Vertebroplasty: Non-Surgical Treatment of Compression Fractures
?Vertebroplasty literally means fixing the vertebral body. A metal
needle is passed into the vertebral body and a cement mixture
containing polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), barium powder, tobramycin,
and a solvent are injected under imaging guidance by the physician.
The cement hardens rapidly and buttresses the weakened bone. The
barium makes the cement visible on x-ray and the tobramycin is an
Read how is it performed at the following link:
From the Mayo Clinic:
?Vertebroplasty is a procedure that offers relief to patients who
suffer prolonged and debilitating pain from compression fractures in
the spinal vertebrae. It involves injecting bone cement into the
vertebrae to stabilize the fracture. The procedure offers significant
pain relief and restores mobility to many patients.?
Mayo Clinic
Vertebroplasty is a minimally-invasive, image-guided, outpatient
procedure used to treat the pain associated with vertebral compression
fractures caused by osteoporosis and metastatic tumors.
?During vertebroplasty, one or two bone biopsy needles are inserted
into the collapsed vertebra through a small incision in the patient?s
back; the stylet is removed and specially formulated acrylic bone
cement can be injected through the cannula to stabilize the fracture.
The procedure typically requires a local anesthetic; conscious
sedation is sometimes helpful, depending on the patient?s condition.?
?For most patients, vertebroplasty provides immediate and lasting
relief of the pain related to vertebral compression fractures. Many
patients return to their normal activities within only a few days of
having the procedure, and most report continued relief from pain
months and years later. In some cases, vertebroplasty can also prevent
further collapse of the vertebra, height loss and spine curvature.?
Click here for answers to the most frequently asked questions about vertebroplasty
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I hope you find this information useful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |