Hi boothie,
Thank you for an interesting question. I'd like to direct your
attention to the Important Disclaimer at the bottom of this page. I
can only provide general information and your health care provider
should be contacted for a definite diagnoses.
With that said, yes - a person with bed bug bites might appear to have
chicken pox and vice versa.
Last year my daughter then 8 months had mosquito bites all over her,
(I thought it was chicken pox)so I brought her to the doctors. He said
it was just mosquito bites, and she had so many because some children
have a strange reaction, and they can actually develop more bites from
one mosquito, like a reaction. He gave me a prescritpion hydro.
Now she has many on her again, (30 on her legs) and she seems to wake
up with them. I have searched her room, but can't find any mosquitos-
has anyone else heard of this type of reaction? I can't seem to find
any info on it. I feel terrible, my son never had this problem.
I know this is going to sound terrible and PLEASE don't take this the
wrong way, BUT, it could be bed bugs. Is her mattress used? If so I
would get her a new one. We personally have never had problems with
this but from my understanding many people have. I never thought bed
bugs were real but they are. If you have a new mattress then you may
want to steam clean it.
The only reason I would think this is the problem is because if she's
waking up with bites and you can't find mosquitos or a spider then it
has to be something you can't see. I have also heard that sandfleas
can get into beds and it's hard to detect them too. I just can't
beleive a mosquito could do that because I would think it would either
get squished from your dd rolling on it or scratching. And I don't
think a mosquito could bite that many times.
Bug Bites and Blisters? Help!
Most Frequently Asked Questions
"Question: I've been using my hot tub and have developed a rash. What
is it and what can I do?"
Answer: [edited]
"The most common bacteria issue is Pseudomonas. It is often confused
with bug bites (often complaints are received that a hotel has "bed
bugs"), chicken pox, and other types of rashes."
Pseudomonas is a common problem in warm water pools and spas in
particular. Fortunately the most common symptom is an itchy rash. It
is often confused with bug bites (often complaints are received that a
hotel has "bed bugs"), chicken pox, and other types of rashes.
Damage and Detection
Reaction to bed bug bites depends on the individual. Bites can be
painless and undetectable in some people, but others may be quite
sensitive to bites. Itching and welt formation occurs when a person
has an allergic reaction to an enzyme in the bed bug's saliva. Bed bug
bites tend to occur around the upper body: the face, neck, hands and
arms. Bed bugs have the potential to vector diseases; however, no
disease has been associated with bed bugs.
Heavy infestations within the home can be recognized by a distinctive,
sweet odor produced by bed bugs. Dried blood or fecal spots on bedding
is evidence of a bed bug infestation. These spots can also help
determine where the bed bugs' hiding places are located. After the
hiding places have been located, effective control measures can be
All cracks and crevices near the bed should be examined carefully for
the presence of adults and nymphs.
Division of Animal Control - Bed Bugs
"Although not painful at first, bed bug bites usually become red,
swollen and itchy. Reactions to bites range from mild to severe."
"Signs of bed bugs
Indications of a bed bug infestation include: small blood stains on
walls and sheets (stains are from bed bug excretions, not bites),
skins shed from the early life stages of the bed bug and an odor
similar to the smell of fresh raspberries. Bed bugs multiply rapidly
and can quickly infest your home."
Chicken Pox
What is Chicken Pox?
Chicken pox is a highly contagious viral disease that is spread by
direct contact or breathing in germs from someone's cough or sneeze.
Two weeks after exposure, chicken pox spots appear on the body.
What are the signs and symptoms?
The following symptoms will occur 10-21 days after exposure to chicken pox:
Low grade fever.
Runny nose, slight cough.
Decrease in appetite.
Tired, rundown feeling.
These symptoms usually occur 24-48 hours before the spots appear on the body.
When the spots first appear they will start on the chest, back, or
face, and eventually are seen over the entire body. The spots may
occur in the mouth as white ulcers, and as ulcers in the ears and
Graphic photos of Chicken Pox
Interesting article on this page:
The Dermatology Forum - BUG BITES?
Best regards,
tlspiegel |