Please read through to the end. I want a macro. I do NOT want
conditional formatting. I have an excel spreedsheet which calculates
"to do" dates. I want the "to do" cells to change color based on
todays date AND the calculated date in the cell.
What I am doing is making a work schedule for the farm. There are
hundreds of animals which need different things on each day. I want to
be able to print a color subsection of a sheet to provide a list of
animals which need a particular thing accomplished. When I look at a
sheet the colors stand out.
Here is a small section of my spreedsheet:
Cell A2 input a id number
Cell B2 input a id number
Cell C2 input a date
Cell D2 input a number
Cell E2 calculated formula =IF(C2="","",C2+14)
Cell F2 input a number
Cell G2 calculated formula =IF(E2="","",E2+14)
Cell H2 input a number
Cell I2 calculated formula =IF(G2="","",G2+14)
Cell J2 input a number
Cell K2 calculated formula =IF(I2="","",I2+14)
Cell L2 input a number
Here is an detailed description of what I need:
Orange is future.
Blue is a 5 day window around calculated date.
Red is past due.
Green is completed.
Let us just work with one row (number 2) and columns C through F.
I fill in manually A2 through D2.
Cell E2 generates a date using the formula =IF(C2="","",C2+14).
Input to C is Feb 15. This value will never change.
Input to D is 8. This value will never change.
Calculated date in E is Feb 29. This value will never change.
Changes ---
Todays date changes every day (internal computer date).
F2 will be filled one time and never change. ---
First condition
Data is inputed to A2 to D2 AND cell F2 is blank.
Time goes bye.
Today is Feb 15. Cell E2 is colored Orange.
Today is Feb 26. Cell E2 is colored Orange.
Today is Feb 27. Cell E2 is colored Blue.
Today is March 2. Cell E2 is colored Blue.
Today is March 3. Cell E2 is colored Red.
Today is May 23. Cell E2 is colored Red.
Second Condition:
Cell F2 is filled in. Today is ANY date.
Cell E2 is colored green and never changes.
The only cell to change color is E2. No other rows or cells will
change color based on the C2, D2, E2 or F2 data or today's date. The
other calculated date cells will each need to color change but are to
be ignored in this example only. The other calculated date cells and
their adjacent number inputed cells need to be included in the final
supplied macro.
I hope this will make the result I need clear to you.
Thank you. |
Clarification of Question by
07 Jul 2004 17:58 PDT
Hi cynthias-ga,
This worked just as I needed. Thank you very much.
I do have a few questions. I had to list each individual cell for
each column in the cellList. Is there a way to designate the entire
column? It is just not fesable to list every cell individually for
thousands of cells.
I get an error message Run-Time error '1004" Method 'Range" of object
'_Global' failed. How do I correct this?
Is there a way to have this macro run everytime the sheet is opened?
Also, is there a way to have this run everytime there is data entered
Should I want to change the color for a type such as insted of Orange
use Yellow is there a way to do this?
Can C2 be green when D2 is filled in?
Last, is there a way to print a color?
Again, Thank you very much!!!
Clarification of Question by
08 Jul 2004 11:59 PDT
Hi again,
The test message is about the only thing I understand about macros!
Most of what you say about the macro is foreign language to me.
Sorry about the conditional formatting tone, but I got a lot of people
recommending that and I need more than the at will allow.
In the final macro, there will have to be tens of thousands of rows
included in the CellList. It is just impossible to put them in by
hand. I tried to make a "range" by using c2...c65000 but it just
filled in all of them regardless if the D column had a value inputted.
I sure hope it is simple to manipulate.
I went to Microsoft and d/l all the updates they have and it made no
difference in the error message.
I have no security issues. I sure would like it to run on opening and event.
The print a color is referring to making a list of the ID#'s from cell
A2 or B2 where a red color or blue color is present anywhere in the
row. Sorry if I am not clear most of the time. It is very difficult to
describe exactly what I need by typing it out.
