are not recommended for most
units. Each region/province/state has regulations concerning the use
of water and if a closed loop is used in the body of water, there are
generally laws/guidelines concerning the position of GSHP loops in
navigable waterways.
So, your ACC GSHP IS USED - but rarely. Actually, any GSHP is used
rarely for residential cooling, according to this site:
Space Cooling
Geothermal energy has seldom been used for cooling, although emphasis
on solar energy and waste heat has created interest in cooling with
thermal energy. The absorption cycle is most often used and
lithium-bromide/water absorption machines are commercially available
in a wide range of capacities. Temperature and flow requirements for
absorption chillers run counter to the general design philosophy for
geothermal systems. ...
Page 22
Caution : very long URL's get broken in browser the whole string in []
needs to be pasted into 'location box' but without the []
So, in conclusion:
YES it is feeasible and in some situations
(high outside temperature, moderate requirments (e.g. 75 F result))
it may be the best method. It is used rarely since in most cases you get
more performance (guaranteed 70F) for little bit more energy
consumption and cost.
Key issue would be selection and cost/performance of the fan-coil units (RFCs).
I will give resources for selection/comparing RFCs and comparison
with Heat Pumps (HPs)
Here is one cost study, which evaluated different systems (and picked HPs):
This case study compares total cost og using heat-pumps and fan-coils on the
geothermal conventional water loop. In this case, GHP was selected,
but number may come out differetly in other cases.
An ACC GHP system, you described, can be combined with
Thermal Storage Systems and with night-breeze ACC ---
they all share one problem (low temperature difference)
and one advantage (low energy consmption and operation cost and low noise)
This concept combines coil in the attic with whole House Fan
The thermal storage can compensate for 'low cooling capacity' at
time of peak demand.
Here is some info on that:
Thermal storage systems are intended to meet part or all of the cooling needs of a
building during specified periods of peak demand. It is essential they have suffi-
cient capacity to provide the cooling during these periods. Figure 8-1
presents the
schematic diagram of a thermal storage system. During off-peak hours, part of the
cooling energy produced by the chillers is used for charging the storage systems
that generally store cold water or ice. During peak hours, buildings
receive cooling
energy from the tank and/or chillers.
Figure 8-1. Thermal Storage System in Charging Mode and in Discharge Mode
Caution : very long URL's get broken in the browser: the whole string
in [] needs to be pasted into 'location box' but without the []
Links to products and studies on RFCs
Key issue would be to find a fan-coil unit which can deliver reqiured BTU/hour
operationg with 'small temoerature difference' I searched for such units,
products and academic studies using these:
Search Term : water to air heat exchange
: water to air heat exchange
: comparison of fan-coil, "small temperature difference"
:fan-coil, " temperature difference", cooling
and found a directory for selection and comparison of HPs and RFcs,t,ts&c=z,z,14
which leads (as an example) to info on RFC (room fan coils)
for example
Total Capacity (Btuh): 12800
temperature Rise (deg F): 10
power Input PSC (Watts) : 60
which can be compared with HP (heat pumps)
Product Performance Ratings
Cooling Capacity (Btuh): 23000
SEER Rating (Cooling): 10.00
Rough rule is
cost 500--1000 $/ton outside loop
cost water to air pumps $800/ton
UNITs, examples, rating systems
The term "ton" was originally based on the amount of ice it would
take to achieve a desired level of cooling. Now it is more typically
used as a measure for an air conditioning system's capacity. One ton
is equivalent to 12,000 BTUs per hour of cooling. Residential air
conditioners usually range from one to five tons.
What we did this year at the Manchester project was to create
temporary heat by using new high-efficiency, oil-fired heating boiler,
and throughout the building we placed air handlers. These
file-cabinet-sized units have a hot-water heating coil and a blower
fan inside them. When air is blown across the hot-water coil (much
like in an automobile radiator), air is heated.,16417,216711,00.html
example of what we can get at T=50 F
Housed in a very compact 14.96" W x 47.24" H x 8.07" D enclosure, the
WW3500S heat exchanger is designed for operation in extremely polluted
and high temperature environments. Its unique design employs a high
capacity fan that produces 259 cfm of air flow. This, coupled with a
cooling water flow of 1.76 gpm/ 400 l/h at a temperature of 50° F /
10° C produces 3500 watts of cooling capacity when the temperature
difference between water inlet and ambient is 25° K.
Air Flow Volume:
The amount of air that a cooling system circulates through your home,
expressed in cubic feet per minute (CFM). A typical system requires
400 CFM per ton of cooling.
The term "ton" was originally based on the amount of ice it would
take to achieve a desired level of cooling. Now it is more typically
used as a measure for an air conditioning system's capacity. One ton
is equivalent to 12,000 BTUs per hour of cooling. Residential air
conditioners usually range from one to five tons.
range of RFC units available
Fan Coil Units, efficiency
rating systems
. The major difference in the newer ISO rating is that the pumping
penalties (used in the older ARI ratings) along with penalties for fan
power (external to the unit) have been removed. This has had the
result of raising the performance values compared to the older ARI
system. Where an average unit in the old rating system may have had a
13.0 EER in cooling, under the ISO rating this same unit might show a
14.0 or 14.5 rating.
Fan Coil Units: Fan coil systems use terminal cabinets in each room
serviced by 2, 3, or 4 pipes approximately 11/2" each in diameter. A
fan blows air over the coils which are serviced by hot or chilled
water. Each fan coil cabinet can be individually controlled. Four-pipe
fan coils can provide both heating and cooling all year long. Most
piping is steel. Non-cabinet units may be concealed in closets or
custom cabinetry, such as benches, can be built.
Laboratory measurements/formulae
Performance of fan-coil units
... Experiments were conducted to measure the heat and mass transfer
performance for various air velocities and water flow rates
study of performance - formula for cooling capacity
Tools/computer models/ research groups
Welcome to the home of the Simulation Research Group at Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, California. We
specialize in creating building energy simulation software
[DOC] Book 3: Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities
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... side across air handling unit (AHU) / Fan Coil Unit (FCU ... wrt
power consumption) for
350 TR cooling load ... full load with 4.5 °C temperature difference
across the ...
coil-fan units: perfomance tables
If, after looking at some of the above links, you would want to proceed,
then asking for services of competent HVAC professonal in the area may
be a good nest step. There are tables and computer programs, which take
into the account the thermal loads and requrements and produce the build
and operating cost of differetn systems.
Hedgie |