I am looking for information about the peace memorial which is at the
intersection of Route 1 and Annapolis Road which is in Bladensburg,
MD. I have already accumalated some stuff about it, but just need a
little more documentated information to complete my research project.
I don't need any more general information about it. However what I
need is a resources of places I can go to get more indepth information
about the monument. I know this sounds kind of weird but I do hope
you know what I mean. |
Request for Question Clarification by
11 Jul 2004 13:31 PDT
What is the official name of the memorial and what do you already know
about it that we should disregard?
Clarification of Question by
12 Jul 2004 05:16 PDT
Thanks for responsing back to me. The official name I believe is the
Peace Memorial. I don't know of any other name that it might go by. I
believe I have provided you (in my earlier e-mail message) everything
that I know about the memorial. As I said before, I am looking for
somewhere I can write to, to get written information about it. If you
could provide me some accurate resources to get some addition
information you"ll get "5 star" and a bonus.
For your information, I have already asked the Prince Georges County
Library, the Prince Georges County history Society, the maryland
military monument commission and the U of maryland. All which had
little to nothing on the subject.
Thank you
Request for Question Clarification by
12 Jul 2004 07:40 PDT
There are a lot of memorials in that area. I didn't find anything
related specifically to a "Peace Memorial". You might inquire as to
it's official name if this is not it, or perhaps some other
significant details related to it that would distinguish it from other
Request for Question Clarification by
12 Jul 2004 08:24 PDT
In researching this, I came across a few postings in a discussion
forum on Prince Georges County history asking about the memorial. The
postings were initiated by one Stephen H____, which I presume is you.
Have you checked these postings? Do you need information beyond what
is offered in the response to your post?
Clarification of Question by
12 Jul 2004 09:02 PDT
Yes, the monument which I am talking about is the "Memorial Peace
Cross". A visitor to Bladensburg, MD can't miss it as it is in the
center of the cross road of Route 1 and Annopolis Road. It is also
exactly located across the road from the Bladensburg, Maryland
Waterfront Park.
Markj-ga. Yes, that is me I am Stephen H_______. My name is spread
around to many different chat boards on the internet as I have been
looking for this answer for quite some time now.
Anyone that is still willing to help me find my answer, I am basically
looking for somewhere I can go to get more written information on the
Hello stephenh-ga,
Here are three potential resources that I beleive will provide
significant additional information on the Peace Cross memorial.
1. First, check back to your old posting that I mentioned above, as
you have a willing PG county historian offering to help:
We have a file on the Peace Cross. Let us know by e-mail whether you
would like to come in to look at it, either at the Historical Society
library, or at my office in Upper Marlboro.
2. Second, there is an unpublished paper on the Peace Cross that was
prepared for PG County's tricentennial:
Peace Cross. Bladensburg, MD: [Unpublished paper]. Available at the FDML...
The FDML in question is the Fred DeMarr Library [FDML], Marietta
Mansion, Bell Station Road, Glenn Dale, MD 20769, 301-464-4590. [Open
Saturdays 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Nothing circulates.]
3. And last (and possibly least, though I wanted to mention it just
the same), you can check in with the Town of Bladensburg, who is
listed as the point of contact for information on the Peace Cross at
the site mentioned by markj-ga in his comment, below:
The phone number in question belongs to the Town of Bladensburg, as
you can see from this website which, coincidentally, features a
picture of the Peace Cross:
Note that there are email addresses at the site as well, with which
you can contact town administrators.
You can also read a bit about the history of the Peace Cross here
(though I imagine you've seen it already):
I beleive these will do the trick for you, but if for any reason you
run into dead ends, just let me know and I'll continue looking for
source material for you.
All the best in your DC-area quests...
search strategy: Google searches on:
[bladensburg map ] used to locate the memorial on the map and find its proper name
["peace cross" bladensburg]
[301-927-7048] |
Request for Answer Clarification by
14 Jul 2004 08:13 PDT
I know that this may sound stupid and dum but I am still not satified
with the amount of information I have about the peace memorial for
some reason.
