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Google Answers..Not?
Category: Reference, Education and News Asked by: maluca-ga List Price: $10.00 |
08 Jul 2004 22:11 PDT
Expires: 07 Aug 2004 22:11 PDT Question ID: 371705 |
What are the top five reasons why so low a percentage of the questions asked get answered by the Google researchers. Please present in order of relevance. You may use my previously asked and unanswered questions as a example as none have been answered. | |
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Re: Google Answers..Not?
Answered By: aceresearcher-ga on 09 Jul 2004 15:01 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Greetings, maluca! Below are the main reasons that Questions remain UnAnswered, according to an unofficial study by a few Researchers: 1) The listing fee is too low for the amount of time and effort which would be required to Answer the Question properly. 2) The Question is too vague; it does not contain enough details to accurately provide a definitive Answer, and no response is ever made to Requests for Clarification posted by Researchers. 3) The Question has already been Answered in Comments and Clarifications, and no Researcher feels that they can post an Answer which will substantially improve upon the information which has already been posted. 4) The Question asks for information (or an item) which is extremely hard to find, or which does not exist. 5) The information can be found, but must be purchased (Questions requesting free or cheap access to information or software provided by specialty companies for hundreds -- or even thousands of dollars -- are rather common). 6) The Question asks for "all" of something, or a "complete" collection or list of something, which is so vast that a complete Answer is impossible. 7) The Question concerns a subject which is not clear-cut, and which can only be Answered subjectively (with an opinion); for instance, questions about religion, why people do the things that they do, the "best" of something, etc. 8) The Question requires extremely specialized information from an expert in that particular field (while we have many experts here on a wide variety of subjects, including archaeology, cooking, dogs, airplanes, computers, history, languages, etc., not all subjects have a Researcher who is an expert in that area). 9) The Question contains multiple Questions, some of which can be easily Answered and some of which can only be Answered with much difficulty or not at all 10) The wording of the Question makes it clear that the Customer wants an Answer which supports a n erroneous hypothesis (for example, documentation proving that the Earth is flat and that the Sun revolves around the Earth). Regarding your Questions: Immune System http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=363240 7) Question asks for a subjective opinion Zinc and Inflammation http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=363169 3) Answered in Comments Need niacin free vitamins http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=359454 4) Item which is hard-to-find or nonexistent Tracking Stocks http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=282094 9) Multiple Questions, one of which is 3) Answered in Comments and the other which is 4) Hard to find and 7) Subjective People http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=278027 7) Question asks for a subjective opinion Trademark and company name protection http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=226852 2) Insufficient information for a definitive Answer and possibly 1) Listing fee is too low for the time and effort required Before Rating my Answer, if you have any Questions about the above information, please post a Request for Clarification, and I will be glad to see what I can do for you. Regards, aceresearcher | |
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rated this answer:![]() Thanks for your very good "unofficial" response". I do disagree with your reasoning for my questions not being answered. I have struggled with how to respond and have come to the conclusion it is a great site in need of a bit more documentation in FAQ and a few more options for Researchers in responding. This site has excellent "bones" but I can't help but feel its a trial version. But without a doubt Researchers should be capable of informing those asking questions of why the question is not being answered by the Researchers. The best solution IMHO would be an active FAQ where we could ask questions that have not been addressed in how to best use this service. I can't help but imagine a Dilbert type pointy haired boss saying.."and the best part is they pay to ask questions on how it works". The question should be handled as if the dialog was going on face to face. In that case if someone committed one of the question killing actions listed they should be guided not left hanging. Imagine if this was how society other than teenagers and parents communicated. ;) Walk away with no explanation and the person asking the question is clueless. |
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Re: Google Answers..Not?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 10 Jul 2004 11:20 PDT |
Maluca, Often one Researcher will post a request for clarification, and another Researcher will post an official answer to a question. I did not lock your question after I posted my request for clarification, so the question was fully to any and all Researchers. I think Ace has done a very thorough job of describing reasons why questions sometimes remain unanswered. I can't think of a thing to add to Ace's response. Best regards, Pink |
Re: Google Answers..Not?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 10 Jul 2004 12:47 PDT |
In my comment above, I omitted a word. For "so the question was fully to any and all Researchers," please read "so the question was fully open to any and all Researchers." Sometimes the fingers type faster than the mind thinks. ;-) |
Re: Google Answers..Not?
From: maluca-ga on 10 Jul 2004 14:44 PDT |
Pinkfreud: Do you agree with Aceresearchers conclusions as to why my questions were not answered? Your response was not clear in this regard. I consider this two Researchers answering so will pay the same fee to you both. |
Re: Google Answers..Not?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 10 Jul 2004 15:14 PDT |
Here are my observations on your current open questions. These are entirely my own views. Others, of course, may see things very differently. I hope I don't sound rude here; it is definitely not my intention to be dismissive of your questions, which are quite interesting and challenging. But here are my honest speculations on some possible reasons why you have not yet received answers. ========== Immune System http://www.answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=363240 You seem to be asking for confirmation of the hypothesis that, since autoimmune diseases such as arthritis involve the immune system attacking the body, that it would be better to have a weak immune system. I doubt that any knowledgable Researcher would agree with this hypothesis; a weak immune system would leave the body vulnerable to infection. Treatment of autoimmune diseases sometimes involves deliberately disabling the immune system, which can place the patient in grave danger if an infectious agent enters the body. When a question seeks confirmation of a theory, and Researchers are not able to offer such confirmation, this often results in an unanswered question. ========== Zinc and Inflammation http://www.answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=363169 You're asking for a medical opinion on a possible interrelationship between zinc and urethral inflammation. Here again, unless a Researcher is able to find evidence confirming your hypothesis, it's likely that the question will remain unanswered. An interesting comment has been posted, however. ========== Need niacin free vitamins http://www.answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=359454 This was a toughie! I spent several hours on it without success. I notice that you have asked Google Answers Researcher hummer-ga to post an answer (which hummer hasn't yet done). Another Researcher is unlikely to override your request. |
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