The short answer is Yes. Companies with more than 100 employees have
to file Equal Opportunity reports under the federal Civil Rights Act
and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The reports cover race,
gender, disabilities, and several other categories.
The federal requlations regarding Equal Opportunity Employment laws
can be found here:
and the specific regulations pertaining to reporting requirements is here:
1602 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements under title VII and the ADA
and even more specifically, here:
ADA--Table of Contents
Subpart B--Employer Information Report
Sec. 1602.7 Requirement for filing of report.
On or before September 30 of each year, every employer that is
subject to title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and
that has 100 or more employees shall file with the Commission or its
delegate executed copies of Standard Form 100, as revised (otherwise
known as ``Employer Information Report EEO-1'') in conformity with the
directions set forth in the form and accompanying instructions.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec. 1602.14, every such employer
shall retain at all times at each reporting unit, or at company or
divisional headquarters, a copy of the most recent report filed for each
such unit and shall make the same available if requested by an officer,
agent, or employee of the Commission under the authority of section 710
of title VII. Appropriate copies of Standard Form 100 in blank will be
supplied to every employer known to the Commission to be subject to the
reporting requirements, but it is the responsibility of all such
employers to obtain necessary supplies of the form from the Commission
or its delegate prior to the filing date.
[37 FR 9219, May 6, 1972, as amended at 56 FR 35755, July 26, 1991]
Other sections of the regulations provide details on the types of
information to be reported, as well as penalties for failing to
Before rating this answer, please let me know if you need any
additional information. Just post a Request for Clarification, and
I'll be happy to assist you further.
search strategy: Google search on [ EEOC ], followed by perusal of
the EEOC website. |