Through exposure to air and heat Zinc Oxide can change to Zinc
Carbonate, the reverse is also true. Specifically how does this
process occur? What is the time frame in which the change occurs?
What amount of exposure causes this change? Who is the world?s expert
on these chemical reactions? |
Clarification of Question by
20 Jul 2004 08:27 PDT
(1) what period of time would be required for zinc oxide to convert to
zinc carbonate if the zinc oxide is exposed solely to normal
atmospheric conditions?
(2) what studies exist with regard to the temperatures needed to cause
the conversion of zinc carbonate to zinc oxide?
(3) what is meant by "mass action" with regard to the conversion of
zinc oxide to zinc carbonate and zinc carbonate to zinc oxide based on
exposure to normal atmospheric conditions?
(4) what authors are recognized as authorities on the subject of zinc
carbonate and zinc oxide?
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Jul 2004 18:08 PDT
Hello -
Would you be interested in contact information for a seasoned
consultant who could address all of these, and possibly more
questions? I think I have found such a person.
Clarification of Question by
27 Jul 2004 08:28 PDT
I am very interested in recieving their contact information.
Thank you very much.
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Jul 2004 12:51 PDT
I have found some information on this subject but I haven't found
anything on a specific timeframe for the process you describe. Are you
still interested in the information that I have? It is largely
techinical info on the chemical reactions involved.
Are you more interested in the chemistry of the process, ie. in a lab,
or the process as it occurs in nature, ie. zinc oxide forming
crystalized zinc carbonate or smithsonite. Please clarify a bit and
I'll try and supply you with a satisfactory answer soon.
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Jul 2004 20:10 PDT
Hello elliot323 -
The consultant I have found is seasoned and connected in the zinc
industry, and has the wherewithal to find/research specific answers to
these questions, amongst others. He would charge you a consultancy
fee above and beyond what you would pay here for an answer to this
question (which you have currently set at $200). He charges $200 per
hour for his time, which you can work with him to limit.
Would you like me to post his contact information as a direct answer
to your question?
Thank you,
Clarification of Question by
02 Aug 2004 12:26 PDT
I would like to get the contact information and $200.00 and hour for
the expert's time is a reasonable charge. I would also like to
receive the information which was obtained in the Google search by you
and am happy to pay for those materials. How should I proceed next to
obtain the contact information and to receive the materials from your
Request for Question Clarification by
02 Aug 2004 21:02 PDT
Hi elliot323 -
There's actually two researchers communicating with you (adiloren-ga
and myself, jbf777-ga) simultaneously, so it may be a little
confusing. You can see who wrote each message to you by looking at
the name above each message. Only one researcher can officially post
an answer to your question. I (jbf777-ga) am the researcher with the
contact information for the consultant. Adiloren-ga is the researcher
with the chemical process-oriented, technical information on zinc.
Only one of us can post an answer to this question, so you'll have to
post a second question on the service. Are you OK with me answering
this present question with solely the contact information for the