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Q: BYU Colleges, Departments, and Instructors in parseable form ( Answered,   0 Comments )
Subject: BYU Colleges, Departments, and Instructors in parseable form
Category: Reference, Education and News > Education
Asked by: elknok-ga
List Price: $15.00
Posted: 01 Aug 2004 00:13 PDT
Expires: 31 Aug 2004 00:13 PDT
Question ID: 381913
I need a fairly complete and current list of BYU's (Brigham Young
University) Colleges/Schools, Departments, and Instructors in a format
I can easily parse using a program I'm writing.

The info needs to be in the form of two lists:
   - The first list will identify each of the university's departments
and which individual college they each belong to.
   - The second list will identify each of the university's
undergraduate instructors (including "staff", assistant professors,
associate professors) by first and last name along with the department
they belong to.

Each line of List #1 needs to be of the following form*, minus the square brackets:
[Department name], [DEPARTMENT ABREVIATION], [College of the department]

Each line of List #2 needs to be of the following form*, minus the square brackets:
[Professor First Name], [Professor Last Name], [DEPARTMENT ABREVIATION]

* A few additional notes:

- The department abreviations needs to be in all caps.
- Use consistent naming of the colleges/schools
- I will also accept a different ordering of the lines in each list, such as:
[DEPARTMENT ABREVIATION], [Professor Last Name], [Professor First Name]

Happy hunting!
Subject: Re: BYU Colleges, Departments, and Instructors in parseable form
Answered By: rainbow-ga on 01 Aug 2004 20:21 PDT
Hi elknok

The following is the result of my research for the information, and
format, you requested regarding Brigham Young University.

College of Biology and Agriculture

Integrative Biology, INBIO, College of Biology and Agriculture
Microbiology and Molecular Biology, MMBIO, College of Biology and Agriculture
Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Science, NDFS, College of Biology and Agriculture
Physiology and Developmental Biology, PDBIO, College of Biology and Agriculture
Plant and Animal Sciences, PAS, College of Biology and Agriculture

Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology 

Chemical Engineering, CHEN, Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology 
Civil & Environmental Engineering, CEEN, Ira A. Fulton College of
Engineering and Technology
Electrical & Computer Engineering, ECEN, Ira A. Fulton College of
Engineering and Technology
Mechanical Engineering, MEEN, Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology 
School of Technology, SOT, Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology 

College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences 

Anthropology, ANTHRO, College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences 
Economics, ECON, College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences 
Geography, GEOG, College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences 
History, HIST, College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences 
Political Science, POLSC, College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences 
Psychology, PSYCH, College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences 
School of Family Life, SFL, College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences  
School of Social Work, SOCW, College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences 
Sociology, SOC, College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences 

College of Fine Arts and Communications

Communications, COMMS, College of Fine Arts and Communications
School of Music, MUSIC, College of Fine Arts and Communications
Theatre and Media Arts, TMA, College of Fine Arts and Communications  
Visual Arts, VA, College of Fine Arts and Communications

College of Health and Human Performance 

Dance, DANCE, College of Health and Human Performance 
Health Science, HLTH, College of Health and Human Performance  
Physical Education, PE, College of Health and Human Performance  
Recreation Management and Youth Leadership, RMYL, College of Health
and Human Performance

College of Humanities   

English, ENGL, College of Humanities   
French and Italian, FRENITAL, College of Humanities   
Germanic and Slavic Languages, GERMSLAV, College of Humanities   
Humanities, Classics, and Comparative Literature, HCCL, College of Humanities   
Linguistics and English Language, LING, College of Humanities   
Philosophy, PHIL, College of Humanities   
Spanish and Portuguese, SPANPORT, College of Humanities   

J. Reuben Clark Law School 

Law, LAW, J. Reuben Clark Law School 

Marriot School of Management 

School of Accountancy and Information Systems, SOAIS, Marriot School
of Management
Department of Business Management, MGT, Marriot School of Management 
Public Management, PMGT, Marriot School of Management  
Organizational Leadership and Strategy, OLS, Marriot School of Management  