I am sorry about this. Can someone do a little more research for me
to find me something else. I am willing to raise the research amount
if someone can find me some more information on this subject.
So what do I still want, well I really don't know. Maybe another
written page worth of information about the monument.
Clarification of Answer by
14 Jul 2004 10:28 PDT
We live to serve!
Originally, you were looking for sources of information where you
could do further research (which I trust I provided). Have you
contacted the sources I gave you? And were they able to provide you
additional information?
I'm asking because, in order to provide you more information than you
already have, I have to know what you have. What is your baseline, so
to speak.
Let me know how things worked out with the three sources I provided,
and we'll take it from there.
Request for Answer Clarification by
14 Jul 2004 11:58 PDT
Dam it all, I just was writing you a very long e-mail and I some how lost it.
Anyway to the point I have tired all of the three different idea's you
have given me, without much success.
When I lost my message to you I was saying the following
After you wrote the most recent e-mail I began to think to myself what
is the point for this research. What am I trying to get out of it.
Well, I guess I would answer by saying. "I really don't know." I think
that I am looking for a page or two worth of written information about
the monument but maybe it just isn't out there. Do you kind of know
what I am talking about ? What do you think.
Maybe I should just get something more like the published paper, which
you talked about in item # 2 (if I can get it) and end it there. What
do you think about that. Maybe my goal isn't realistic. Can you give
me any advise ?
Thank you your continued help.
Clarification of Answer by
14 Jul 2004 17:42 PDT
I'm not sure where to go with this at this point...it wasn't clear
from your comments whether you've contacted the sources I found for
you, and if so, whether they were helpful in steering you towards
additional information. In particular, it seems the unpublished paper
on the Peace Cross from the Tricentennial is what would best serve
your needs. Have you had any success in gaining access to this?
I did think of one other source of information that might be of use.
The Maryland State Archives maintains a very helpful site
(cumbersome...but helpful just the same) that can be searched at:
I searched through several options for information on the Peace Cross,
and came across this one item:
AN ACT to request the State Roads Commission to investi-
gate the ownership and possessory rights of the property
at the junction of the Defense Highway and Baltimore
Boulevard in Bladensburg and if there is outstanding
ownership or right of possession in any one to any part
of said tract, to authorize and direct said Commission
to acquire the same and to direct the Board of Public
Works to transfer a sufficient sum to said Commission
for payment of same.
WHEREAS, a controversy has arisen over the ownership
and use of a small tract of land surrounding the Peace
Cross at the junction of the Defense Highway and the
Baltimore Boulevard in Bladensburg, Maryland, and the
use of said land for commercial purposes will create a seri-
ous menace to traffic at this point; and
WHEREAS, The State Roads Commission is deeply con-
cerned about the traffic hazard situation at this junction;
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the State Roads Commission is authorized
and directed to investigate the ownership and possessory
rights of the so-called Casey Tract surrounding the said
Peace Cross at the junction of the Defense Highway and
the Baltimore Boulevard in Bladensburg, and if the said
Commission determines that there is an outstanding own-
ership or right of possession to any part of said tract, it is
authorized and directed to proceed forthwith to acquire the
same by purchase or condemnation.
Somewhere in the bowels of the Archives, there is probably a file on
this controversy, which may be part of the story you are looking for.
All the best,
Request for Answer Clarification by
19 Jul 2004 06:13 PDT
I am sorry that I didn't get back to you on this issue sooner. I have
had very little luck in getting any addition information about this
monument. I have spent a great amout of time on this subject and kind
of feel disappointed that I haven't found anything else. I have come
to the concluison that it might be better if I just let "this sit" for
awhile. What do you think. Do you think, that is a good idea ? Maybe
a bad idea ? Please advise me.
Another thought !
Would you be willing to continue to research this out for me ? I
don't know if you are allow to do this, but maybe you can idenfity me
somehow and we can work off this board if you want too. Is this
possible ? If not, no problem that is fine.. I just thought I would
ask ? I don't want to get either one of us in trouble with
answers.google.com If you know what I mean.
