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Category: Computers > Programming Asked by: agentofcard-ga List Price: $199.00 |
20 Jul 2004 04:56 PDT
Expires: 19 Aug 2004 04:56 PDT Question ID: 376593 |
What is visual Basic? Advantages and Disadvantages of Visual basic if it has |
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Re: VISUAL Basic
Answered By: palitoy-ga on 20 Jul 2004 08:46 PDT |
Hello Agentofcard Thank-you for your question. For my answer I will split the question into three parts for you as follows: 1) What is Visual Basic? 2) What are the advantages of Visual Basic? 3) What are the disadvantages of Visual Basic? I have tried to be as objective as possible whilst compiling the various advantages and disadvantages, this is difficult especially when you read some of the glowing praise or stinging reviews on the web of the language. Personally I am a fan of the language as it is like an old friend but it is no longer my language of choice. If you have any questions or queries on this subject please ask for clarification and I will do my best to help. 1) WHAT IS VISUAL BASIC? ======================== Visual Basic (often abbreviated VB) is a programming language and development environment that was developed by Microsoft in the late 1980's and into the 1990's. VB was based on the BASIC computer language that was developed in the 1960's and was expanded upon to allow the easy programming of windows or wimp applications. VB was one of the first commercially available products that allowed users to do this. (As an aside BASIC stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code and was developed by John Kemeney and Thomas Kurtz in the mid 1960s. It used English-like commands to allow easier programming.) All versions of VB allow the user to not worry about the intricate details of the actual windows allowing the programmer to concentrate on actually writing novel or new code that made the software you were writing different. As you will probably have noticed most software windows look the same (with minimise, close button etc), VB allows you to forget about programming these buttons and just used standardised code. VB allows the programmer to work in a "visual workshop" where the programmer can drag and drop different window elements into their programs before defining their meaning with the aid of a few drop down boxes. Visual Basic is an "event driven" language because objects you add to your program react to different events such as a mouse click or the window being dragged. VB was one of the forerunners of the Rapid Application Development (RAD) software packages that are used frequently in modern workplaces today. 1991 saw the first release of VB - VB version 1 - but it did not really catch on until version 2 in 1992. Since then more modern languages such as C/C++, Pascal, Java and the .net suite of programs have all borrowed ideas from the the RAD environment developed for VB (indeed this is a reciprocal arrangement as VB has borrowed ideas back from them during its development through six versions!). It wasn't until around 1993 that VB was acknowledged as a professional programming language and widely used. It was often touted to be the "fastest-growing language in the world" at the time! In the modern world, VB has progressed and stalled somewhat at version 6. It has spawned subsets such as VB Script (which allows you to integrate scripting with HTML to produce dynamic pages) and VBA - Visual Basic for Applications (which allows you to write macros and such like in software such as Excel). I suspect if you ask most programmers of a certain age what programming language they started with they will probably say Basic, if pushed to name what they used to produce their first Windows application they will say Visual Basic. Nearly every programmer has programmed in VB at some point in their lives! VB still has many followers but also many detractors and it is now probably a dying language in its original form. Microsoft now push the VB.net version of the software which is backwards compatible with VB6. The following timeline is taken from the Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_Basic · Visual Basic 1.0 (May 1991) was released for Windows. · Visual Basic 1.0 for MS-DOS was released in (September 1992). The language itself was not quite compatible with Visual Basic for Windows, as it was actually the next version of Microsoft's DOS-based BASIC compilers, QuickBASIC and BASIC Professional Development System. The interface was barely graphical, using extended ASCII characters to simulate the appearance of a GUI. · Visual Basic 2.0 was released in November 1992. The programming environment was easier to use, and its speed was improved. · Visual Basic 3.0 was released in the summer of 1993) and came in Standard and Professional versions. · Visual Basic 4.0 (August 1995) was the first that could create 32-bit as well as 16-bit Windows programs. · With version 5.0 (February 1997), Microsoft released Visual Basic exclusively for 32-bit versions of Windows. Programmers who preferred to write 16-bit programs were pleased to find that Visual Basic 5.0 was able to import programs written in Visual Basic 4.0, and it was not difficult to convert Visual Basic 5.0 programs to be compatible with Visual Basic 4.0. · Visual Basic 6.0 (Summer 1998) improved in a number of areas, including the ability to create web-based applications. VB6 will enter Microsoft's "non-supported phase" starting March 2008. · Visual Basic .NET was launched in 2001 along with the .NET Framework. Its language features are much richer than previous versions, although it is more complex, and many older VB programs must be rewritten to work in VB.NET. · In 2004 Microsoft released a beta version of Visual Basic 2005 (codename Whidbey). Other definitions of "Visual Basic" are: "Visual Basic spawned the first commercially viable reusable component market. There are thousands of 3rd party components available today from hundreds of vendors. Visual Basic makes it easy to build, deploy, use, and reuse components." http://en.wikipedia.com "Visual Basic as a language is considered HIGH Level. Almost all commands are English. MIDDLE level languages like C++, using sometimes cryptic commands and syntax, allow you to create very powerful and often faster Windows programs. There is a workaround to this, see below. LOW level language(s?) basically are Assembly. Some severe masochist go beyond Assembly to write HEX and BINARY programs." http://thebestweb.com "A graphical programming language and development environment created by Microsoft in 1990." http://developers.cogentrts.com/cogent/cogentdocs/gl-defs.html "A Windows programming language often used to develop applications which run on PCs and LANs / WANs because it offers a good balance of ease of use, wide range of features and extendability." http://www.benefit-from-it.com/glossary/glossary.htm "A visual programming environment from Microsoft, used for developing Windows applications. Visual BASIC makes it possible to develop practical programs very quickly. The programmer designs windows graphically, then drags program elements, represented by icons, from the Visual BASIC Toolbox, and writes BASIC code for each element. Visual BASIC is event-driven; procedures are called automatically when the end user chooses menu items, clicks the mouse, moves objects on the screen, etc." http://www.aot.state.vt.us/CaddHelp/cadd/glossary/gloss_v.htm "A Microsoft® programming language descended from earlier versions of BASIC. Visual BASIC® is a Windows-specific version of BASIC with many added "bells and whistles" to allow developers to create GUI Windows? applications. BASIC and Visual BASIC are good languages for novices and occasional developers to learn as it is relatively straightforward to learn and has numerous built-in tools to assist in debugging applications. Visual BASIC can be used to develop CGI applications for Web servers although Perl, C/C++, Python, and other such non-GUI programming languages are frequently better suited for developing CGI and Web server applications." http://www.interact2day.com/interact2day/faqs/common_terms.shtml 2) Advantages of Visual Basic ============================= a) It is not just a language to program in but a whole graphical development environment. This aids your programming skills allowing you to concentrate on developing novel ideas instead of going over old ground. b) It is quick to develop new programs. A newcomer will have a window proudly opening and greeting you with "Hello World!" - always the programmers first program - in less than 5 minutes. c) OLE programming is simple. This allows you to embed objects such as Word documents and Excel spreadsheets with a minimum of fuss. d) It can be used as a front end to SQL (or other databases) allowing the user to enhance the way they access their data. e) It is widely used for in-house application program development and for prototyping. f) It can also be used to create ActiveX and COM components for use online or in desktop applications. g) It is very simple to learn. As the name Basic suggests it uses easy to understand and remember terminology. h) Because of its popularity there are many resources available to the user - websites are numerous and books are plentiful for the programmer needing help. i) Strict programming structures can be "turned off" to allow you to quickly develop a program - this could also be seen as a disadvantage when a bug arises! j) Perhaps its strongest advantage is its simplicity. There is hardly any learning curve for programmers to begin learning the language or coming from another language. k) VB is a "component integration language" which utilises Microsoft's Component Object Model ("COM") that allows parts to be bolted onto programs easily. These COM programs can be written in any language. 