Again, thank you for all your thoughtful help.
Clarification of Question by
08 Jul 2004 15:01 PDT
I am using:
Sub Colorcell()
' Colorcell Macro
Dim CellList(100) As String
CellList(1) = "E2"
CellList(2) = "G2"
CellList(3) = "I2"
CellList(4) = "K2"
CellList(5) = "M2"
CellList(6) = "O2"
CellList(7) = "Q2"
CellList(8) = "S2"
CellList(9) = "U2"
CellList(10) = "C2"
LastCell = 100
For i = 1 To LastCell
ColorDate (CellList(i))
End Sub
Sub ColorDate(cell)
' color a cell based upon the date
Dim MyDate
MyDate = Date
yellow = 6
orange = 45
blue = 5
red = 3
green = 4
nextcell = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
If nextcell = "" Then
Select Case (Selection - MyDate)
Case Is > 2
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = yellow
Case -2 To 2
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = blue
Case Is < -2
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = red
End Select
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = green
End If
End Sub
This is copied and pasted. The CellList takes me up to about 5 months.
I added C2 to the cell list and it worked just fine. Yes, the cell to
the right is the trigger for the color green.
The same error still shows up everytime it runs. The debug points to
Must be nice to be able to do all this! Thank you.
Clarification of Question by
08 Jul 2004 18:18 PDT
Changing my typo from 100 to 10 got rid of the error message! Who knew ;-)
If it gets too slow, I can just remove that part of the second macro.
Just how can you put in all the additional rows without typing in
every cell reference individually?
How many ways can I say Thank you.
Clarification of Question by
11 Jul 2004 15:16 PDT
Looks great but I get an error type mismatch. Here are all the macros
I have typed in:
Sub Colorcell()
' Colorcell Macro
Dim CellList(200) As String
Dim act As Object
CellList(1) = "C2:C100"
CellList(2) = "E2:E100"
CellList(3) = "G2:F100"
CellList(4) = "I3:I100"
CellList(5) = "K2:K100"
CellList(6) = "M2:M100"
CellList(7) = "O2:O100"
CellList(8) = "Q2:Q100"
CellList(9) = "S2:S100"
CellList(10) = "U2:U100"
LastCell = 10
Set act = ActiveCell
For i = 1 To LastCell
colon = InStr(CellList(i), ":")
CLi = CellList(i)
If colon > 0 Then
BeginCell = Left$(CLi, colon - 1)
EndCell = Mid$(CLi, colon + 1, Len(CLi) - colon)
bcr = Range(BeginCell).Row
ecr = Range(EndCell).Row
rowoffset = ecr - bcr
For j = 0 To rowoffset
ColorDate (Range(BeginCell).Offset(j, 0).Address)
Next j
ColorDate (CellList(i))
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub ColorDate(cell)
' color a cell based upon the date
Dim MyDate
MyDate = Date
yellow = 6
orange = 45
blue = 5
red = 3
green = 4
nextcell = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
If nextcell = "" Then
Select Case (Selection - MyDate)
Case Is > 2
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = yellow
Case -2 To 2
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = blue
Case Is < -2
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = red
End Select
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = green
End If
End Sub
Private Sub App_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook)
Application.Run ("Sheet1.Colorcell")
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, _
ByVal Source As Range)
Application.Run ("Sheet1.Colorcell")
End Sub
Also, in C the rest of the column where there is no entry in C or D
the cells are colored red.
Clarification of Question by
12 Jul 2004 18:11 PDT
I replaced the code and it made no change. Still error 13
The debug points to that particular private sub line:
Application.Run ("Sheet1.Colorcell")
HEE HEE How about if A2 or B2 is blank or 0 then do nothing would
seem to be another way to not color and give me another check on my
manual entries.
Ahhhh, the finish line is CLOSE!
