Hello again, Walter.
Thank you for getting back to me on this.
As I mentioned in my earlier comment, the UK is one of the countries
that can be described as data-rich in terms of the information
collected by the government and made available to the public.
Information on the airlines and airports of the country is one of the
areas that holds true to this notion. The Civil Aviation Authority of
the UK maintains an entire page devoted to an updated presentation of
Airport Statistics in the country. The most recent statistics can be
found at:
UK Airport Statistics: 2004
Almost 20 categories of data presented, including the following tables:
Table 01 Size of UK Airports
Table 02.1 Main Outputs of UK Airports
Table 02.2 Summary of Activity at UK Airports
Table 03 Aircraft Movements
Table 04 Transport Movements by Type
Table 05 Air Transport Movements
Table 06 Air Transport Movements vs Prev Year
Table 07 Airport Landings Diverted
Table 08 Air Pax by Type and Nat of Op
Table 09 Terminal and Transit Pax
Table 10.1 EU and Other Intl Terminal Pax Traffic
Table 11 International Air Pax Traffic to from UK by Country
...and so on.
The tables present highly detailed information.
For example, Table 2.2 on overall Airport Activity has headings as follows:
Summary of Activity at UK Airports April 2004
Air Transport Movements: Scheduled & Charter
Terminal Passengers: Scheduled & Charter
Transit Passengers: Scheduled & Charter
Freight (Tonnes): Scheduled & Charter
Mail (Tonnes): Scheduled & Charter
The data is presented in each category for every sizable airport in
the UK. Near the bottom of the table are summary statistics for the
UK as a whole.
For instance, for April 2004, some of the relevant numbers for the entire UK are:
Total number of scheduled flights:................158,761
Total number of chartered flights:.................24,284
Total number of scheduled passengers:..........14,841,769
Total number of chartered passengers:...........2,168,513
...and so on.
Separate web pages provide information on airline punctuality statistics:
UK Punctuality Statistics
and airline financial data:
UK Airline Financial Tables
Annual Profit and Loss, Airline Appropriation & Balance Sheet
statistics are collected from all major UK Airlines (those whose total
fleet exceeds 200 Tonnes maximum take off weight authorised).
The data are presented on the web, and are also available in a variety
of other paper and electronic formats:
CD, Floppy Disk and Paper Copies
These statistical sources will give you a good overview of the types
of data available for airlines and airports in the UK, and should
allow you to do a comparison with data collection and delivery systems
in health care.
Before rating this answer, please let me know if you need any
additional explanation of what I've presented here. Just post a
Request for Clarification and let me know what else you need, and I am
at your service.
search strategy: Google search on [uk airline statistics] |