Hello Pilgrim22-ga,
It's been a while since I started with this project, but I think I
finally reached the shore.
As a search strategy, I used several combinations of the words
"universities" "America OR USA OR United States" "political science"
and "Russian studies".
First, I can show you a list of 21 Universities that I found ranked as
the top ones on the general criterion of "educational effectiveness":
University of Michigan
Yale University
Harvard University
University of California-Berkeley
Stanford University
University of Rochester
University of Minnesota
Princeton University
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Chicago
Massachusetts Inst of Technology
Univ of California-San Diego
Duke University
Univ of California-Los Angeles
Cornell University
U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Indiana University
Ohio State University
Washington University
University of Iowa
Michigan State University
(You asked for the top 20, but the last two match scores).
This ranking was obtained from PhDs.org Science, Math, and Engineering
Career Resources (http://www.phds.org/ ), based on National Research
Council data. You can find it at
But, as I said, this ranking was based on the single, general
criterion of educational effectiveness. You can do better, customizing
your ranking, according to your priorities, by choosing the criteria
yourself at http://www.phds.org/rankings/getWeights.php?d=31
Based on information by the National Research Council, the ranking is
generated according to the weight you give to the following criteria:
Educational Quality Measures
-Educational Effectiveness: Program is effective in educating researchers
-Change in Quality: Program quality has improved recently
-Median Years to Degree: The time required to earn a degree is low
Faculty Reputation and Activity Measures
-Faculty Quality: Scholarly quality of program faculty is high
-% of Faculty Publishing: A large percentage of the faculty has published recently
-Publications/Faculty: The average number of recent publications per
faculty member is high
-Citations/Faculty: The average number of recent citations of
faculty's work is high
-Gini Coefficient for Publications: The distribution of publications
per faculty member is uniform
-Gini Coefficient for Citations: The distribution of citations per
faculty member is uniform
-% Full Professors: A high / low percentage of faculty members are full professors
Program Size Measures
-Total Faculty: Faculty size is large / small
-Total Students: The number of students in the program is large / small
-Ph.D.s Granted: The number of Ph.D.s granted recently is large / small
Funding Measures
-% Faculty with Support: A large percentage of faculty have research support
-% of Ph.D.s with RA's: A large / small percentage of recent Ph.D.s
were supported by research assistantships
-% of Ph.D.s with TA's: A large / small percentage of recent Ph.D.s
were supported by teaching assistantships
Program Composition Measures
-% Female Students: The percentage of female students in the program is high
-% Female Ph.D.s: A large percentage of recent Ph.D.s were granted to women
-% Minority Ph.D.s: A large percentage of recent Ph.D.s were granted
to underrepresented minorities
-% US Citizen Ph.D.s: A large / small percentage of recent Ph.D.s
were granted to U.S. citizens and permanent residents
The system will give you back a ranked list. The one I did for
?educational effectiveness? reached 98 institutions. The sources
mentioned for the ranking were:
1 National Survey of Graduate Faculty
2 Institutional Coordinator Response Data
3 Doctorate Records File
4 Federal Agencies
5 Institute for Scientific Information
Another ranking for the top 100 universities in the field can be
obtained at The Vanguard Rankings (?The top 100 Universities in the
United States ranked by College
Professors?)(http://www.jajnsn.com/socrates/index.html ). From the top
100 ranking for Political Science (classified as ?outstanding?,
?excellent?, ?very good? and ?good?, I post here the top 20, but you
can see the complete list at
Harvard University
University of California Berkeley
Yale University
University of Michigan
Stanford University
University of Chicago
Princeton University
University of California Los Angeles
University of California San Diego
University of Wisconsin Madison
University of Rochester
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Minnesota
Duke University
Cornell University
Columbia University
Ohio State University
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
University of Texas Austin
Indiana University
As is stated in the webpage:
The programs ?were ranked based on nationwide surveys of professors in
Political Science and are an adaptation of data compiled by the
National Research Council (?) these rankings reflect faculty
reputations, largely citation patterns. In other words, the highest
ranked programs in this discipline are those whose faculty research
achievements were the most outstanding?.
