I'm not a researcher. I think you can ask to have the question removed
if my answer suits.
I found this site:
Which states:
Computer programmers held about 499,000 jobs in 2002. Programmers are
employed in almost every industry, but the largest concentrations are
in computer systems design and related services and in software
publishers, which includes firms that write and sell software. Large
numbers of programmers also can be found in management of companies
and enterprises, telecommunications companies, manufacturers of
computer and electronic equipment, financial institutions, insurance
carriers, educational institutions, and government agencies.
A large number of computer programmers are employed on a temporary or
contract basis or work as independent consultants, as companies demand
expertise with new programming languages or specialized areas of
application. Rather than hiring programmers as permanent employees and
then laying them off after a job is completed, employers can contract
with temporary help agencies, consulting firms, or directly with
programmers themselves. A marketing firm, for example, may require the
services of several programmers only to write and debug the software
necessary to get a new customer resource management system running.
This practice also enables companies to bring in people with a
specific set of skills?usually in one of the latest technologies?as it
applies to their business needs. Bringing in an independent contractor
or consultant with a certain level of experience in a new or advanced
programming language, for example, enables an establishment to
complete a particular job without having to retrain existing workers.
Such jobs may last anywhere from several weeks to a year or longer.
There were 18,000 self-employed computer programmers in 2002.
While the pasted information contains the answer to your question, I
found the entire page quite interesting.
Hope it helps! |