In Crystal Adv Developer v10, have a user ordered item list that must
be displayed whether or not there are counts in a related "action" DB2
table. I created his list as a CSV table. There are actions in the
action table for these items. Each item may or may not have any
actions. The (DB2) Action_Takers Table is related one-to-many to the
(DB2) Actions_Taken Table. I need to list the items in the order given
and total the actions taken for TODAY , and again for all time.
Problem is that only three of 40 ITEMS have records in the ACTIONS
table, and so Crystal only lists the Three ITEMS that do. I need all
to show, but they won't. It looks like this:
Action_takers_summary_DB2_Tab Actions_taken_DB2_Tab
============================== ==================
PriKy (PK)| Act_Dt_Tim (FK)| Act_Pers (PK) Who | What | Act
00010 20040720134500 John Tim Car 12
00020 20040711123220 Matt John Boat 09
00005 20040702134500 Henry Bertha Car 12
Code | Item Desc
011 Motorcycle
020 boat
030 Toothpick
010 Car
(report should list in order shown in ITEM_LIST)
July 20, 2004
Item Today Count Cumulative
Motorcycle 0 0
boat 0 1
Toothpick 0 0
Car 1 2
Instead my report just looks like:
July 20, 2004
Item Today Count Cumulative
Motorcycle 0 0
Car 1 2
What will make this work? It seems to be related to different Data sources. I
have not yet installed any ODBC drivers from Crystal and have tried
many combinations of links and sub reports, variables, etc.. I am not
allowed to alter, or add tables, views, or stored procedures in the
DB2 (AIX) system. I can use the NT file system, but not MS Office,
thus the CSV file.
PLEASE HELP!!! I can't tell you more due to security, but that is the
whole of it.
Tell me what you want for answering this, but I can't get a lot more
than 20- $40 on expense without raising eyebrows.
Thank you (in advance) very kindly,
Corey - Falls Church - U.S.C.A.C. |