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Q: Messiah ( No Answer,   17 Comments )
Subject: Messiah
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion
Asked by: sunofagund-ga
List Price: $2.00
Posted: 24 Jul 2004 08:04 PDT
Expires: 23 Aug 2004 08:04 PDT
Question ID: 378515
I heard awhile back that a big discrepancy between the middle east
beliefs and the western world "America" was that they believe the anti
Christ or Jesus was to come from this land.  Now as you can see i
really have no clue of the validaty to this but i was curious if
anythign like this is true.  Or something that nostradamus predicted. 
Is any of this possibllly a reason, or part of the reason for the war
in these day in ages.  I happen to beleive in the idea of Jesus being
reborn into this world, not specifically like the bible says but
actually walk the world until God visits him to come forth and do his
father's bidding
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Messiah
From: daytrader76-ga on 24 Jul 2004 09:02 PDT
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: neilzero-ga on 24 Jul 2004 15:32 PDT
The prophesies are quite vauge with rather rare excepitions, so
opinions vary widely. Some of the Jews and most of the Muslims believe
that Jesus was a prophet and that the real Messiah will be born on
Earth soon. Most Christians, but few Jews or Muslims belive an Anti
Christ wiil come shortly before the second coming of Jesus. Scarsely
anyone believes Jesus will be born twice. The anti Christ could be
born almost anywhere and rule almost anywhere. The second coming of
Jesus could occur most anywhere.  Neil
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: pugwashjw-ga on 24 Jul 2004 22:59 PDT
Jesus IS the messiah or anointed one. The Bible identifies the
antichrist at First John 2;22.."Who is the liar if it is not the one
that denies that Jesus is the Christ [ or messiah, anointed one] ?.
This is the antichrist". This scripture raises the question of WHO?
was opposed to Jesus. Satan was, we know that. He offered Jesus all
the kingdoms in the world if only Jesus would do one act of obeysance
to him. [ Matthew 4; 1-11] Of course, Jesus did not but was humble 
enough to pray to his father, God, in heaven, for strength to resist.
A further scripture at Mark 5; 2-16, relates how Jesus drove the
unclean demon from the crazy man. The demon itself, at verse 7, proves
Jesus` messiahship, when it stated " What have I to do with you,
Jesus, Son of the Most High God". And further the demon stated at
verse 9 that it was not just a single demon but many. Then the demon/s
actually "entreated" Jesus to allow them to enter into a herd of swine
[pigs] to avoid ...leaving the country...verse 9. Once Jesus permitted
the demons to enter the swine, the whole herd rushed over the
precipice into the sea. About two thousand drowned. So there were
multiple demons in the one man.And the man was returned to normality.
And all recognised Jesus for who he truly was. The last part of First
John 2;22 says.."This is the antichrist, the one that denies the
Father AND the Son". Also at First John 2; 18,19.." There have come to
be MANY antichrists, they went out from us, but they were not of our
sort". So the Bible indicates the antichrist is just not one single
individual, such as Satan, but any person or organisation, secular or
government, that is opposed to Jesus and his Father, God. Psalm
2;2.."The kings of earth take their stand and high officials
themselves have massed together as one against Jehovah [God`s name]and
against his anointed one [ Christ or Messiah]. The antichrist has been
here on earth for quite a while and we can see the results.
Revelation12;7-11. Have a read.
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: pugwashjw-ga on 24 Jul 2004 23:51 PDT
Hi Neil. Hope you don`t mind me commenting on your last sentence that
Jesus` second coming could occur anywhere. Matthew 24;37-39 says the
coming will be"just as the days of Noah were"...with life carrying on
normally...and they took no the presence of the son of man
[Jesus] will be. verse 37 uses the greek word "pa-rou-si`a meaning
"being alongside". The sense of the word is expressed at Philippians
2;12 where the apostle Paul contrasts his`a..with
his absence ..a-pou-si`a.. meaning he, Paul, is with them is spirit,
but not physically. Even these days, we say the same thing when we
would like to be present for an important event for someone but cannot
be there in person. verse 30 states that Jesus will be coming on the
clouds of heaven with power and great glory. That glory and the
granting to Jesus of a kingdom is stated at Revelation 12;10. The
timing of Revelation 12 is not easy to discern but is expressed in the
book of Daniel. Chapter 9, verses 24 to 27 is the prophecy of the
"seven times". Granting a day for a year from the time of the Jews
being enslaved by Babylon, Revelation 11;2,3 states 42 months [ 3 1/2
years] is 1260 days times seven = 2520 days=2520 years. From October
607 B.C.E. to December31 607 B.C.E.= 1/4 year.
Jan 1 606 B.C.E. to December31 , 1 B.C.E. =606 years
Jan 1,  1 C.E. to December31, 1913= 1913 years
Jan 1, 1914 to October 1914 = 3/4 year
So 1/4 plus 606 plus 1913 plus 3/4 = 2520 years.
So the figures indicate that Jesus was enthroned in 1914, and still in
heaven, Satan was kicked out of heaven at that time and is now the
antichrist ON THE EARTH and look at the wars and problems we`ve had
since 1914.
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: gentryunderwood-ga on 25 Jul 2004 10:45 PDT
As you can see from some of the comments above, many people feel very
strongly that the Bible is a collection of texts which are to be taken
very seriously and literally. Much of the Christian interest in (and
unflinching support for) Israel is related to a sense of connection to
the "Holy Land", particularly among many evangelical Christians. Many
of these Christians believe that Israel is not only the land from
which Jesus and the Church originally came, but that it is also the
place where much of what  happens in the 'end times' will occur.

For instance, are you familiar with the Dome of the Rock? It's a very
famous Muslim temple in Jerusalem that is believed to be located
precisely where the first and second Jewish Temples once stood (see and
Muslims regard it as one of their oldest and most sacred sites. Many
Jews see it as a powerful example of others occupying land that was
and is theirs by gift of God. And many Christians side with Jews,
believing that in order for prophesies concerning the return of Jesus
to occur, the Dome will have to be replaced with a rebuilt Jewish
Have a look at this:

In my opinion the primacy of the Middle East and Israel in particular
<i>cannot</i> be explained without taking into account the
relationship between Jewish and Christian interests in (and sense of
connection to) the Holy Land.
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: neilzero-ga on 25 Jul 2004 14:21 PDT
Hi pug: I'm glad there are additional comments and yours are very
though. Often $2 questions are totally ignored, so I was trying to be
helpful.   Neil
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: pugwashjw-ga on 25 Jul 2004 23:42 PDT
Hi Neil, Thanks for getting back. Lots of folks accept what the
mainline religions feed them, and rarely is it what the Bible actually
says. These same religions have the Bible but seem never to actually
read it. They seem too tied up with tradition. It may go back hundreds
of years but that does not make it accurate. Everything I post is from
the Bible and quoted with not a single idea...of my own... regards 
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: pugwashjw-ga on 26 Jul 2004 00:12 PDT
For Gentryunderwood. The siting of the temple/church/holy tent or
place of worship no longer matters to God. God does not want us
arguing about or fighting for so called "holy" sites. They ONCE had
importance to teach the Jews the basics of worship, but this was done
away with when Jesus declared a "NEW COVENANT" with ALL the people of
the world . Jesus wanted his message to reach everyone, not just the
Jews and the example in the Bible is at Acts 10;22 where Peter Tells,
or preaches, to the non Jewish army officer, Cornelius. The comment of
Peter at Acts 10;34 are very interesting. I won`t quote it but hope
you`ll have a look yourself. The message was what Jesus called "The
Good News" and is stated at Matthew 6;9,10, mostly known as the "Our
Father" prayer. In verse 10 it says..Let your KINGDOM come...and a bit
later, verse 33...Keep on then seeking FIRST the kingdom...Nothing
there about killing your neighbour just to keep a bit of dirt where a
building once stood, even if it has been regarded with respect for
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: gentryunderwood-ga on 26 Jul 2004 12:22 PDT
Pug: re the insignificance of physical 'holy' sites -- God may or may
not care (I hesitate to speak for God :) but many people certainly do!
Perhaps if more Christians (and Jews, and Muslims, ...) saw things as
you do there wouldn't be such global interest (and torment) around
Israel... regardless of your personal theological convictions there
are still many, many people who think that part of the world is both
spiritually special and 'theirs'...
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: pugwashjw-ga on 28 Jul 2004 01:31 PDT
Hi Neil, Does God put any importance in earthly physical sites that
would make them Holy? He did once to teach the early Jews the basics
of worship, but the aim was to educate them to understanding the
"Spiritual" Temple where god resides, worshipped by the myriads of
angels. Revelation 19. From the time of Jesus, all men have the
opportunity to worship God from anywhere on the earth, through prayer.
Act 17;24.."The God that made the world and all things in it, being,
as this one is, Lord of heaven and earth, does NOT dwell in HANDMADE
temples.25. Neither is He attended to by human hands  as if He needed
anything, because He himself gives to ALL persons life, and breath and
all things....27. For them to seek God, if they might grope for Him
and really find Him, although in fact HE IS NOT FAR OFF FROM EACH OF
There is no indication in these scriptures that actual places of
worship are a requirement of God. The temples, churches and other
places of worship that men use these days are what MEN think God
wants. They are wrong. Once saw a photo of a line of Muslims[?]
kneeling in a mosque [?] and every second one had an AK47 in front of
him. A peace loving religion???
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: daytrader76-ga on 28 Jul 2004 09:46 PDT
"The siting of the temple/church/holy tent or place of worship no
longer matters to God."

