Hi Gregoryew,
Outlook Express 6 will do what you require and will even dial your
internet connection if you don't have a constant connect (cable
You can download Internet Explorer 6 from the Microsoft site.
You will need to download and install Outlook Express from that file.
Once IE and OE are installed, open Outlook Express. Go to Tools >
Accounts > Add > Mail and follow the instructions in the Internet
Connection Wizard. Be sure to check the "Remember my password" box
when you enter your account name and password.
The hotmail server is an http not smtp server so you use the following
server address http://services.msn.com/svcs/hotmail/httpmail.asp
Once Hotmail is set up as a mail account in OE, go to Tools > Options
> General Tab in the section labelled Send/Receive messages check the
box next to Check for new messages every ____ minutes. Set the number
of minutes in the box (type 300 to check every 5 hours, 240 to check
every 4 hours, etc.). Underneath this line, there is a box that says
If my computer is not connected at this time: If you are using a
dialup connection, change the selection in the drop down menu to
"connect even when working offline". If you are using a dialup
connection, you will also probably want to go to the Connections tab
(still in Options) and check the Hang up after sending and receiving
Credify Email Autoresponder will handle your away messaging. This
shareware program can be downloaded for a free trial from
It requires Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, 32Mb RAM, 10Mb Harddrive.
Here is the description of the program from that page:
"Expert marketeers know that autoresponders can dramatically increase
your exposure to prospective customers by replying to every email sent
to you. Now, the Credify Autoresponder will automate your businesses
email communication.
"Set up rules to not only reply with email messages, but add contacts
to your database, create a double-opt-in email and newsletter system,
send product brochures and other attachments with your full-HTML email
"Credify's Autoresponder even adds data to files and HTML pages.
Forward emails to other recipients, calculate weekly email statistics,
delete unsolicited emails before anyone sees them, and even send forms
that allow for orders to be placed--right from the email.
"Use the Autoresponder to check for help requests. For instance, when
a request comes into your support@company.com, and the subject or
message has words like: 'applying xyz product', you can automatically
send a helpful email--your autoresponder acts like a knowledgebase!
"Download and try the Autoresponder today. It's a limited version that
lets you try out all the features, but limits only the number of
records you can add. Register the same software and unlock its full
potential. Works with an unlimited number of email accounts and
If you require similar software for a Macintosh or other OS, please
post a request for clarification.
I hope these two programs will resolve your mail problems for your
vacation--and that you enjoy yourself!
readersguide |
Clarification of Answer by
10 Jul 2002 17:24 PDT
If you set up Hotmail's junk mail filter, you can have junk/bulk/spam
mail filtered into this folder and then you can also have them
automatically deleted. You do this from your hotmail account's Options
Hotmail's Login Page
Log in to hotmail, click the Options Tab > Mail Handling > Junk Mail
Filter. Choose your desired level of filtering. I would recommend High
for your week-long situation. After you do that, click OK.
Still in that Options Section > Junk Mail Deletion. Selecting this
option will delete all mail sent to your Bulk Mail folder.
You may wish to add email addresses to the Safe List and Mailing List
section on the Options page as well to avoid losing messages which may
be important to you, such as those from family, friends, and business
I hope that this will resolve your problems. Again, enjoy your