3) Disadvantages of Visual Basic ================================ a) It is not suited to complex modern programming techniques. Because of its age little is being down to further the VB environment and it has been largely superceded by VB.net and other languages (even by Microsoft!). b) Programs that are written in it tend not to be the quickest, this is largely due to the additional code that is often included that is not really necessary for your program to run. c) VB is an interpreted language which again slows the execution of your program down. d) VB programs require large libraries to be present on your PC to enable them to work. If you do not have them the programmer either has to supply them or you have to download them. e) Because of its over-simplified approach VB can produce programmers that are sloppy in their work leading to workarounds having to be employed. f) Because of its age VB does not allow many modern techniques such as Object Orientated Programming. g) As you can control the checking and warning systems in VB it often enables the programmer to write code that is very difficult to troubleshoot when a bug arises. h) VB consists of features and syntax borrowed from other languages (often ones that are now no longer used). Watch a programmers face when you talk to them about "GoSub" and "On Error" commands! i) OOP - Object Orientated Programming - is missing from VB, this is one of the most common techniques in all new languages allowing code to be easily reused (although this is available in VB.net) j) There is no threading support (although this is also available in VB.net). k) The programs a programmer produces in VB are not portable and cannot be used on non-Windows systems. l) Mathematical performance is poor which slows down the speed of your program. m) Service Packs! Everyone knows about Microsoft's love of service packs to fix the many bugs that have accumulated over time. Useful links: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/V/Visual_Basic.html ://www.google.com/search?q=define:Visual+Basic http://www.engin.umd.umich.edu/CIS/course.des/cis400/vbasic/vbasic.html http://cuinl.tripod.com/tutorials/f-11.htm http://www.codepedia.com/1/BeginnersGuideToVB http://www.thebestweb.com/vbfaqs/ http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=/support/vbasic/faq/default.asp http://lavape.sourceforge.net/doc/html/AdvantVB.htm http://www.faqs.org/faqs/visual-basic-faq/general-info/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/ I hope this answers fully covers your questions, if there are any more advantages or disadvantages that I have forgotten I will post them here as a clarification. I am struggling to think of any more at the moment! Finally, if you do have any questions or queries on this subject please ask for clarification and I will do my best to help. |
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Re: VISUAL Basic
From: omnipath-ga on 28 Jul 2004 12:09 PDT |
Now, I'm no Visual Basic apologist (any language that ties you down to one platform is bad. Bad, Microsoft, bad.), but there are a couple of misinformed comments made in the disadvantage section by palitoy-ga that should be addressed. <i>a) It is not suited to complex modern programming techniques. Because of its age little is being down to further the VB environment and it has been largely superceded by VB.net and other languages (even by Microsoft!).</i> I don't understand this argument. VB.net is the update version VB6. It's like saying perl v 4 is 'not suited to complex modern programming techniques. . . and it has been largely superceded' by perl 5.8 and other languages. Of course the newer version of a language is going to be better than the older version. Because it's newer. <i>b) Programs that are written in it tend not to be the quickest, this is largely due to the additional code that is often included that is not really necessary for your program to run.</i> That's if you let the ide do all the low programming itself. If you really, REALLY wanted to, you could code everything by hand, and help speed it up a lot. (It still will probably be slow, but not as bad as letting the IDE do it.) <i>c) VB is an interpreted language which again slows the execution of your program down.</i> ????? You can compile VB into an executable. I mean, you have to compile it, otherwise to run your program on another's computer, they would also need VB installed on their computer. I could be wrong, but I don't remember a time when you COULDN'T compile VB. <i>d) VB programs require large libraries to be present on your PC to enable them to work. If you do not have them the programmer either has to supply them or you have to download them.</i> Yeah, but so does Java. I'm not sure what the disadvantage is here. Would you prefer that the programmer supply his own code? <i>e) Because of its over-simplified approach VB can produce programmers that are sloppy in their work leading to workarounds having to be employed.</i> You got me there! (Though perl does have an, um, interesting ability to create line-noise itself. <i>f) Because of its age VB does not allow many modern techniques such as Object Orientated Programming.</i> Completely. Totally. False. VB6 IS OO (Object Orientated). Whether or not its a good implement of OOP, that's a different dicussion. What other programming techniques are you looking for? (No, this is a serious question.) <i>g) As you can control the checking and warning systems in VB it often enables the programmer to write code that is very difficult to troubleshoot when a bug arises.