Dear Tony,
The page you are looking for is without a doubt this one:
Webster?s Online Dictionary
Anagrams: Hesitancy
"Words within the letters "a-c-e-h-i-n-s-t-y
-1 letter: asthenic, chanteys, chanties, cyanites
-2 letters: acetins, achiest, aitches, astheny, chaines, chantey,
chasten, cineast, cyanite, cystein, cystine, ethnics, hyaenic,
shantey, sheitan, snatchy, stenchy, sthenia, sthenic.
-3 letters: acetin, actins, antics, ascent, canthi, casein, centai,
centas, chaine, chains, chaise, chants, chanty, chaste, cheats,
chesty, chinas, chines, chints, enacts, enatic, encash, encyst,
ethics, ethnic, hances, hasten, hyenas.
Words containing the letters "a-c-e-h-i-n-s-t-y"
+1 letter: myasthenic, thylacines.
+2 letters: myasthenics.
+3 letters: antihysteric, chatoyancies, thiocyanates, unhysterical.
+4 letters: amphictyonies, antihysterics, lycanthropies,
metaphysician, nonhysterical, parasynthetic, psychasthenia,
psychasthenic, synthetically, unsympathetic.
+5 letters: acetylcholines, anesthetically, cholestyramine,
hedonistically, hypothecations, metaphysicians, psychasthenias,
psychasthenics, thermodynamics, unhysterically."
You might be interested in the Internet Anagram Server as well.
Here's the Google search:
acehinsty +hesitancy
acehinsty anagrams
I hope this helps!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |