There there are no direct familial ties between Vannevar Bush and George W. Bush.
"From the history to the future of scientific achievement, the author
(Dr Vannevar Bush - no relation to the US President) considers the
motivations for study and the movement against development in
ethically dicey or financially unprofitable areas of science."
Joanne Jacobs: April 30, 2004
"...some prominent Americans? family names are Bush, including:
*Members of the politically prominent Bush family: ** U.S. President
2001-, George W. Bush ** his father, U.S. President 1989-1993, George
Herbert Walker Bush ** his brother, American governor Jeb Bush|John
Ellis ?Jeb? Bush ** his wife, Wife of George W. Bush (First Lady
2001-), Laura Welch Bush ** his daughters, Daughters of George W. Bush
Barbara and Jenna Bush ** his grandfather, American senator and
financier Prescott Bush * unrelated to the political Bush family:
**American scientist Vannevar Bush **Musician Kate Bush..."
JD Hodges Posters: Bush
"On January 30, 1991, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of the
coalition forces, said that Patriots had aimed at 33 Scud missiles and
shot down all of them. Touring Raytheon's Andover plant on February
15, President George Bush, who is not related to Vannevar, proclaimed,
'Forty-two Scuds engaged, 41 intercepted' and 'Thank God for the
Patriot missile."
CorpWatch: US: Missile-Blower
And finally, the ultimate authority on the matter: this comes from a
speech by former President George H.W. Bush:
"In the 1945 report that led to the founding of the NSF, the National
Science Foundation, Vannevar Bush -- no relation -- wrote that "As
long as scientists are free to pursue the truth wherever it may lead,
there will be a flow of new scientific knowledge to those who can
apply it to practical problems."
Bush Library: Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the National
Medals of Science and Technology, November 13, 1990
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: george bush "vannevar bush" relation OR related
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