Hi aasqomt-ga,
Thank you for your question.
Batterers Programs in the DC area
Family and Child Services (Metropolitan Washington Area)
Contact: Ann McCombs
202-289-1510 x180; 202-371-0863 (Fax)
929 L St. NW, DC
Areas Served: Metropolitan Washington Area
Special Requirements: All populations: men and women, court-ordered
and voluntary clients; English-speaking only
Kind of Program: Domestic Violence Batterers Program:
Psycho-educational treatment group for batterers;
Anger Mgmt. Classes: day and evening groups; weekly classes
Program Length: Batterers Program: 22 weeks; Anger Mgmt: 10 weeks
Fees: BatterersProgram:$30 init.; sliding scale thereafter
Anger Mgmt.: $40 per session or sliding scale
CSOSA Domestic Violence Intervention Program
Contact: Patrick Ifedi 202-675-9198; Cathleen Addison 202-675-9196
Areas Served: Must be DC resident or ordered by DC court for violence
against intimate partner; separate family violence program
Special Requirements: Must have CPO, deferred sentence or Prob. Order;
groups for Eng./Span. Sp men & women; Interpreters available for other
Kind of Program: Duluth Power and Control Educational Model; weekly
group sessions; individual sessions if interpreter is needed
Program Length: 22 weeks partner violence; 18 weeks; family violence
Fees: $40 init session, $20 after or sliding scale
Comments: Monday - Thursday (AM & eve. hrs.) and Saturdays
Family Crisis Center of Prince George?s County
Contact: Hotline: 301-731-1203
Main #: 301-779-2100
Areas Served: Metropolitan Washington Area
Special Requirements: All populations - men and women, court-ordered
and voluntary clients; Sp. Speaking classes available
Kind of Program: Anger Management - weekly group sessions
Program Length: 24 weeks
Fees: Sliding scale
Comments: Orientation: Wed. at 5:45 PM
Compassion Power
Contact: Steven Stosny, PhD
16220 Frederick Ave, #404
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Areas Served: Any
Special Requirements: All populations - men and women, court-ordered
and voluntary clients; English- speaking only
Kind of Program: Anger Management: weekly group therapy
Program Length: 12 weeks
Fees: $35 per session plus $20 wkbk; or sliding scale
Comments: Also offers individual consultation, teaching training, workshops
Afro-American Counseling & Psychotherapy Institute
Contact: 202-723-0030
7826 Eastern Ave, NW, LL-18
Areas Served: Any
Special Requirements: All populations - men and women, court-ordered
and voluntary clients; English- speaking only
Kind of Program: Individual and/or couples counseling for batterers;
conducted from anger mgmt perspective
Program Length: Open-ended
Fees: $50 Ind.; $95 Couple; no sliding scale
Violence Intervention Program - Arlington Co.
Contact: Barbara Walker
703-228-1515; Hotline 702-228-4848 3033
Wilson Blvd, 500A
Arlington, VA 22201
Fees: Sliding Scale
Crisis Intervention Center
Contact: Hotline 301-855-1075; Janet Scott 301-855-1353 975
Solomons Island Rd
Prince Frederick, MD 20639
Areas Served: Calvert Co. resident
Special Requirements: All populations - men and women, court-ordered
and voluntary clients; English- speaking only
Kind of Program: Abuser Intervention Program for male batterers;
Anger Mgmt. Classes for men and women and adolescents
Program Length: 24 weeks
Fees: $25 init.; $20 per session after, or sliding scale
Best regards,
tlspiegel |