Hey TR,
I'm terrible at finding statistics but I remembered the Dupont
Registry from an earlier question I worked on so I plugged in "Dupont
Registry + demographics" on Google. Both of these magazines listed
below might be a supra-niche and not be in the Top 35 as far as total
Dupont Registry
Average age 42
$315,000 Average HHI
$2,200,000 Average net worth
And this tidbit seemed especially pertinent for your needs:
86% of Dupont Registry's readers have contacted at least one
advertiser in the past year.
"More than 28,000 upscale consumers subscribe to at least one of the
DuPont Registry monthly magazines: Fine Boats, Fine Automobiles, and
Fine Homes. Subscribers, 80% of whom are male, have an average
household income of $2.2 million, an average income of $315,000, and
an average age of 42."
Cost: $125/M
You or another researcher might be able to do some further extraction
from that link.
Also, here are some details on Worth:
Worth is written for affluent families who have an average household
income of $1 million and an average net worth upwards of $5 million.
Some contact info:
CurtCo Media Group Offices
575 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10022
212 230 0200 tel
212 230 0201 fax
CurtCo Robb Media
Robb Report
1185 Avenue of the Americas, 22nd floor
New York, NY 10036
212 201 1111 tel
212 201 1112 fax
CurtCo Robb Media
The Robb Report Collection
One Acton Place
Acton, MA 01720
800 229 7622 tel
978 264 7500 tel
978 264 7501 fax
CurtCo Robb Group Corporate Headquarters
29160 Heathercliff Road, Suite 200
Malibu, CA 90265
310 589 7700 tel
310 589 7701 fax
Your questions rarely go unanswered but this one is going to take some
time and patience. Hang in there....
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