Hi there,
Morocco is actively trying to get more foreign investment in the
country and allows foreign investment in nearly everything. According
to the Morocco Country Commercial Guide FY 2003, the only thing that
foreign investment is restricted in is phosphate mining.
Morocco Country Commercial Guide FY 2003: Invest Climate
As well, according to a Moroccan reference page, "contrary to most
other Middle Eastern bourses, there are no restrictions on foreign
investment through the Moroccan stock market...(additionally,) there
are no activities for which foreign investment is prohibited or
restricted except phosphate mining and fishing (with respect to the
latter, foreigners are restricted to a minority interest)."
Reach4 Morocco: Reference source for Morocco.
So, to answer your question more specifically, this means that there
is no maximum ownership level for Moroccan banks. Indeed, a .pdf
document on the British Arab Commercial Bank site notes that
"commercial banks established in the country are allowed to have
foreign majority ownership"
I hope this information answers your question! If not, please feel
free to ask for clarification.
Search criteria:
morocco bank ownership
://www.google.ca/search?q=morocco+bank+ownership |