?The above list is an adaptation of one of the 41 discipline listings
from Appendix P of Change and Continuity: Research-Doctorate Programs
in the United States (National Academy Press). Programs that placed
below 100 have not been listed. Appendix P was resorted to construct
listings of program majors by university, the framework mathematically
for the Vanguard Rankings.? If you are interested in this source, it?s
available for purchase at the National Academy Press website (see
http://www.nap.edu/catalog/4915.html ).
Conversely to the former service, this one doesn?t have a feature to
customize the ranking by inputting your priorities. In this case, the
parameters are previously fixed, therefore it?s very unlikely that
this ranking matched exactly any of those that could be obtained at
PhDs.org. However, I compared both lists, and despite the relative
positions in them, found 16 coincidences:
University of Michigan
Yale University
Harvard University
University of California-Berkeley
Stanford University
University of Rochester
University of Minnesota
Princeton University
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Chicago
Duke University
Univ of California-Los Angeles
Cornell University
U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Indiana University
Ohio State University
Another famous source for different kind of rankings is the U.S. News
and World Report (http://www.usnews.com/usnews/home.htm ). But for
disciplines others than the ones they classify as , they only list
for free the top 3. In the field of Political Science ? International
Politics (http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/grad/rankings/phdhum/brief/polsp2_brief.php
) they are:
Harvard University (MA)
Stanford University (CA)
Columbia University (NY)
The rest of the ranking is only available if purchasing the Premium
Online Edition. See its description at
If I couldn?t find an actual ranking specifically for Russian Studies,
y did find a list for universities (21 in the USA) who hold programs
in that field, at a page from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology: http://web.mit.edu/slava/guide/inst.htm
Russian Studies Institutions (I post only those in the United States)
Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy.
Bucknell University Russian Studies.
George Washington University Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies.
Columbia University Harriman Institute.
Georgetown University Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies.
Harvard University Davis Center for Russian Studies.
Indiana University?Bloomington Russian and East European Institute.
International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX).
Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies at Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars.
Stanford University Center for Russian and East European Studies.
Stanford University Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace.
University of California?Los Angeles Center for European and Russian Studies.
University of Chicago Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies.
University of Illinois?Urbana-Champaign Russian and East European Center.
University of Kansas Center for Russian and East European Studies.
University of Michigan?Ann Arbor Center for Russian and East European Studies.
University of Pittsburgh Center for Russian and East European Studies.
University of Virginia Center for Russian and East European Studies.
University of Washington Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies Center.
University of Wisconsin?Madison Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia.
Yale University Russian and East European Studies Program.
Ten of them match with universities from the two rankings mentioned above:
Columbia University Harriman Institute.
Harvard University Davis Center for Russian Studies.
Indiana University?Bloomington Russian and East European Institute.
Stanford University Center for Russian and East European Studies.
Stanford University Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace.
University of California?Los Angeles Center for European and Russian Studies.
University of Chicago Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies.
University of Michigan?Ann Arbor Center for Russian and East European Studies.
University of Wisconsin?Madison Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia.
Yale University Russian and East European Studies Program.
Additionally, you might want to visit the forums at College
Confidential (http://www.collegeconfidential.com/index.htm ) There I
found three threads related to the subject you are interested in:
?Political Science Schools?
(http://www.collegeconfidential.com/cgi-bin/discus/show.cgi?4/54790 );
?Best undergrad schools for political science??
(http://www.collegeconfidential.com/cgi-bin/discus/show.cgi?4/77576 );
?Top Political Science Schools??
(http://www.collegeconfidential.com/discus/messages/4/78279.html )
I hope this information meets your needs. For any clarification,
please feel free to ask. Thank you for your question.
Best regards,
Guillermo |