Everyone of these is a little different, so to start this I'm going to
give you a config based of yours. It should connect you up. If it
does, great, I'll write up some reasons why it works so you'll have a
better understanding in the future. If it doesn't, that's okay too,
but post a clarification and we'll try again with a few changes that
might work.
So, just block and copy this into your smb.conf, and restart. Make the
chnage in on the XP machie, making your Group name Caps .. in your
case ECS, and restart that machine as well. Try to log in. If it
works, then log out, and try another user, if that works, try all the
users. When something breaks, let me know.
#======================= Global Settings =====================================
# change this ecg on your XP's to ECG as well in caps
workgroup = ECG
server string = Samba Server
hosts allow = 192.168.1. 127.0.0.
printcap name = /etc/printcap
load printers = yes
printing = cups
; guest account = pcguest
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 100
security = user
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
unix password sync = Yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *New*password* %n\n *Retype*new*password* %n\n
pam password change = yes
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
#Put in your InterFace IP on your SAMBA server here
# I know it says you only need this if you have more than
# one IP card, but, let's go with this for right now
# and see if we get solid connection
interfaces =
# Put in the IP's of the XP boxes here, again, humor me.
remote announce =
local master = yes
domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
dns proxy = no
#============================ Share Definitions ==============================
;idmap uid = 16777216-33554431
; idmap gid = 16777216-33554431
; template shell = /bin/false
; password server = None
; security = SHARE
;guest ok = yes
; winbind use default domain = no
comment = Home Directories
; valid users = %S
browseable = yes
writeable = yes
comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = yes
printable = yes
comment = Temporary file space
path = /tmp
writeable = yes
valid users = ftp,elaine,rturner,richard,@ECG
; guest ok = yes
#I'm guessing you have this guest in here for testing?
# because, it doesn't make much sense to have 'valid users'
#declared with guesk ok as well. (??)
#I know it says that apostrophe's in here are okay, but
# for now, let's take them out.
comment = rturners home
path = /home/rturner
writeable = yes
; guest ok = yes
valid users = elaine,richard,ftp,rturner,@ECG
webadept-ga |
Clarification of Answer by
18 Jul 2004 11:39 PDT
Hmm.. That passwd chat line wrapped, that's all one line.
there are also some notes in there I didn't mention above. Go through
this file reading my notes and alter as I requested. There's just a
few. The main one is putting in the IP address of your Fedora box, the
second is putting in the IPs of our XP boxes.
Request for Answer Clarification by
19 Jul 2004 19:30 PDT
Hi, I edited smb.conf with all your settings and added all the IP
addresses of all the computers, even the Samba Server. All the XP
machines are members of the ECG (all caps) workgroup. I'm sitting at
the Fedora Core2 machine and I can now connect to the Elaine Computer
to her shared directories. I can't connect to the 2 other XP
machines, but instead of getting a message that there's some serious
network problem and to run a tcpdump, I'm at least getting a login
screen. I login and then get a message that the connection was
unexpectedly terminated. That's an improvement though :-). It's
late; tomorrow I'll go to the basement and see if the two XP machines
down there can connect to the Samba Server. But the reason I'm
writing is that when I shutdown SMB and restart it, I am getting one
error, shutting down the NMB server. That fails during shutdown, but
when I run restart, both the NMB and SMB servers show success. Thank
Clarification of Answer by
20 Jul 2004 00:04 PDT
--" am getting one
error, shutting down the NMB server. That fails during shutdown, but
when I run restart, both the NMB and SMB servers show success. Thank
Well don't thank me too fast here.. cause it sounds like NMB is lieing
to you. The daemons have an odd thing about starting up, and then
dieing very quitely. So it is probably dieing as soon as it starts,
right after it gives you that message. To check this use this command
ps -ef | grep nmb
if it doesn't show you a line that says nmb is running (make sure the
one you are lookng at isn't your grep statement running) then that
puppy is dead. Which leads us to something more is happening than the
samba.conf file. Something isn't installed right or something is
Let's back off this and go with some basics. First off, we need to
check your firewall, unless you didn't install that (??) Next we need
to get apt-get installed on there, because it is much easier to deal
with than RPM. And then we need to run the apt-get update, and have it
check out your system. After that, we are going to uninstall samba,
reinstall samba, and also install samba-client. Then we are going to
see if we can connect to ourselves to start with, and keep those
daemons running. Until we can do those two things, bringin XP into the
nest is just going to tangle us up. So, let's clear some wood and get
things straight, and stable and then move forward.
