What are the current political, economic, and social situations
affecting Career and Technical Education in the U.S. (and in Georgia
would be a big plus). This includes government funding issues (only
current though -- within 1-2 years), and public attitudes toward
Career and Technical Information (also known as vocational education
and CTE). Short bulleted answers will do, but with those answers I'm
looking for links to reliable sources from which I can derive deeper
answers -- I just need the head start and links. Any statistics about
enrollment in CTE courses over time and/or recently would be great.
Any other "issues" that you can include would be much appreciated.
This research is to help me with a 10 page paper that asks the
questions stated in the first sentence above, so please keep that in
mind -- i need to be able to cite sources. Reliable websites are
great, but links to journal articles are even better. |