I wonder what branch of engineering your friend did for his first
degree to have choices as diverse as bioengineering and IT? I'm
personally a biochemical engineer, I have done the degree, masters and
now about to finish my PhD, so I think I can relate to your friend's
situation. So here are my answers to the questions you posed:
A. It really depends on his first degree. I think that even if he was
to do a masters (which is primarily used for switching into a
different field) it needs to be related. i.e. biochemistry degree to
do a chemical engineering masters to become a chemical engineer, etc.
There have to be some elements of the degree in the masters, you
cannot go from business into chemical engineering via a masters - even
if you are accepted academically, you won't be accepted industrially.
As far as I know there are something like 60 branches of engineering -
the most popular would be: aeronautical, mechanical, eletrical,
chemical, civil, biochemical, environmental.
B/C/D: 1. Just go into industry and get an engineering job in his
first degree. Depends on the engineering, but you are more of less
trained up from scratch in an actual project from day 1. It'll start
with something basic e.g. simple mass balances as a process engineer,
and eventually you'll acrue the skills needed to do more complex work.
In the UK starting salaries range from £18k-£26k depending on the
branch of engineering. You'll need to convert that for the US
2. Masters and convert to another related branch of engineering, then do above.
3. Patent agent/examination. This means helping a client draft a
patent/looking at patent (copyright) applications for novel inventions
and seeing whether this is i. novel, ii. can be built and understood
by an experienced person in the field. This also involves liaising
with the company/individual involved and relaying this application to
the patent attorney. Starting salary ranges from £22-£25K.
4. Patent attorney. Requires 3-5 years studying patent law. I think
in this country you would have to finance yourself. Role involves
evaluating patents and discussing the patent from a law perspective
with the client and drafting it for different regions i.e. US, Europe,
Asia. Salary is high, one patent agent I met recently quoted
£200-£260 per hour.
5. (Prerequisite - PhD + "x" years post-doc experience) - Academia
(lecturing). A lecturer not only lectures to undergraduates but runs
his/her own research group - supervisory and financial (i.e. grant
applications/bids) and maybe involved with student intakes at
different levels (undergraduates/masters/phds). Starting salary
£30k-£40k depending on univeristy.
6. (Prerequisite - PhD) - Research. Duties depend on the research
involved, but will obviously involve work in a lab. Salaries are low
in UK.
7. Finance/accounting. With or without a PhD. Finance - £35K-£50K
starting salary, accounting £25K.
As a PhD student I must challenge this stereotype of PhD's as boring
people chained to the lab-bench. The type of PhD you will be depends
on 2 factors: i. how demanding your individual project will be. ii.
you as a person. I'm in my final year now at UCL (London). I happen
to be one of the better performing PhD students in the department -
and my time is quite flexible, I'm usually in the lab/office 2-3 times
a week, the other 2-3 days I spend writing up or pursuing other
activities. However, I have a life outside of uni. I party a lot,
socialise with my friends outside of uni, and even organise events for
friends and the local young ethnic community. There are loads of
social clubs and societies at Uni, it's up to the individual to
explore what's available.
On a final note I think your friend should seriously consider what it
is he wants to do before entering into his masters and PhD. A PhD is
not required if he doesn't want to be a researcher or a lecturer.
Even if he does, a Masters is not required if its the same branch of
engineering. I personally wouldn't recommend an MBA. These are
generally obtained once you join a company, rather than you going
through the course yourself. I don't think it would sell very well
for employment.
Best of luck! |