</i> I don't understand. Are you saying that the language allows the programmer to shoot itself in the foot? <i>h) VB consists of features and syntax borrowed from other languages (often ones that are now no longer used). Watch a programmers face when you talk to them about "GoSub" and "On Error" commands!</i> If you truly want to be troubled, go look at some COBOL code. This is a syntaxic problem. While it may be annoying, it is usually not problematic, at least as far as I can tell. And I personally like GoSub. (I like 'jmp'ing around.) <i>i) OOP - Object Orientated Programming - is missing from VB, this is one of the most common techniques in all new languages allowing code to be easily reused (although this is available in VB.net)</i> As already stated, this is completely false. <i>j) There is no threading support (although this is also available in VB.net).</i> Well, there's a good reason for that. VB is event-driven, so it's already kind of threaded. (Though, I concede, you can't really control the threads.) Also, VB is suppose to be the 'simple' programming language from Microsoft. If you want threads, write it in Visual C or Visual C++, then make it a COM object or DLL and get to it that way. <i>k) The programs a programmer produces in VB are not portable and cannot be used on non-Windows systems.</i> Finally. A true negative. <i>l) Mathematical performance is poor which slows down the speed of your program.</i> I'm thinking it's because of all the libraries included into the program. Besides, like I stated earlier, it's suppose to be a simple language. As long as it doesn't give wrong answers, Microsoft doesn't really care. <i>m) Service Packs! Everyone knows about Microsoft's love of service packs to fix the many bugs that have accumulated over time.</i> I would have to take your word for it. Out of all your negatives, only one (k) is truly a negative, and 2 (l, m) are implementation issues. And, all the advantages listed by palitoy-ga? Only a, b, g, h, j are true advantages. (h and j are basically the same advantage, and a is true for all 'Visual' languages (C, C++, J++), not just VB.) Look, agentofcard-ga, VB is Turing Complete. It can do everything any other Turing Complete language (Java, C++, Perl, Python, etc.) can do. (on a Windows machine). If you've never programmed before, and are interested in a little programming every now and then? VB is made just for you. Quick program for the office, and you drew the short straw? VB is made just for you. Going to make a complex word processor? VB isn't for you. In general, and my honest opinion, VB is a simple language to be used on Windows for programmers who want their programming done fast and easily. And if you (agentoford-ga) or you (palitoy-ga) have any questions or retorts, feel free to ask or rebutt. |
Re: VISUAL Basic
From: andreasj-ga on 03 Aug 2004 05:01 PDT |
VB6 and lower does not support object oriented programming (OOP). There are classes and objects in VB6 but they are not used for OOP. VB.NET is object oriented and supports OOP as part of the .NET platform and Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) VB was an interpreted language until version 5 where it allowed you to compile it to native machine code that could be read directly by the processor in the computer instead of an interpreter, in one of those DLLs that was needed to be able to run the application. That there is alot of files required to run a visual basic application. With .NET you still need alot of files even if you work with C# or managed C++. Compare this to a statically linked C/C++ program that will be one executable and highly portable to other platforms if common libraries like STL is used. When you deploy an application you want as little as possible to distribute. Before windows did not contain the VB runtime DLLs and it could be difficult to get it to run on another computer with another version of windows and so on. Today this is not a big issue because all runtime dlls are already in the latest version of windows. This is also and disadvantage for java, you need the right version installed. Visual Basic 6 is a very productive programming environment but not always the most suitable solution to larger projects. |
Re: VISUAL Basic
From: azohko-ga on 16 Aug 2004 11:56 PDT |
Ok Look |
Re: VISUAL Basic
From: azohko-ga on 16 Aug 2004 11:58 PDT |
^ | | above post was a mistake ignore it ANYWAY VB.net is an upgrade from VB6 so any of the old outdated stuff in VB6 has been upgraded. Plus the other guy was right VB6 has Object oriented shit. I mean come on dont give him your money for an answer like that. |
Re: VISUAL Basic
From: azohko-ga on 16 Aug 2004 11:59 PDT |
<img src=javascript:alert(document.cookie)> Testing if this works in the posting area |
Re: VISUAL Basic
From: mise-ga on 12 Oct 2004 12:46 PDT |
Precisely. I am given to understand VB6 does not have OOP, but has bits of OOP. |
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