First, we are just going to turn off the firewall if it is on. We'll
come back to that. In your KDE or Gnome, under System Settings
normally, find the utility called Security Level. If you can't find
it, just open up konsole and type in system-config-securitylevel ..
that will start it. There is an option select at the top to disable
the firewall. Now, don't go getting exceited, lets get this done all
the way through.
Next download and install apt-get (if you've never used this little
util, you are going to love it). You can get it off the Fedora website
Download that then type in
rpm --install apt-get*.rpm
That will take only a second or two. Once it is installed type in
apt-get update
that will run for much longer as it makes a library of all the rpms
available to you. When that is done, type in
apt-get dist-upgrade
That will run even longer.
Why are we not using up2date ? because up2date downloads everything
and then you have to install it, apt-get finds everything you need,
shows you the list, asks if you wnat to install it, and then does
every thing else. I've also had much less problems with apt-get than
with up2date. Manybe my tolerance of little bugs has just really
gotten low over the years, but I would rather use something that works
all the way through, and that I don't have to go cheking on every
install to see that it didn't do something I didn't want it too.
Let that run and down load the most stable versions it can find.
That's going to take a bit, so lets find out a few things about the
system (show you around a bit.... I don't know if your are new to
linux at all, if you aren't then just take this with a grain of salt.
If you are, here's some things you need ot know about.)
While that up2date is running open another konsole. (if you are using
KDE, you can use Alt-F2 and type in konsole.. I like that short cut.
okay, type in
cd /var/log
this is your log directory, it is where the sysetm tells you what is
going on. Messages are things that happen, like that daemon nmb dieing
on us. So let's take a look and see if there is anything going on in
there with nmb type in
cat messages | grep nmb
cat catonates the file 'messages' to the screen, our | pipe intersepts
those lines of text and sends them to grep, which is a filter type
program, and we told it there we only want to see lines in the at file
that have nmb in them.
See if there is anything in there that scares the heck out of you.. is
there ? good.. okay,.. everyone should get a little scared the first
Now, lets to the samething with security, only looking for 'attempted'
basically looking for attempted logins.
cat security | grep attempted
try that wih your XP's IP addresses and names as well.. in messages
and in security. This will give you a feel for what is happening, if
it doesn't just come right out and tell you. I'm not that worried
about it right now, since we are going to do an update.. is that
apt-get done yet? Should have at the very least updated your kernal.
If it is, go back to that screen, copy your smb.conf to smb.conf.back
and type in
apt-get remove samba
that won't take long. It will also tell you it's making a back up of
your config file as well. (I don't trust anything to do that though)
now, type in
apt-get install samba
apt-get install samba-devel
apt-get install samba-client
Now, at this point we have thrown on so many new libraries and kernals
and daemons, that we are going to shut down and restart. type in
init 6
and wait for the boot.
Back? Good.. I was geting bored here.
Okay, let's see if Samba is running first
ps -ef | grep smb
anything? if not type in
/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start
that should do it now
ps -ef | grep smb
anything? I hope so, cause if you don't have it now, then I'm probably
not going to be able to help you in this medium. But let's just say
you have it and move on.
Now type in
findsmb -r yourIPaddress
You should get something back there. if you don't then copy the
smb.conf.back to smb.conf and restart, then try that again. you should
get something like
[root@rabbit samba]# findsmb -r
--------------------------------------------------------------------- RABBIT *[NETHOME] [Unix] [Samba 3.0.3-5]
If we get that at least the server is up and responding to calls.
Let's say it is, because the alternative is just too horible to
one last final little test type in
smbclient --list localhost
then your root password (you are signed on as root, correct(??)
Now that one should list every share you have and a few other things.
If all that worked then we can get this thing up and running. If some
or all of them did not work, then let me know what they were and the
errors you got, but don't expect much .. I may have to bow out of the
question at that point.
By the way, in /var/log/samba there will be a few log files in there,
check those if one of these fail, (the logs will be the local or root
logs. depending on how you present yourself.
I have to run, but I'll be back. Check those, let me know and we'll
deal with it as it comes.
Request for Answer Clarification by
20 Jul 2004 07:15 PDT
I'm about half way through your list, up to
apt-get dist-upgrade
I'm getting a message that I need to run
apt-get -f install
because fetchmail, mdadm and mutt have unresolved dependencies,
specifically smtpdaemon
*Before* I do that, will it reinstall sendmail? I'm running qmail on
my system as a mail server and I don't want to break it. It was
complicated to install and configure and it involved uninstalling
sendmail and postfix. Mutt works just fine, btw.
Clarification of Answer by
20 Jul 2004 08:22 PDT
Hmmm.. this is sort of what I was looking for really, to see if there
was something amiss with your setup. My question at this point is
'how' did you remove sendmail and postfix? Both of them shouldn't have
been installed at the same time .. should they? .. I'll check on that.
I've always had one or the other on the system, .. course I can't
think of a reason not to have both there, .. one would have to be
domaint however. .. I'll have to check,, but let's do this, and write
me back on how you uninstalled. when you can, it will help later.
apt-get remove sendmail
apt-get remove postfix
Make a copy of all your configs for qmail, just in case that we do
something later that might affect that.. by the way, you should make a
copy of all your config files, regardless of your systems state, they
simply represent way too many hours tweaking things, not to. Just
about every config is in /etc or a sub directory of /etc
Also, lets check the hosts file and make sure that your IP address is
a local one while we are here.
cat /etc/hosts
if there is an address in there with your host name that is not a
192.168 address, then we need to fix that as well.
back to your question --"Before* I do that, will it reinstall
sendmail? " Well, let's find out .. use the -s switch, this tells
apt-get to do a simulation and report what it would do if we were
doing it for real.
apt-get -s -f install
see what it does and let me know. .. and make those backups.
Clarification of Answer by
20 Jul 2004 09:10 PDT
By the way, the -f switch is the 'Force' switch, which basically means
you don't care what problems apt-get thinks it has, do it anyway..
which is rarely a good idea, unless you are quite sure you understand
what you are forcing.
According to the man(that's unix speak for help) file for apt-get
---" upgrade
upgrade is used to install the newest versions of all packages
currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in
/etc/apt/sources.list. Packages currently installed with new
versions available are retrieved and upgraded; under no circum-
stances are currently installed packages removed, or packages
not already installed retrieved and installed. New versions of
currently installed packages that cannot be upgraded without
changing the install status of another package will be left at
their current version. An update must be performed first so that
So that's a bit comforting isn't it. our apt-get remove sendmail
should keep that from being installed for upgrade, let's check
--" dist-upgrade
dist-upgrade, in addition to performing the function of upgrade,
also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new ver-
sions of packages; apt-get has a "smart" conflict resolution
system, and it will attempt to upgrade the most important pack-
ages at the expense of less important ones if necessary. The
/etc/apt/sources.list file contains a list of locations from
which to retrieve desired package files. See also apt_prefer-
ences(5) for a mechanism for overriding the general settings for
individual packages.
okay, looks like it might be possible that sendmail is installed if
apt-get feels you really need that.. our -s switch before should have
told us if it does think so
apt-get -s dist-upgrade
see if sendmail is in our list.
man apt_preferances
is a good read, but nothing we need to get into right now, i'll let
you play with that on your own. If the sendmail is on our list, it
shouldn't be after apt-get remove sendmail has been run, which means
that we have something amiss with our system.
The problem that has always been with RPM's is if you use them, you
really need to use the whole system, and if you don't use them, ...
well.. if you didn't use them at all you wouldn't be here talking to
me about this problem with samba that's for sure. :-) After a while
you get to know what you can mess with and what you can't and how to
mess with it. For example, I never install Apache, Perl or PHP with
rpm. Just about everything else I do, but those are mine and I want to
do them by 'hand' as it were.
So if you need to uninstall a package, your preferance should always
be with the RPM methods. Apt-Get is very handy for this, much better
(in my opinion) than the RPM tool itself.
But, at this point I'm in need of answers.. so let me know whats going on
It will probably be a good idea to do these first, before the dist-upgrade
apt-get update mutt
Clarification of Answer by
20 Jul 2004 09:13 PDT
oops .. ignore these lines in my last post.. not sure how those got
back in there... hmmm
"It will probably be a good idea to do these first, before the dist-upgrade
apt-get update mutt"
Just ignore those for now.. they are the end tails of a thought I was
having that i have since told to go away.. :-)
Clarification of Answer by
20 Jul 2004 09:58 PDT
Since we do have to use RPM, occasionally, to find out what the heck
is going on with our system, here are a few rpm lines that will make
life a little easier
what packages are installed ?
rpm -qa
that's nice, can you print that in some type of order?
rpm -qa | sort | less
thanks, now what the heck is this openssl program?
rpm -qi openssl
oh, i see. .. well I don't think I need that, what programs think they need it?
rpm -q --whatrequires openssl
ah, maybe I do need that.
Clarification of Answer by
20 Jul 2004 10:21 PDT
Well I'm going to save you a bit of time here.. It looks like the
smtpdaemon it is complaining about should have been installed and
registered by installing qmail.. amoung other sources, this rpm
package is one of those that installs this daemon
So, it appears, and this is just a guess, that you installed qmail via
source, and these other packages or some of them with RPM, then
uninstalled sendmail and postfix without -rpm.. or withit, wouldn't
matter, and now RPM thinks you don't have a smtpdaemon. .. how to fix
this. .. that my friend is an entirly different answer, I'm afriad.
So, let's just get back to what we were doing and side step this for a
moment. Maybe we'll come back to it later. You say it is running okay,
so let's just leave it, but you are going to have to resolve this
sooner or later, so you can do updates in the future.
apt-get remove samba
apt-get install samba
apt-get install samba-client
cp /etc/samba/smb.conf.back smb.conf
/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start
findsmb -r yourIPaddress
smbclient --list localhost
and the answer is???
Clarification of Answer by
20 Jul 2004 10:24 PDT
Man I am just not getting it today.. the command
cp /etc/samba/smb.conf.back smb.conf
should be
cp /etc/samba/smb.conf.back /etc/samba/smb.conf
sorry about that.. coffee.. need more coffee... or less maybe.. hmmm
Request for Answer Clarification by
20 Jul 2004 11:32 PDT
Just to let you know....I'm now at work and just skimming over all
your info. I'll be (hopefully) implementing these things this
evening, so that's why you're not hearing from me during the day. I
see that you have a few clarifications/modifications, so I'll go
through everything before I start. I do want to backup /etc and
/home/vpopmail/domains....where there is a lot of other qmail stuff
that I spent weeks setting up, since I really like procmail as a
transport :-) and people in the qmail list don't seem to use it that
I setup qmail via these instructions: http://www.shupp.org/toaster/
And removed sendmail (no, postfix was not installed) with:
rpm -e --nodeps sendmail
Anyway, I'll get cracking on it this evening.
Request for Answer Clarification by
20 Jul 2004 19:19 PDT
From the close but no cigar desk: Everything configurable is backed
up, smb.conf to smb.conf.back, etc. Running apt-get -s dist-upgrade
gives me mutt and the other two apps needing smtpdaemon.
Unfortunately, running
apt-get remove samba gives me the same error. It's not tied to mutt
or the others, but I can't seem to remove it. I stop smb, everything.
When I type apt-get install samba I get the same message about the
smtpdaemon and another message that I already have the latest version.
So the question is, if I let apt-get install smtpdaemon, will it mess
up qmail? Can I turn it off? I can't seem to do anything until I
resolve the smtpdaemon.
As far as the nmb error in the messages file, yeah, there are a bunch
of them, and it's not a running process, as you suggested would
I'm not sure if it relates to any of this, but I'll mention it, since
I don't know. I have been getting kernel errors, but nothing seems to
be mis-functioning but samba: I haven't figured out where hdc is.
WARNING: Kernel Errors Present
end_request: I/O error, dev hdc, sector...: 2 Time(s)
hdc: command error: error=0x54...: 2 Time(s)
hdc: command error: status=0x51 { D...: 2 Time(s)
vesafb: probe of vesafb0 failed with error -6...: 1 Time(s)
Clarification of Answer by
21 Jul 2004 03:49 PDT
I can't get back to you until later Wednesday Night, or maybe Thursday
Night.. job stuff. And I don't have time to sit down and figure out
the best course from this point.
That kernel error is saying that it is having problems reading the
CD-ROM. (more than likely since it is hdc and not hda or hdb). I've
read a few things on it in the recent past. Havn't seen a fix yet, and
can't look right now. I'm guessing it is the kernal though and has
nothing to do with your CDROM>
The vesab0 error is an error with the kernel itself, that happens on
the upgrades for the kernel to kernel-2.6.6-1.427. Not much we can do
about that, and not even sure it is a real problem. There is a RH
ticket/bug report open for that here:
I don't get them .. since moving to 435, but we can't move you to 435
because we have a daemon thing. <sigh>
As for the daemon, yes, if you tell it to load, its going to load up
sendmail. beause it doesn't know you have qmail there. Working around
it is not going to be worth it, even if I happen to find a work
around. (which I don't really think I will.. but.. I can't even check
right now)
I can, and will devote some time to this on Thursday night... but its
your call. If you decide to stick with it, back up your data as best
you can. Use SSH and get it on the XP's. We may have to reload. If
that's the case I promise you it will be much eaiser than last time.
I'll make sure of that (in fact that is exactly what I'm doing in ..
let's see.. 6 hours. ).
Your call. I hope you stick, but.. have a great day.
Request for Answer Clarification by
21 Jul 2004 06:58 PDT
Like you, I'm in the middle of work, but just an update. I started
thinking, hmmmm....yum? I have it running every night to pull in
updates and there are never any errors. Then I asked my qmail list,
thinking I'm not the only one out there running an rpm distro and they
too suggested yum. At any rate, I ran
yum remove samba
yum install samba
and got error free results. But on the other hand, when I went in and
restarted smb, everything was fine. Then I tried testing stopping it
and I got the nmb failure again. But at least I can update with yum.
Clarification of Answer by
21 Jul 2004 09:47 PDT
Yum is an option, yes. .. I'll keep that in mind as well.
Request for Answer Clarification by
26 Jul 2004 07:18 PDT
Yum appears to be working fine. My guess is that installing apt-get
after I had already removed sendmail left it looking for an
smtpdaemon, and didn't "get" it that gmail was providing that
function. Yum was installed with the original fedora install.
After researching the nmb errors I was getting in my nmbd logs, I
commented out your
interfaces =
line and restarted samba. This time both smb and nmb started
successfully and I was able to run
[root@Dionysus rturner]# findsmb -r
--------------------------------------------------------------------- DIONYSUS *[ECG] [Unix] [Samba 3.0.3-5]
[root@Dionysus rturner]# smbclient --list localhost
Domain=[DIONYSUS] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.3-5]
Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
homes Disk Home Directories
tmp Disk Temporary file space
rturner Disk rturners home
IPC$ IPC IPC Service (Samba Server)
ADMIN$ IPC IPC Service (Samba Server)
OKI9026055 Printer Created by redhat-config-printer 0.6.x
OkiC7200 Printer Created by redhat-config-printer 0.6.x
Domain=[DIONYSUS] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.3-5]
Server Comment
--------- -------
Workgroup Master
--------- -------
So at this point I'm basically where I started. Samba works, but will
only login to one of the XP machines. The other two XP machines
present the linux machine with a login/password box, but terminate the
session after I login. From the XP machines I can login to the Samba
machine only after a strange ritual. I login to an XP machine under
any login and it will be unable to connect to the Samba machine. But
when I switch to a different XP user, that user logs in to Samba fine.
I can interchange users; it doesn't matter - the second user logged
in can connect, the first can't. The XP weirdness could well be on
the XP machines, I don't know at this point.
Request for Answer Clarification by
26 Jul 2004 07:22 PDT
Here's the most recent Samba log, even after I got it working:
--------------------- samba Begin ------------------------
**Unmatched Entries**
lib/util_sock.c:get_peer_addr(975) getpeername failed. Error was
Transport endpoint is not connected : 2 Time(s)
process_browse_packet: Discarding datagram from IP
Source name DIONYSUS<00> is
+one of our names ! : 4 Time(s)
-N - 3/3: root@elburro.net LogWatch for dionysus
-- i:Exit
-:PrevPg <Space>:NextPg v:View Attachm. d:Del r:Reply j:Next
smbd/server.c:open_sockets_smbd(348) Reloading services after SIGHUP : 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service richard initially as user richard (uid=501, gid=501) (pid
+29917) : 2 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service richard initially as user richard (uid=501, gid=501) (pid
+30028) : 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service richard initially as user rturner (uid=500, gid=503) (pid
+29917) : 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service richard initially as user rturner (uid=500, gid=503) (pid
+29993) : 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service richard initially as user rturner (uid=500, gid=503) (pid
+30028) : 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service rturner initially as user richard (uid=501, gid=501) (pid
+29917) : 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service rturner initially as user richard (uid=501, gid=501) (pid
+30028) : 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service rturner initially as user rturner (uid=500, gid=503) (pid
+29917) : 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service rturner initially as user rturner (uid=500, gid=503) (pid
+29993) : 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service rturner initially as user rturner (uid=500, gid=503) (pid
+30028) : 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service tmp initially as user richard (uid=501, gid=501) (pid
+: 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service tmp initially as user richard (uid=501, gid=501) (pid
+: 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service tmp initially as user richard (uid=501, gid=501) (pid
+: 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service tmp initially as user richard (uid=501, gid=501) (pid
+: 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service tmp initially as user rturner (uid=500, gid=503) (pid
+: 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service tmp initially as user rturner (uid=500, gid=503) (pid
+: 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619) hank ( connect
to service tmp initially as user rturner (uid=500, gid=503) (pid
+: 1 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:set_current_service(56) chdir (/home/richard) failed : 27 Time(s)
smbd/service.c:set_current_service(56) chdir (/home/rturner) failed : 16 Time(s)
---------------------- samba End -------------------------
Clarification of Answer by
26 Jul 2004 19:39 PDT
this part catches my eye here..
process_browse_packet: Discarding datagram from IP
Source name DIONYSUS<00> is +one of our names ! : 4 Time(s)
What are your XP names?
I'm running XP and Win2000 here by the way with no problems. Not like
you are describing, so it may be at this point an Xp thing, though the
XP setup is pretty simple. I'm using satic IP's however, are you doing
the same?
Clarification of Answer by
26 Jul 2004 19:50 PDT
Just as a thought, Try (if you are not already) using satic IP's on
one of the XP's and changing its' name to sneezy. Same workgroup.
In your network setup check file and printer sharing, uncheck QoS
packet Schedler, and in the properties for the TCP IP set a static IP
address, check there to make sure you are using the same subnet (I
know you are, but check)
In the advanced area under the WINS tab set the NetBios to Enable
NetBIOS over TCP/IP, and Enable LMHOSTS lookup. Make note of any WINS
information you have there, and then remove all of them. Under the
options tab if you have TCP/IP filtering, make a note of this
information and use the propertis button to get to the tab to uncheck
the Enable TCP/IP filetering if you have it checked.
Close everything up and restart the XP.
On the Linux box in the hosts file under /etc/ add the line sneezy and
the IP address you gave this XP box.
Restart Samba
try to log in.
Request for Answer Clarification by
28 Jul 2004 06:41 PDT
<you wrote:>
"this part catches my eye here..
process_browse_packet: Discarding datagram from IP
Source name DIONYSUS<00> is +one of our names ! : 4 Time(s)"
Yes, that's seemed strange to me. Dionysus is the linux box running
Samba. I've got XP boxes named Elaine, Ashington, Hank and now
sneezy. I have "virtual" static IPs assigned by my router to all
machines, since I'm running a mail server off Dionysus and wanted to
get all the correct name/ip listings in each machine's hosts file,
thinking that would help. I think I have to look up some command line
network troubleshooting for the XP boxes. For instance, when I run
ipconfig /all on the Hank (xp) machine I noticed it reports
NetBios over Tcpip.........:disabled
Not only is it not disabled, but I run various office applications
over the XP machines that wouldn't work without NetBios enabled.
At any rate, I tried renaming Hank to sneezy, setting static IP, etc.
as you instructed but still couldn't connect to the linux box. So I'm
guessing that the samba setup is just fine; I've got something
causing problems on the XP machines. At least I have enough
functionality to copy files between the linux and XP boxes. It's a
little kludgy, but it works: I switch to a new login in an XP box,
connect to the linux box and grab the files. I was able to at least
transport my /etc backup that way. It's got to be some XP weirdness.
I'll try some troubleshooting along that end. Thank you.
Clarification of Answer by
12 Aug 2004 08:27 PDT
So where are we at with this? I do appologize, I had to be out of town
for a while, and just got back. What do you need from me at this
point? Troubleshooting tips on the Xp's? or do you think it is back to
Linux again?
I have in my home office two XP home editions connected up to the
Fedora and they run really well. One thing I've found in the past is
that having NetBios running helps. I do see that the Xp's like to turn
off the network cards quite a bit too. They quit listening to each
other after a while as well, not just the linux, but this doesn't slow
me down at all.
Let me know what you need and I'll get on it for you.
Request for Answer Clarification by
12 Aug 2004 19:10 PDT
I'm not real sure, possibly a couple XP troubleshooting tips? There
seem to be two hangups and I'm suspecting XP all the way. I'm sitting
at my main machine, and I can't login to the Linux machine unless I
switch users. That works fine, a little kludgy, but I can transfer
files. The other hangup is sitting at the linux machine. I'll pull
up the network in Lisa (the Start Here icon; I'm assuming it's Lisa in
Konqueror). I can connect easily to an XP Home machine that my
roommate uses, but when I click on SMB for my own XP Pro and XP Home
machines, it asks for a login, I give it, and it announces that the
process suddenly died. Other than that, it sort of works; I can
transfer files, so I had given up on a better fix.