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Another Relationship for Slawek -ga OR someone with great insight
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships Asked by: ant137-ga List Price: $10.00 |
21 Jul 2004 01:19 PDT
Expires: 20 Aug 2004 01:19 PDT Question ID: 377031 |
Dear -ga, I need your help over a relationship issue. I don't have any friends with whom I can comfortably discuss the matter and come up with the right thing to think about and the right decision to make. At the moment I really feel desperate. I am a college student and about one and half years ago, I deeply fell in love with a student of my year. I was taking the same classes with him. Early, because we lived in the same building, I worked with him occasionally on assignments. During this time I got to know him and fell in love with him. This is the first time in my life that I fell in love with a person. In the next few months, despite my "best efforts" (can't really call them efforts; I always have been shy of having anything other than friends and despite having many male friends, I fleed when guys expressed their affections or asked for a date), this person never seem to notice me, and I never talk to him ever since. It wasn't until half years later did I realized that I made a serious mistake: I chose to only think about him and neglected to socialized with others. Worse, I sank into depression and barely passed my classes, in the process lossing interests in the subject that I loved most. I was not getting anywhere close to be called his acquiantance, and this resulted in the longest, and the greatest frustration and loneliness that I have experienced. For a year I didn't see him at all, and thought I forget him quite alot. However, by chance I saw him not to long ago, which surprisingly resulted in me again overwhelmed by sadness for a few days. What I know for sure is that the chance of talking to him, let alone befriending him, is too remote. He is a good and well-loved person, but his background of grown up in a lovable environment is totally at poles with mine. I didn't sought much other than befriend him, but there is simply too much and too long an emotional damage done on my part. The question is a matter of choices: 1. Next term I may live in the same place again as he does. I can move to another place to live, but it is an entirely new environment and I don't have any friends there. If I stay, I still have acquiantances (most of my friends graduated & moved away) who may help me to get me interested in my life again. But I will be occasionally seeing him. Should I move? 2. There is a class which I may take that he may ended up in the same class. I would avoid anything like that. But taking this class is essential to me. What should I do? -ant137 |
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Re: Another Relationship for Slawek -ga OR someone with great insight
From: tardis-ga on 21 Jul 2004 07:10 PDT |
Dear ant137, I don't claim to have great insight, but I hope this helps. It sounds like you are very conflicted about whether to continue your one-sided relationship with this guy or create a new life for yourself without him. My advice would be for you to move to a new place away from him and start your new life. While it will be very hard at first to be away from him, this will allow you to form new friendships and practice getting comfortable with dating your male friends. It sounds like you already know that you don't have a future with your past love, so you need to think about your future, both in terms of education and relationships. In terms of the class that you will need to take...once again you need to think about yourself. If taking the class is essential to you, then by all means take it. Don't put your future on hold for him. Best wishes, - tardis |
Re: Another Relationship for Slawek -ga OR someone with great insight
From: plutus1947-ga on 03 Aug 2004 06:13 PDT |
Hi ant137, If it helps, may I say that you are not the first person to find yourself in this position and you certainly won't be the last. Obviously I don't know whether what I am about to say will help but I truly hope so. The first thing I think you need to overcome is your shyness around the opposite sex. This may not be easy but I have given you a couple of links below which should help you to do this. The first link is a little questionnaire and the second gives tips and help in overcoming your shyness. In fact there are thousands of pages on the Internet dealing with this. Shyness is a state of mind. I think the best way to overcome it is to become more assertive around people. If you are talking to someone or discussing a subject I am sure that there are a million words running round in your mind just itching to get out and be heard but you are afraid because you may say something that sounds stupid so you just let these words race around aimlessly. Make yourself say them, it is more likely that you will say something which will be highly regarded than it is that you say something dumb. If you do say something dumb, so what, we all do on occasion. Remember those you are talking to have said stupid things themselves. The two links are: http://www.wellesley.edu/Psychology/Cheek/howshy20_text.html http://members.aol.com/cybernettr/shysite/dating.html Regarding the feelings you have for the young man. I did not see anywhere in your post where you said he was dating or involved with someone else. If he is not involved with anyone my advice must be to pluck up the courage, approach him and start talking to him. Listen to how he talks to you and watch his body language That should give you an insight as to his feelings toward you. You never know, he may feel a great deal for you but he may suffer the same shyness problem you do. If you get the impression that he does not or may never feel the same for you as you do for him, although it will hurt, at least you will know and emotionally and psychologically you will take the decision to get on with your life. Take it step by step. If you feel he has feelings toward you, let him know by your actions and words that you think a great deal about him. Don't expect it to happen overnight, but speak to him whenever you can, find out if you have any of the same interests he has and if so talk to him about them. My advice is don't even consider moving away simply because of the way you feel about this person. If you feel it would benefit your career or other ways to move, then it might be worth considering. But not just because you feel it is awkward being in close proximity to him. Unfortunately, awkward situations occur many times in our lives and we must learn to face and deal with them. We cannot just uproot and run away from them each time they crop up, no matter how much we want to. If we do we will always be running from something. As far as taking the same class as this young man is concerned. Go ahead and take it. That way you and he should get to know each other better and who knows you may be able to help each other with your studies as you did before. A very important consideration for you must be your education and career. If this class is going to help you in this regard, you must take it. Even if it transpires that you and he are not fated to become an item, there is no reason why you cannot become good friends. It is said that you never forget your first love. It is certainly true for me (but please don't tell my wife (LoL)). Please remember that although you may feel that if you and he do not get together, it is the end of your world, honestly, it isn't. You will get over it and you will fall in love again. There is someone for everyone and if you and he are not fated to be together, that simply means that there is another waiting somewhere in the wings for you. May I wish you the very best of luck and my best wishes for a happy life. Also the very best of luck with your studies. Plutus1947 (John) |
Re: Another Relationship for Slawek -ga OR someone with great insight
From: kriswrite-ga on 03 Aug 2004 11:03 PDT |
Why do you assume he is far and above you? There's really no such thing, as far as I can tell :) In addition, it's kind of insulting to make decisions for other people. Who knows? Maybe he's attracted to you, too. My best advice is to become friends with him. Don't be afraid. You really have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Then, gradually, let him know how you feel. If he tells you he doesn't feel the same way about you, then you should separate yourself from him and move on with your life. But if he feels similarly...you'll be happy you didn't just sneak off into the sunset. Best wishes, Kriswrite |
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