Yes, test results indicate that the Mosquito Magnet really does work
(i.e., catches mosquitoes).
Consumer Reports is one of the most highly respected consumer product
testing and review organizations. They put the Mosquito Magnet to the
test and found that it did work.
From Consumer Reports:
"We ran each trap for 20 hours, half of that time in the dark, then
recorded the number and species of mosquitoes caught in each device.
...By the end of its 20 hours, the Magnet Liberty had caught about
three-fourths of the mosquitoes...
Recommendations. Our tests were conducted in a lab, not outdoors.
Still, they indicate that if traps are continuously operated under the
right circumstances, they can reduce the number of mosquitoes in your
yard. Our top choice, the Mosquito Magnet Liberty, $500, performed
well and was easy to use..."
Source: Consumer Reports, May 2003, posted on the Mantel's Forum web site:
The Consumer Reports' test was also reported on CNN:
"After releasing 2,000 mosquitoes in a 25 by 30 foot room, the
Consumer Union says they found these two captured the most bugs.
American Biophysics Mosquito Magnet Liberty and the Lentek Mosquito
Trap. Both generate carbon dioxide and warmth by burning propane."
KPRC-Houston did its own test of the Mosquito Magnet... giving the
machines to a women's shelter and two families. The testers found
that, yes, the Mosquito Magnet does work.
See: Mosquito Killing Machine Tested
Also see several " Independent Tests" mentioned on Mosquitomagnet.com:
There are also some positive and negative user reviews of the Mosquito
Magnet on inc.com
search strategy:
"mosquito magnet" "consumer reports"
"mosquito magnet works"
"mosquito magnet * not work"
I hope this helps. |