Clarification of Answer by
19 Jul 2004 06:39 PDT
Please, please, PLEEEEEASE, tell me what has happened.
Did you telephone all three sources I gave you? If so, what did they
have to say? Is the unpublished paper lost? Unavailable? No one
knows about it? Were they polite? Rude?
I can only try to help you out if I know what has happened thus
far....so please let me know.
And as for contacting one another outside of Google Answers....I'm
afraid that's strictly verbotten!
Request for Answer Clarification by
19 Jul 2004 07:52 PDT
For the question about the historical Society:
I had been in conversation with the historian for about a month before
I thought about going out and see what they had to offer. She told me
that she had a lot of information and a trip out to the PGCHS would be
worth the effect.
So with that I decided to go out to the historical society. You must
understand that the historical society is located in Upper New
Carrolton and is only open 4 hours a week, Sat (12-4pm) You must also
understand that I don't have a car and my ownly way out there is by
public transportation. So on 6/26 I went out to New Carrolton and
caught a $15.00 cab ride to the PGCHS. When I got out there the stuff
which she showed me was much less than I expected. The stuff she had,
she could have, easily mailed to me without any problem. Although the
historian was very nice her assitants were very rude and very
unknowledgeable about the information which they had in the library.
I thought they were very rude to me and couldn't wait to get me out of
the library. I kind of thought the 2 hours round trip I made from
Bethesda was to New Carrolton was useless.
For the unpublished paper:
I spent a good half of last week writing over a dozens organizations
about trying to get the unpublished paper. Most of everyone gave me a
contact of somone else or somewhere else to write or call too. All I
followed up with, without any success. At this point I was getting
very discouraged.
The town of Bladensburg, town hall:
The town of Bladensburg knew that it existed and they did have some
stuff that they sent me but it was more of a general nature to the
town history not on the monmunet itself. Not very good if you ask me.
So you see that I am kind of very discouraged with this. I feel that I
running around the brush without getting what I want. Maybe the
information I am looking for is just not out there. What do you
think, what can you offer to do to help me with this issue
Once again I will state what I want: It is about 2 pages worth of
information about the Peace memorial.
thank you again
Clarification of Answer by
19 Jul 2004 09:30 PDT
Ouch! It's hard to read about promising resources that don't pan
out...especially when accompanied by a bad attitude on the part of
those who should be helping.
I've done some more searching, and found a few more resources, largely
by avoiding use of the search term "Peace Cross". Apparently, this is
its modern name, but was not commonly used during the days of its
I've also found what is quite possibly the only use of the word
"Countians" in the entire English corpus!
Herewith, some added info, all from the archives of the Washington
Post, and all from 1919, which was apparently an important year of
activities regarding the memorial:
Washington Post
August 7, 1919
Lawn Fete For Memorial
Bladensburg Citizens Will Raise Fund for War Cross
To raise funds for the memorial cross to 54 men of Prince Georges
county, Md., who gave their lives during the war, citizens of
Bladensburg, Md., have completed plans for the lawn fete Saturday
...the cross is to be put up at the intersection of the
Bladensburg-Annaplois and Washington Baltimore boulevards. John R.
Riggles, in charge of the collection of the fund, states that a lawn
fete at Decatur Heights raised more than $200...
August 18, 1919
Walter Reed Patients Help Prince Georges Memorial Fund
Funds for the memorial cross at Bladensburg to honor Prince Georges
county men who died in the war are being rapidly collected and work on
the monument will be started next month, according to John Riggles, of
Hyattsville, chairman of a committee for the memorial...
...Wounded Yanks at Walter Reed Hospital have sent numerous donations
and letters of sympathy for the mothers and other bereaved relatives
of Prince Georges county soldiers. Many of the wounded Yanks have
subscribed all their funds. Private Lewis Guirette, of Louisiana, who
lost a let and an arm, was one of the contributors...