Clarification of Question by
15 Jul 2004 08:02 PDT
I changed them to sheet1 because I will have different requirements in
the other sheets. I just put them back into this workbook and
I pasted the latest addition into ColorCell at the end.
I am getting the type mismatch erroe 13 still, but now it debugs to
Select Case (Selection - MyDate).
I noticed that the color changes in column C and E but not the
remainder. And the cells which are blank in C and E are colored with
the last color filled in corrrectly.
Here is all of it again:
This workbook
Private Sub App_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook)
Application.Run ("Module1.Colorcell")
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Source As Range)
Application.Run ("Module1.Colorcell")
End Sub
Sub Colorcell()
' Colorcell Macro
Dim CellList(200) As String
Dim act As Object
CellList(1) = "C2:C100"
CellList(2) = "E2:E100"
CellList(3) = "G2:F100"
CellList(4) = "I3:I100"
CellList(5) = "K2:K100"
CellList(6) = "M2:M100"
CellList(7) = "O2:O100"
CellList(8) = "Q2:Q100"
CellList(9) = "S2:S100"
CellList(10) = "U2:U100"
LastCell = 10
Set act = ActiveCell
For i = 1 To LastCell
colon = InStr(CellList(i), ":")
CLi = CellList(i)
If colon > 0 Then
BeginCell = Left$(CLi, colon - 1)
EndCell = Mid$(CLi, colon + 1, Len(CLi) - colon)
bcr = Range(BeginCell).Row
ecr = Range(EndCell).Row
rowoffset = ecr - bcr
For j = 0 To rowoffset
ColorDate (Range(BeginCell).Offset(j, 0).Address)
Next j
ColorDate (CellList(i))
End If
Next i
For j = 0 To rowoffset
If Range(BeginCell).Offset(j, 0) <> "" Then
ColorDate Range(BeginCell).Offset(j, 0).Address
End If
Next j
End Sub
Sub ColorDate(cell)
' color a cell based upon the date
Dim MyDate
MyDate = Date
yellow = 6
orange = 45
blue = 5
red = 3
green = 4
nextcell = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
If nextcell = "" Then
Select Case (Selection - MyDate)
Case Is > 2
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = yellow
Case -2 To 2
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = blue
Case Is < -2
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = red
End Select
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = green
End If
End Sub
Thanks very much
Sorry about the test message.
Well, your statement about not wanting conditional formatting puts a
damper on the answer to your clarification.
I realize that you only get three shots in conditional formatting, but
it really is the recommended way to go for your request.
If you want to designate an entire column, I think that's reasonable
to do, but it requires a much bigger Dim of CellList. I wasn't really
prepared for "thousands" of cells to be changed, obviously, but the
code is very very simple to manipulate.
The Error message has a twofold problem/solution. If you've not
updated the service release(s) for Excel, it's a good time to do so.
On the other hand, I did violate a MS issue by not using absolute
references in Range (It'd work better if I had actually included the
worksheet in the Range line.) Still, for security and bug fixes, I'd
recommend getting Office updated with a service pack. It may or may
not fix the issue.
The macro may be able to run on open, although that may be a security
issue. The macro can be run with a Worksheet event, if reprogrammed...
I think that may be good for a researcher to tackle. If I can, I'll do
it later tomorrow.
You can add any color you wish, of course. has a list of colors
(yellow =6). Just put the colorname =colornumber in the appropriate
place in ColorDate, and change the word where you want it.
The code is very generic in its configuration. For each of the cells
you want colored, it checks the cell to the right (nextcell) to see if
there is anything there. If so, green, otherwise, based upon date
I don't know how to answer the question "is there a way to print a
color?" properly. A color printer should pick up the colors to print,
one would guess. Do you want a legend? Create it on another worksheet
Even if you're not a programmer, there are so few actual lines of code
that you can follow the logic rather easily. (Loop through the
celllist, and color based upon date).
I don't mind if a researcher finishes the request if I don't get to it. |