Exactly!  The concept of "holy ground" is almost pagan, as if God were
confined to that specific patch of dirt.  And furthermore, the concept
of "holy war" is a massive contradiction, considering Mat 5:9,
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called Sons of God."
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: talise88-ga on 06 Aug 2004 22:27 PDT
Have you read the book of revelations? it tells all about the second
coming of christ and the anti-christ. it may seem a little obscure
but... you get that.
Subject: Rev 22:17
From: daytrader76-ga on 07 Aug 2004 08:05 PDT
... and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: answersguy-ga on 09 Aug 2004 07:07 PDT
All the bible is clear on is that Jesus will return one day for his people.
And it says that no one knows what day or what hour, not even the
angels, but only God the father and Jesus will know.
It will be as the days of Noah'  the world wicked with sin, homosexual
acts being done,  murder, and many other acts of evil.  One of the sad
things is alot of the wickedness being done is not even realized to be
evil. But by Gods law, it is.   Which is the only law that matters.
Today is alot like Noahs time, so we can assume the time for Christ to
return is near.  is a good source of
information <><
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: pugwashjw-ga on 11 Aug 2004 08:01 PDT
for Answersguy. I`m a bit late getting back on this one, but your
comment on who knows the date and time is not quite right. the
scripture is at Mark 13;32 and says.."Concerning that day or the hour
nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven, NOR the Son [Jesus] BUT
the Father [ God]" and 33. "Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not
know when the appointed time is.  This "appointed time" is the
appointed time of the nations, where God will cleanse the earth of all
men not doing what He requires. Otherwise known as Armageddon.
Revelation 11;18 sets the scene.."But the nations became wrathful. and
you own wrath [God`s] came, and the appointed time for the dead to be
judged, and to give their reward, to your slaves the prophets, and to
the holy ones and to those fearing your NAME [ Jehovah], the small and
the great, and to bring ruin to those ruining the earth". For those
who believe in the Bible as a whole and take careful note of ALL the
scriptures and the wording and matching ALL them together, it becomes
clear that Jesus is here as a spiritual influence. There is no point
in Jesus returning in the flesh a second time, because He has already
died ONCE for all time. Hebrews 9;10. The same scripture mentions the
second time He appears will be for those looking to Him for their
salvation. These ones already have faith that He is leading them from
His glorified position IN HEAVEN.
Subject: Re: Messiah
From: ephraim-ga on 11 Aug 2004 10:20 PDT
I wish to correct Neilzero on a point where he has it completely wrong:

"Some of the Jews and most of the Muslims believe
that Jesus was a prophet and that the real Messiah will be born on
Earth soon."

1) Jews do NOT believe that Jesus was a prophet. Jesus does not play
any real part in Jewish theological thought. It is possible that
Neilzero is referring to groups that call themselves "Messianic Jews"
or "Jews for Jesus." Despite their names, people who belong to one of
these groups hold beliefs which are grounded in specific evangelical
Christian sects. Please do not confuse them with the various forms of
Judaism! I repeat: Jesus has no place in Jewish theology or system of

2) It is a basic tenet of Muslim thought that Jesus was a holy
prophet. I don't know where Neilzero gets his idea that "most of the
Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet." To a practicing Muslim,
there is no question on the matter. Jesus *WAS* a prophet. Period.

Subject: Re: Messiah
From: missy-ga on 11 Aug 2004 12:08 PDT
daytrader writes:

<<Exactly!  The concept of "holy ground" is almost pagan, as if God were
confined to that specific patch of dirt.>>

Most pagan paths hold that divinity is present within each of us, and
within every living thing.  All ground is "holy" to most who follow
the pagan paths.

--Missy, who is a happy little pagan.

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