August 9, 1919
To Be sold at Bladensburg Lawn Parth for War Memorial
A lawn party to raise funds for the memorial to be erected in honor of
the soldiers of Prince Georges county who lost their lives in the war
will be given tonight in front of the schoolhouse at Bladensburg,
Md...A gift from Miss Margaret Wilson will be sold at auction. A
26-piece band will furnish the music...
June 8, 1919
The National Defense Highway, between Bladensburg and Annaplois, will
be dedicated byut the citizens of Prince Georges county, Md., to the
memory of the dead soldiers, sailors and marines. A calvary cross, 20
feet high, will be erected at Bladensburg and the names of the county
heroes will be inscribed on a bronze tablet...
It is planned to have the dedication exercises within the next few
weeks. Gov. Harrington will spread the first concrete. Mrs. Edgar
Brown is in charge of the committee on arrangements. Secretary of War
Baker, Secretary of the Navy Daniles, members of Congress and other
prominetn men will be invited to attend...
July 11, 1919
Prince Georges Countians Plan Seaplane Flight to Aid Fund
A naval searplane flight from Washington to Chesapeake Beach may be a
feature of Prince Georges county memorial day...Arrangements for the
flight now are being made with the Navy Department. It is proposed
that the plane shall carry messages from Secretary Baker and
Daniels...regarding the erection of the big sacrifice cross at
Bladensburg...The excursion is for the benefit of the fund to erect
the cross...
Hope this helps.
Clarification of Answer by
19 Jul 2004 12:28 PDT
Hit the motherlode. Turns out there's another newspaper article
(Washington Post, again) that pretty much is what you're looking for
-- a 1-2 page summary of the creation of the memorial.
I've included excerpts below, and a librarian should be able to help
you obtain the full article, which I highly recommend you get a copy
Washington Post
July 13, 1925
Representative Gambrill Asks Former Soldiers to Outlaw War
Mrs. Bradley Snyder Unveils Monument
Memorial is Work of John D. Early; Parade Precedes Ceremony
That future generations passing through Bladensburg, Md., may be
reminded of the 49 young men of Prince Georges county who made the
supreme sacrifice in the world war, an unadorned cross 40 feet high at
the fork of the Baltimore pike and the Annapolis memorial highway was
dedicated yesterday afternoon. Ceremonies were held under the
auspices of the Snyder-Farmer post American Legion of Bladensburg
which is composed of the survivors of the Fourth Maryland regiment.
...That war be forever outlawed was the keynote appeal of
Representative Stephen W. Gambrill of...Maryland..."You men of Prince
Georges county fought for the sacred right of all to live in peace and
security and by the token of this cross, symbolic of Calvary, let us
keep fresh the memory..."
...the cross was unveiled by Mrs. Bradley A. Snyder...assisted by John
H. Hiser, commander of the local legion post.
...at the base of the monument...a bronze tablet 8 by 2 1/2 feet on
which are inscribed the names of the 49 soldiers...
...at the bottom of the tablet...a quotation from President Woodrow Wilson...
...On the four sides...are the words "Valor", "Endurance", "Courage", "Devotion"...
...It was constructed at a cost of $10,000 by John D. Early...
Request for Answer Clarification by
20 Jul 2004 05:40 PDT
Thank you very much pafalafa, I won't know if this is the exact thing
I want until I can get a copy of the article in my hands. But it
probably is the thing that I am looking for.
One more thing, I thought for some reason that maybe the American
Legion Post in Bladensburg, MD might have something on the monument.
I know that it has been a very long time since it was dedicated but I
thought this might be a good chance since they were the one's who
dedicated it. What do you think, do you think this is possible ?
Anyhow thank you for the very hard work you have done on this so far for me.
Clarification of Answer by
20 Jul 2004 06:30 PDT
Tell you what. Take a look at the full article I found, as I really
think it will be what you're looking for. But if you're still
yearning for additional info, then give the Legion Post a call.
If you come up empty-handed, then let me know...I know there are
additional articles to be found in the Washington Post, but
unfortunately, each one that I retrieve costs me money, so there is a
limit as to what I can provide.