Hi tombobo,
Home networking can be a hair raising experience when your ISP doesn't
want to cooperate. Fortunately, NetGear has taken this into account
and has provided setup information online for the the RP114 router.
RP114 - specs
To start, be certain that TCP/IP is installed on both of your machines
(you can see if it is by going to Control Panel --> Network -->
Configuration. Scroll through the list. If TCP/IP is not listed,
click Add, then Protocol, then TCP/IP. You'll likely need your
Windows CD.)
I'm going to assume that you've already connected your cable modem to
the WAN port, your desktop's NIC to the router, and have installed
your access point as well. Let's get you configured so this thing
will run. Make sure your laptop is off. Leave it off until you're
completely configured.
Turn on your router, and allow it to initialize, then re-boot your
desktop machine to obtain DHCP settings from the router. Fire up your
web browser, and type in the location bar, then hit
enter. This will bring up the configuration wizard. In the Log In
box, type "admin" (no quotes) and 1234 as the password, then click OK.
Select "Wizard Setup" in the next screen.
In the next screen, you'll need to enter your Host Name, which you
need to get by calling your ISP. You need only tell them that you
need the Host Name.
For Domain Name, enter "attbi" (no quotes).
The next screen will be the ISP Parameters screen. Set the boxes for
Encapsulation = Ethernet and Service Type = Standard. Click
(Source: http://www.netgear-support.com/ts/doc/ispref/atexcite.htm,
which, while stating that it is for ATT for Excite@Home, is also for
regular ATT cable customers, according to a rep at NetGear)
In the last screen, you'll be asked for WAN IP Address Assignment, DNS
Server and WAN MAC Address. The settings are as follows:
Wan IP Address Assignment = Get Automatically From ISP
DNS Server Address Assignment = Get Automatically From ISP
Wan Mac Address = Spoof This PCs Mac Address IP Address
(or whichever IP address appears in the box. This is the IP of the
computer originally connected to the cable modem, now connected to the
When you're all done, click Finish. That's it, you should be all
In some instances, however, this will not work, and you'll need to
change the setting to Fixed IP address, and enter your static IP
address, as well as the Subnet Mask and Gateway IP address (both of
which you can obtain by calling your ISP. You only need to ask "What
are my subnet mask and gateway IP addresses?" - DON'T mention
networking, they will stop talking to you immediately. This is SOP
with most ISPs, because they don't want to walk you through your
networking.) Just back up, change the relevant settings, and try
again. You may need to reboot after you've finished for your
computers to be able to see each other.
If you find that there are still kinks to be worked out, you can
consult the RP114 Guide's Troubleshooting section:
Reference Guide for the RP114 (requires Acrobat Reader)
If you're still stuck after that, give the nice people at NetGear a
call, and they'll be happy to help:
NetGear Customer Support:
1-888-NETGEAR (1-888-638-4327)
Hope this gets you up and running without too much fuss! Good luck!
missy-ga |