Hi collegestudent-ga,
There are a very large number of cement producers worldwide. (Indeed,
there are even a large number of cement industry associations
Given the price you have listed for your question, I assume that you
do not want me to list contact information for every cement producer
in the world. This would be a difficult task even for a $200
Rather, I will provide the largest and best lists of cement producers
that I have found. I could find no lists that were limited
specifically to Portland cement or cement clinker, but it appears that
many and perhaps most producers make at least one of these products.
Three of these lists contain links to the web sites of concrete
The most comprehensive list appears to be on CemNet; click on
"Industry Contacts", and then click on "Producers" for each part of
the world.
The lists from F.L.Smidth and Cement Forum overlap each other to a
significant degree, but each has links that the other doesn't. The
F.L.Smidth page appears to have a more updated set of links. (If you
click on a link and get nothing, you might try modifying the address
to search just for the home page.)
"Links to the World of Cement: Cement Producers"
"Cement Producers and Associated Industries: Producers of Cement"
Cement Forum
Another site has basic information, including addresses and telephone
numbers, for cement producers all over the world. (For some
producers, especially in developing countries, the site provides only
a name, and no other information -- but at least its a start.)
Global Cement Information System (go to bottom of page, and click on
the links under "Cement Companies")
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
"portland cement"
"cement clinker"
[in various combinations with]
links |