Hi kdk1966,
Diverticulosis is a condition with pouch-like protrusions
(diverticuli) in the colon, and stress might result in the formation
of diverticuli.
Jackson Gastroenterology - Diverticulosis & Diverticulitis
"It is known that emotional stress can increase spasms of the colon
and, perhaps, result in the formation of diverticuli. Stress should be
controlled and treated if necessary. Also, medications can be used to
decrease spasm in the colon."
Diverticulosis & Diverticulitis
Treatment of Diverticulosis
"Diverticulosis may be preventable. As noted, fiber, bran and roughage
should be an important part of the diet. Certain types of fiber, such
as wheat bran retain large quantities of water. This, in turn,
provides a bulkier stool. This type of large, soft stool may help
decrease the pressure in the bowel over time. Bulking agents are
available in drug stores and can be effective. The generic names for
some of these products are psyllium and methycellulose. Bran and fiber
can be found in very palatable forms in many cereals, breads and other
foods. Generally, a daily intake of 20 to 30 grams is recommended,
beginning at a young age. It is known that emotional stress can
increase spasms of the colon and, perhaps, result in the formation of
diverticuli. Stress should be controlled and treated if necessary.
Also, medications can be used to decrease spasm in the colon. Surgery
may be needed to remove the diseased portion of the colon when
diverticulitis occurs at an early age or when there are recurrent
episodes. When surgery is done in a non-emergency situation, a
colostomy is usually not needed."
An Illustration of Diverticulosis can be seen at:
Diverticulosis articles, support groups, and resources
keyword search:
emotional stress worsens diverticulosis
Best regards,
tlspiegel |