While my personal preference would be the BenQ unit shown in my RFC
above, given your budget constraints I will suggest some other,
lower-priced options.
The Initial IDM-1560 that I previously mentioned:
Initial Portable DVD CD MP3 Player -
normally sells online for $109 at The price at is the best price currently available on the
Internet for this particular unit. However, I was not able to find
conclusive proof that this store is reliable and trustworthy, so
caveat emptor. Initial DVD players have a reputation similar to the
Apex unit you have at home. When it works, it works well; when it
stops working, it's cheaper to just replace the unit than to try to
get it fixed.
The Lasonic unit I referenced above has mixed user reviews at
The biggest complaint seems to be that the unit gets very hot after
about an hour of use, and that heat causes it to have problems playing
back some movies. At a price of $69, this level of performance might
be acceptable:
Lasonic DVD-8090 Portable DVD Player -
As a plus, the reviews show that the unit can reliably
play back DVD-Rs, as well as MP3's, VCDs, and CDs.
The final option I will suggest is a new product offered by I've dealt with this retailer myself in the past,
and feel that they are trustworthy. Their newest portable DVD player
is the Innovatek IN-988:
At $79, it comes in under your $85 limit. If you buy it from, it also comes with a free FM audio transmitter. It
even has built-in speakers for playing back those MP3's and audio CD's
without need for external audio support. If the BenQ unit were not
available on the market, I'd lean towards this one.
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