Hi! Thanks for accepting my proposal for an answer.
Here are the 2 or 3 day meetings, conventions, conferences and trade
and also craft shows that you can target for your business in
Wisconsin. These events are for the months of May, June, November and
December, which are according to the requirements of your question.
Whenever the information is available, I have provided the estimated
number of attendees for such an event.
Independent Insurance Agents of Wisconsin Annual Convention (May 4 and 5, 2005)
725 John Nolen Drive
Madison, WI 53713
Phone: (800) 362-7441
(608) 256-4429
Fax: (608) 256-0170
E-mail: iiaw@iiaw.com
Estimated Number of Attendees: 1,100
Jewel of the Great Lakes Wisconsin Dental Meeting (May 4, 5, and 6, 2005)
Wisconsin Dental Association
111 E. Wisconsin Ave. Suite 1300 Milwaukee, WI 53202
Tel: 414-276-4520
Fax 414-276-8431
State Bar 2004 Annual Convention (May 5-7)
State Bar of Wisconsin,
P.O. Box 7158, Madison, WI 53707-7158
Tel: (800) 728-7788
Fax: (608) 257-5502
Email: service@wisbar.org
Estimated Number of Attendees: More than 1,000
WCUL 71st Annual Convention and Exposition (May 12-14, 2005)
Brett Thompson, League President/CEO
Phone: 800-242-0833 ext. 3011
Cell phone: 608-239-4398
Fax: 262-549-7722
E-mail: bthompson@wcul.org
AmCon Milwaukee Show (May 12-13, 2004)
Email: sales@amconshows.com
Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators. WASDA Annual
Education Conference. (May 4-6, 2005)
La Crosse Center, La Crosse, WI.
WASDA, 4797 Hayes Road, Suite 201, Madison, WI 53704
Phone: (608) 242-1090
Fax (608) 242-1290
Email: jschwedrsky@wasda.org
Wisconsin Association of Public Libraries. Annual conference
(May 11-13, 2005)
(May 3-5, 2006)
Wisconsin Library Association
5250 East Terrace Drive, Suite A
Madison WI 53718-8345
Office Voice: 608-245-3640
Office Fax: 608-245-3646
Contact: Kathy Schmidt ? Email: kschmidt@mcls.lib.wi.us
Annual Visit of Commerce's Overseas Office Directors
Madison, Milwaukee, Oshkosh, Wausau, Eau Claire (May 17 -21)
Contact: Jennifer Winner: Phone: (608) 266-0413
Email: jwinner@commerce.state.wi.us
Contact Christine Stamm Phone: (608) 264-7824
Email: cstamm@commerce.state.wi.us.
Cinco de Mayo (May 1-2, 2004; May 7-8, 2005)
Manos Juntas Conference (June)
2607 S. 5th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Phone: (414) 389-6000
Toll Free: 1-800-279-8667
Fax: (414) 671-4833
WSTA Annual Convention (May 23-26)
131 Second Street
Manawa, WI 54949
Phone: 920.596.2535
Wisconsin CHEA Annual Spring Conference (May 20-22, 2004)
Wisconsin CHEA
2307 Carmel Avenue, Racine, WI 53405
Phone: 262-637-5127
Email: jang@wisconsinchea.com
Source: http://arts.state.wi.us/static/fairs/may.htm
22nd Muscoda Morel Mushroom Festival (May 15 ? 16, 2004)
Tami Hendrickson
Muscoda Tourism Committee
206 N. Wisconsin Avenue
PO Box 206
Muscoda, WI 53573
Email: cthendrick@mwt.net
Web: www.muscoda.com
Estimated Number of Attendees: 2,000
16th Craft Fair USA (may 15 ? 16, 2004)
Karie Bennett or Loring Talsky
Craft Fair USA
1900 South 74 Street
Milwaukee, WI 53219-1245
Email: mail@craftfairusa.com
Web: www.craftfairusa.com
Estimated Number of Attendees: 5,500
The 27th Annual Convention Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups (June 2 ? 4, 2004)
2850 Dairy Dr., Suite 100
Madison, WI 53718-6751
Phone: 800-366-2990
FAX: 608-224-0607
E-Mail: cwag@cwag.org
NADCP Annual Drug Conference (June 2 ? 5)
Email: dschultheiss@nadcp.org
Reclaiming Our Heritage (June 5-6, 2004; June 4-5, 2005)
Soldiers Home Foundation
Phone: 414-389-4135
Email: shf@soldiershome.org
Wisconsin Division Annual Meeting (June 10 - 12, 2005)
Contact Info: http://www.iaapwisconsin.com/Div%20Board%20of%20Directors.htm
Wisconsin Orthopedic Society Annual Meeting (June 10 ? 12, 2005)
President: Kurt Konkel, MD
N 84 W 16889 Menomonee Ave.
Menomonee Falls WI
Phone: (262)-251-7500
FAX (262)-251-7128
National Rural Institute on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. 20th Annual
Conference (June 12-16, 2005)
UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI.
Stout Solutions
UW-Stout, 140 Voc. Rehab. Bldg.
Menomonie WI 54751-0790
Contact: Deanna Applehans (715) 232-2460,
Email: applehansd@uwstout.edu, conference-solutions@uwstout.edu
WAMES 2004 Annual Conference & Trade Show (June 16-18)
PO Box 389
Wild Rose, WI 54984
Phone: 715/366-7500
Fax: 715/366-4501
Website: http://www.wames.org
Email: abarrett@uniontel.net
Bead&Button Show (May 21-23, 2004; June 17-19, 2005)
Phone: 800-554-0197
Estimated Number of Attendees: 15,000
Campventions (June 17-19, 2005)
Wisconsin Camper's Association
113 Canary Circle
Hidden Meadows
Watertown, WI 53098-7702
23rd Annual Reading Symposium UW-Eau Claire Continuing Education. (June 18 ? 19)
UW-Madison Pyle Center, Madison, WI.
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
210 Water Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 1-866-UWEC4CE, 715-836-3636
Fax: (715) 836-5263
Email: ce@uwec.edu
Wisconsin Towing Association Annual Convention (June 18-20, 2004)
Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI
Wisconsin Towing Association
P.O. Box 44849
Madison, WI 53744-4849
Phone: 608-833-8200 x17
Fax: 608-833-2875
Contact: Mike DeHaan ? Email: mdehaan@witruck.org
Fifth Annual Native American Tourism of Wisconsin Tourism Conference &
Golf Outing (June 20, 21, and 22, 2005)
Native American Tourism of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 9
Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538
More Contact Info: http://natow.org/natow-bin/directory.cgi
7th Annual Summer Law Institute Marathon County Special Education. (June 21-23)
Radisson Hotel, La Crosse, WI.
Marathon County Special Education
1200 Lakeview Drive, Suite 350
Wausau, WI 54403-6707
(715) 261-1980
Fax: (715) 261-1981
Email: ehartwig@dwave.net
57th Annual Wisconsin School Bus Convention & Equipment Trade Show
(June 20-23, 2005)
(June 19-22, 2006)
Wisconsin School Bus Association
P.O. Box 168
Sheboygan, WI 53082-0168
Phone: (920) 457-7008
Fax: (920) 457-5758
Rural Health Conference (June 23-25)
Wisconsin Hospital Association
5721 Odana Road, PO Box 44992
Madison, Wisconsin 53744-4992
Phone: 608-274-1820
Fax: 608-274-8554
Cedarburg Strawberry Festival (June 26-27, 2004; June 25-26, 2005)
Contact Info: http://www.cedarburg.org/wCBEvents/ContactUs.aspx
Source: http://arts.state.wi.us/static/fairs/june.htm
42nd Lakefront Festival of Arts (June 18 ? 20, 2004)
Beth Hoffman
Friends of Art of Milwaukee Art Museum
700 N. Art Museum Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Email: beth.hoffman@mam.org
Web: www.mam.org/lfoa
Estimated Number of Attendees: 65,000
National Tractor Pull Art & Craft Show (June 25 ? 27, 2004)
Carolyn Habelman
Monroe County Local History Room & Museum
1488 Aqua Road
Black River Falls, WI 54615-7609
Email: mclhr@centurytel.net
Estimated Number of Attendees: 65,000
Strawberry Festival Fine Arts & Crafts Fair (June 26 ? 27, 2004)
Jean Lambo
Cedarburg Cultural Center
W62 N546 Washington Avenue
Cedarburg, WI 53012
Email: cccenter_jean@ameritech.net
Web: www.cedarburgculturalcenter.org
Estimated Number of Attendees: 20,000
Ozaukee Art Center Strawberry Festival Fine Arts/Crafts Fair (June 26 ? 27, 2004)
Ozaukee Art Center
W62 N718 Riveredge Drive
Cedarburg, WI 53012
Email: pjyank@pauljyank.com
Estimated Number of Attendees: 30,000
35th Olde Ellison Bay Days (June 26 ? 27, 2004)
John Dietrich
Ellison Bay Men?s Club
PO Box 28
Ellison Bay, WI 54210-0028
Email: dmcneil@dcwis.com
Estimated Number of Attendees: 5,000 ? 7,000
35th Spring Green Arts & Crafts Fair (June 26 -27, 2004)
John Hess
Spring Green Arts & Crafts Fair
5851 County Road Z
Spring Green, WI 53588
Email: johnhess@mhtc.net
Estimated Number of Attendees: 20,000
WPRA Annual Conference and Trade Show (November 2-5, 2004)
Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association
6601-C Northway
Greendale, WI 53129
Phone: (414) 423-1210
Fax: (414) 423-1296
Email: wpra@execpc.com
A Victorian Christmas at the Pabst (November 14, 2003- January 11,
2004; November 19, 2004-January 9, 2005)
The Captain Frederick Pabst Mansion
2000 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Phone: 414-931-0808
Fax: 414-931-1005
E-mail: pabstman@execpc.com
The WBBA 16th Annual Meeting Program (November 15, 16, 17, 2004)
Wisconsin Bed and Breakfast Association
107 N. First Avenue
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Phone: 920-746-0700
Fax: 920-746-1337
Holiday Folk Fair International (November 19-21, 2004; November 18-20, 2005)
1110 North Old World Third Street
Suite 420 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203, USA
Phone: 414/225-6225 / 1-800-FAIR-INTL
Fax: 414/225-6235
Email: iiw@execpc.com
Holiday Craft and Gift Show (November 26-28, 2004; 2005)
Craft Fair USA/ Wisconsin Festivals Inc.
Phone: 414-321-2100
Email: mail@craftfairusa.com
2004 WSPRA Annual Fall Conference (November 11-12, 2004)
Heidel House Resort & Conference Center ? Green Lake, WI
122 W. Washington Ave. Suite 400
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608-257-3220
Fax 608-257-8386
Contact Patti Welch at 608-257-3220
Wisconsin Library Association. Annual Conference (November 2 - November 5, 2004)
Grand Geneva Resort and Spa, Lake Geneva, WI.
Contact: Gayle Falk, 2004 registration chair ? Email: gafalk@burlington.lib.wi.us
Call To Action National Conference
(November 5- 7, 2004)
(Nov. 3 ? 5, 2005)
(Nov. 2- 4, 2006)
Midwest Airlines Center
400 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI
Fax: 773.404.1610
Source: http://arts.state.wi.us/static/fairs/november.htm
24th Annual Holiday House Bazaar (November 20-21, 2004)
Leani Schoor
Holiday House Bazaar
2154 Rinden Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: 608-873-7641
Estimated Number of Attendees: 2,000
27th Holiday Craft and Gift Show (November 26-28, 2004)
Karie Bennett or Loring Talsky
Craft Fair USA
1900 South 74 Street
Milwaukee, WI 53219-1245
Email: mail@craftfairusa.com
Web: www.craftfairusa.com
Estimated Number of Attendees: 36,000
Cedarburg Craft Shows
Christmas in the Country (December 2-4, 2004; December 1-3, 2005)
That Christmas Feeling (December 2-4, 2004; December 1-3, 2005)
Contact Info: http://www.cedarburg.org/wCBEvents/ContactUs.aspx
Midwest Food Processors Association 100th Convention (Dec. 1 ? 2, 2004)
Phone: 608-255-9946
16th Holiday Art Fair and Artists Wreaths Fundraiser (December 11-13, 2004)
Judith Hooks
Gallery 218
Walker?s Point Artists Association, Inc.
218 S. 2nd Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204
Email: info@gallery218.com or jhha23@usa.net
Web: www.gallery218.com
Estimated Number of Attendees: 675
Source: http://arts.state.wi.us/static/fairs/december.htm
Search terms used:
Wisconsin annual convention conference meeting ?trade show? "craft
show" May June November December
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