Hello again, Crystal!
I've found some figures for you. It is estimated that the worldwide
market for oral drugs for treatment of erectile dysfunction is
approximately $2.5 billion to $3 billion (and rising rapidly). The
market in the United States is estimated at $1 billion to $1.5
In 2003, the market for non-oral (transurethral and injectable) drugs
for ED was $85 million worldwide and $32 million in the United States.
"With all three drugs [Viagra, Cialis, Levitra] on the market, the
erectile dysfunction class of drugs is expected to approach $ 3.4
billion in sales by next year. Relative to the current top 10
prescription drug classes by dollar, that would make erectile
dysfunction No. 9 on the list, according to data from IMS Health for
the 12 months ended in March."
FindArticles: Will ED bring more men to drug stores?
"ED affects more than 50 million men in the US and EU. The market for
drugs to treat ED is estimated to be approximately US$2.5 billion in
2004, and is expected to increase to approximately US$4.4 billion in
PharmaLicensing: VR004 - apomorphine HCl inhaler for treatment of
erectile dysfunction
"The market for erectile dysfunction treatments is estimated at 2.5
billion US dollars (£1.4 billion) worldwide."
Scotsman.com: Inhaled Drugs Firm Plans Flotation
"The aging of the 'baby boom' generation has brought sexual
dysfunction into prominence as a medical concern. Men and women who
suffer sexual dysfunction are a large and growing market not satisfied
with current treatments. According to the Massachusetts Male Aging
Study, more than 50% of men aged 40-70 report episodes of ED and more
than 30 million men in the US suffer ongoing ED. The current market
size in dollars is estimated to be from $1.5-3.0 billion, with several
products already competing in the male ED market segment."
Senior Journal: PT-141's Sexual Stimulation of Female Rats Grabs the Headlines
"Erectile dysfunction ("ED") affects 30 million men in the United
States and half of the male population between the ages of 40 and 70.
Approximately 4 million men take prescription drugs to treat ED. The
U.S. market for drugs to treat ED is valued at over $1 billion today
and is expected to exceed $1.5 billion by 2005 as the population ages
and as awareness of the condition increases."
Federal Trade Commission: Pfizer Analysis
"Current pharmacotherapy for erectile dysfunction includes oral,
transurethral and injectable intracavernosal treatments. The non-oral
erectile dysfunction market was estimated as $85 million worldwide in
2003, with $45 million sales in Europe and $32 million in the US
(Source: IMS MAT Sept 03)."
Yahoo! Finance: Senetek Licenses Invicorp(R) Erectile Dysfunction
Treatment to Ardana for Europe
These are the Google search strings that gave me the best results:
Google Web Search: "erectile dysfunction market"
Google Web Search: "billion" + "market" + "erectile dysfunction"
I hope this helps. If anything is unclear, or if a link does not
function, please request clarification, and I'll get back to you as
soon as possible.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |