I located the reference where Bill Gates said that Google had a lot of
smart people in a New York Times article.
The Coming Search Wars
?At the World Economic Forum in Switzerland last week, Microsoft, the
software heavyweight, and Google, the scrappy Internet search company,
eyed each other like wary prizefighters entering the ring.?
?Bill Gates, the chairman of Microsoft, stated his admiration for the
"high level of I.Q." of Google's designers. "We took an approach that
I now realize was wrong,'' he said of his company's earlier decision
to ignore the search market. But, he added pointedly, "we will catch
?After all, just as Silicon Valley has learned from some of its
errors, so has Mr. Gates. In Davos, Mr. Gates ruefully acknowledged
that Google "kicked our butts,'' reminding him of what Microsoft
itself was like two decades ago. ?
Source: New York Times
The Coming Search Wars
Late Edition - Final , Section 3 , Page 1 , Column 5
February 1, 2004
?AT the World Economic Forum in Switzerland last week, Microsoft, the
software heavyweight, and Google, the scrappy Internet search company,
eyed each other like wary prizefighters entering the ... Bill Gates,
the chairman of Microsoft, stated his admiration for the ''high level
of I.Q.'' of Google's designers. ''We took an...?
It was also mentioned in an article at the BBC.
Gates forecasts victory over spam
By Tim Weber
BBC News Online business editor in Davos
Google vs Microsoft
?Asked whether Microsoft missed the boat in the field of search
technology, Mr Gates admitted that he had to take the blame for losing
out to Google.?
"We took an approach that I now realise was wrong," he said.
"Our strategy was to do a good job on the 80% of common queries and
ignore the other stuff."
Mr Gates claimed that Microsoft was better on the 80% of common
queries, although Google was "pretty good" as well.
He praised the "high level of IQ" at Google's research team, but said
"we will catch them".
?He hailed search technology firm Google as a "great company"; its
approach reminded him of Microsoft 20 years ago.?
Source: BBC News
Search criteria:
"Bill Gates? in Geneva OR Switzerland Google people are smart
"Bill Gates? "high level of IQ" +Google
I hope you this helps!!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |