Thanks for asking.
I've located three excellent, free XML tutorials.
SafariBookshelf Online | Learning XML, 2nd Edition
Via SafariBookshelf you may read (online) the full O'Reilly
publication: Learning XML, by Eric T. Ray. A free 14 day trial
subscription allows access to every page. You may read the book online
from cover to cover. Or, simply flip to the page(s) you need.
From the link listed, you'll be able to view the Table of Contents,
Code Examples, or simply Start Reading. You'll need to complete the
Registration Forms (2 pages in from the Start Reading button) to begin
the 14 day trial subscription.
"Learning XML is a reliable source for anyone who needs to know XML,
but doesn't want to waste time wading through hundreds of web sites or
800 pages of bloated text."
O'Reilly Network - Safari Bookshelf | Learning XML, 2nd Edition | A Technical Introduction to XML by Norman Walsh
This introduction to XML presents the Extensible Markup Language at a
reasonably technical level for anyone interested in learning more
about structured documents. In addition to covering the XML 1.0
Specification, this article outlines related XML specifications, which
are evolving. The article is organized in four main sections plus an
A Technical Introduction to XML
The XML Tutorial
The XML tutorial explains XML from the beginning. Starting
with basic principles, it outlines the purpose of the language and its
uses -- a thorough grounding in how the language works.
From the introduction: "This is a crash course in some essential
concepts for software developers who are reading and writing XML
documents on a regular basis. It is oriented toward people with some
sort of programming background. The intended audience should already
understand some basic things like what bits and bytes are, how to read
hexadecimal numbers, what characters are, and they should be
comfortable with phrases like "hierarchical data model"."
The XML Tutorial
Further Resources
HTML Goodies | XML (Simplified)
W3C Schools XML Tutorial
Search Strategy
Google Search Terms: xml tutorial
Should you have questions about the information or links provided,
please, feel free to ask for clarification.
---larre |