David O. McKay School of Education 

Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, ASLP, David O. McKay School of Education 
Counseling Psychology and Special Education, CPSE, David O. McKay
School of Education
Educational Leadership and Foundations, EDLF, David O. McKay School of Education  
Instructional Psychology and Technology, IPT, David O. McKay School of Education 
Teacher Education, TED, David O. McKay School of Education  

College of Nursing  

Nursing, NURS, College of Nursing 

College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 

Chemistry and Biochemistry, CHEM, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 
Computer Science, CS, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 
Geology, GEOL, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 
Mathematics, MATH, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 
Mathematics Educationm, MTHED, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences  
Physics and Astronomy, PHSCS, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 
Statistics, STAT, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences   


College of Biology and Agriculture

INBIO, Adair, Marta J. 
INBIO, Anderson, Val J. 
INBIO, Atwood, N. Duane  
INBIO, Baumann, Richard W.
INBIO, Belk, Mark C.  
INBIO, Black, Hal L.  
INBIO, Booth, Gary M. 
INBIO, Brady, Caroline  
INBIO, Braithwaite, Lee F.  
INBIO, Brotherson, Jack D.  
INBIO, Cates, Rex G. 
INBIO, Crandall, Keith A.  
INBIO, Flinders, Jerran T.  
INBIO, Fry, Leanna  
INBIO, Furniss, H. Blaine 
INBIO, Gardner, John S. 
INBIO, Hatch, Kent A. 
INBIO, Hess, Wilford M. 
INBIO, Jeffery, Duane E.  
INBIO, Johnson, Jerald B. 
INBIO, Johnson, Leigh A. 
INBIO, Johnson, Robert  
INBIO, LeCheminant, Carma 
INBIO, McClellan, David A. 
INBIO, Nelson, C. Riley  
INBIO, Peck, Steven L.  
INBIO, Rader, Russell B.  
INBIO, Robinson, Todd F. 
INBIO, Roeder, Beverly L. 
INBIO, Rogers, Duke S. 
INBIO, Roundy, Bruce A.  
INBIO, Shiozawa, Dennis K.  
INBIO, Sites, Jack W. 
INBIO, Smith, H. Duane 
INBIO, St. Clair, Larry L.  
INBIO, Standing, Michael 
INBIO, Welsh, Stanley L. 
INBIO, White, Clayton M.  
INBIO, Whiting, Michael F. 
INBIO, Woolstenhulme, Loreen A. 
MMBIO, Adams, Byron  
MMBIO, Anderson, Shauna C. 
MMBIO, Bradshaw, William S.  
MMBIO, Breakwell, Donald P  
MMBIO, Bridgewater, Laura  
MMBIO, Cockayne, Susan  
MMBIO, Crandall, Keith A. 
MMBIO, Evans, R. Paul  
MMBIO, Harker, Alan R.  
MMBIO, Jensen, James B.  
MMBIO, Johnson, F. Brent  
MMBIO, Kling, Chadra 
MMBIO, Leavitt, Ron W. 
MMBIO, McCleary, William R. 
MMBIO, Murray, Byron K. 
MMBIO, Nielsen, Brent  
MMBIO, O'Neill, Kim L. 
MMBIO, Robison, Richard A.  
MMBIO, Rotz, Elaine 
MMBIO, Woodward, Scott R. 
NDFS, Brown, Lora Beth  
NDFS, Campbell, Alison  
NDFS, Christensen, Merrill J  
NDFS, Davidson, Robert 
NDFS, Duncan, Julie 
NDFS, Dunn, Michael  
NDFS, Franz, Kay B  
NDFS, Fullmer, Susan 
NDFS, Hawkins, Ernest W.  
NDFS, Huber, Clayton S. 
NDFS, Jefferies, Laura  
NDFS, Johnston, N. Paul  
NDFS, Lloyd, Michelle  
NDFS, McGuire, Diana L 
NDFS, Mitchell, Ana W  
NDFS, Nyland, Nora K  
NDFS, Ogden, Lynn V  
NDFS, Peine, Melanie S  
NDFS, Pike, Oscar A 
NDFS, Rowe, Mark J 
NDFS, Steele, Frost M.  
NDFS, Zou, Jiping 
PDBIO, Barrow, Jeffery R.   
PDBIO, Bell, John D. 
PDBIO, Brown, Michael D.
PDBIO, Busath, David D.  
PDBIO, Garowski, Marjean 
PDBIO, Judd, Allan M.
PDBIO, Kooyman, David L.  
PDBIO, Lephart, Edwin D.  
PDBIO, Porter, James P.  
PDBIO, Provost, Connie 
PDBIO, Rhees, R. Ward 
PDBIO, Seegmiller, Robert E. 
PDBIO, Silcox, Roy W.  
PDBIO, Stark, Michael  
PDBIO, Sudweeks, Sterling  
PDBIO, Winden, Duane  
PDBIO, Winder, William W. 
PDBIO, Woodbury, Dixon  
PDBIO, Woolley, Bruce H 
PAS, Allen, Phil 
PAS, Barben, Kerly  
PAS, Boden, Brian  
PAS, Campbell, Emilie  
PAS, Christensen, Allen  
PAS, Coleman, Craig E.  
PAS, Crookston, R. Kent 
PAS, Fairbanks, Daniel J.  
PAS, Garret, Sandy  
PAS, Geary, Brad  
PAS, Hansen, Earl 
PAS, Horrocks, R. Dwain 
PAS, Hunter, Norah 
PAS, Jellen, Eric N.  
PAS, Jesperson, Dorine  
PAS, Jolley, Greg 
PAS, Jolley, Von D. 
PAS, Kellems, Richard O. 
PAS, Kuhl, Warren D.  
PAS, Maughan, Jeff  
PAS, Nelson, Sheldon D. 
PAS, Ritchie, Karl  Farm
PAS, Smith, Bruce N.  
PAS, Stevens, Mikel R. 
PAS, Terry, Richard E.  
PAS, Webb, Bruce L.  
PAS, Williams, C. Frank 

Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology 

CHEN, Bartholomew, Calvin  
CHEN, Baxter, Larry 
CHEN, Beckstead, Merrill  
CHEN, Beliveau, Michael
CHEN, Fletcher, Thomas 
CHEN, Golightly, Kelsea 
CHEN, Hales, Hugh 
CHEN, Harb, John 
CHEN, Hecker, William  
CHEN, Hjorth, Andrew
CHEN, Jacobson, Serena 
CHEN, Oscarson, John 
CHEN, Pitt, William 
CHEN, Rowley, Richard  
CHEN, Solen, Kenneth 
CHEN, Terry, Ronald 
CHEN, Wheeler, Dean 
CHEN, Wilding, W. Vincent 
CEEN, Anderson, David 
CEEN, Balling, Richard 
CEEN, Benzley, Steven 
CEEN, Borup, M. Brent  
CEEN, Christiansen, Henry  
CEEN, Downs, Wayne  
CEEN, Fonseca, Fernando 
CEEN, Guthrie, W. Spencer  
CEEN, Jensen, David
CEEN, Jones, Norman 
CEEN, Lucas, Warren  
CEEN, Merritt, LaVere 
CEEN, Miller, A. Woodruff 
CEEN, Nelson, E. James 
CEEN, Rollins, Kyle  
CEEN, Saito, Mitsuru 
CEEN, Shurtliff, Tamera 
CEEN, Sorenson, Janice 
CEEN, Thurgood, Glen 
CEEN, Trevino, David 
CEEN, Youd, T. Leslie 
CEEN, Zundel, Alan 
ECEN, Archibald, James 
ECEN, Beard, Randal 
ECEN, Bearnson, LeRoy  
ECEN, Brown, Philroy
ECEN, Bussio, Joseph
ECEN, Comer, David  
ECEN, Comer, Donald 
ECEN, Dawson, Donald 
ECEN, Evans, Adrian 
ECEN, Frost, Richard  
ECEN, Hawkins, Aaron
ECEN, Hemmert, K. Scott  
ECEN, Hutchings, Brad 
ECEN, Jeffs, Brian  
ECEN, Jensen, Michael  
ECEN, Lee, D.J. 
ECEN, Long, David  
ECEN, Manwaring, Mark  
ECEN, Marcum, Jared 
ECEN, Nelson, Brent 
ECEN, Oliphant, Travis 
ECEN, Ormsby, Mark 
ECEN, Petrie, Craig  
ECEN, Poret, Mark
ECEN, Rice, Michael 
ECEN, Schultz, Stephen  
ECEN, Selfridge, Richard
ECEN, Sjogren, James 
ECEN, Smith, Samuel 
ECEN, Stirling, Wynn  
ECEN, Swindlehurst, A. Lee 
ECEN, Tanner, K. Ann 
ECEN, Teichert, Daniel 
ECEN, Tripp, Justin 
ECEN, Warnick, Karl 
ECEN, Wilde, Doran  
ECEN, Wirthlin, Michael 
MEEN, Adams, Brent L. 
MEEN, Blotter, Jonathan 
MEEN, Bons, Jeffrey  
MEEN, Bowman, W. Jerry  
MEEN, Chase, Kenneth 
MEEN, Cole, Kevin 
MEEN, Cox, Jordan 
MEEN, Eastman, Paul  
MEEN, Forster, Kenneth 
MEEN, Hanson, Janie
MEEN, Howell, Larry  
MEEN, Jensen, C. Gregory  
MEEN, Jones, Matthew 
MEEN, Kump, Linda 
MEEN, Magleby, Spencer  
MEEN, Maynes, R. Daniel  
MEEN, McLain, Tim  
MEEN, Mortensen, Kay
MEEN, Nelson, Tracy 
MEEN, Nielson, Keith 
MEEN, Phillips, Susan 
MEEN, Pugh, Len 
MEEN, Red, W. Edward 
MEEN, Smith, Craig 
MEEN, Sorensen, Carl  
MEEN, Sundquist, Shaun
MEEN, Todd, Robert  
MEEN, Tree, Dale  
MEEN, Webb, Brent 
SOT, Adams, R. Brent  
SOT, Bailey, Michael  
SOT, Berrett, Jared  
SOT, Burr, Kevin 
SOT, Butler, Russell  
SOT, Bybee, Clinton
SOT, Campbell, Jeffery  
SOT, Carter, Perry Technology
SOT, Christensen, Kip 
SOT, Christofferson, Jay 
SOT, Ekstrom, Joseph  
SOT, Erekson, Thomas
SOT, Franz, Reinhard 
SOT, Fry, Richard  
SOT, Gonzales, Ronald 
SOT, Harmon, Beverly 
SOT, Harrell, Charles 
SOT, Hawks, Val  
SOT, Helps, Richard  
SOT, Hutchings, D. Mark  
SOT, Kohkonen, Kent  
SOT, Lowe, Ruth Ann 
SOT, Lunt, Barry  
SOT, Marshall, John 
SOT, McAllister, Robert "Mac" 
SOT, Miles, Michael  
SOT, Miller, Kevin 
SOT, Miller, Paul 
SOT, Newitt, Jay 
SOT, Ordaz, Tiffany  
SOT, Reinhard, John
SOT, Renshaw, Stephen 
SOT, Rogers, Leon  
SOT, Shumway, Steven 
SOT, Skaggs, Paul  Associate 
SOT, Strong, A. Brent  
SOT, Weidman, Brent  

College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences 

ANTHRO, Allen, Marti Lu 
ANTHRO, Andrus, Ed 
ANTHRO, Baker, Shane 
ANTHRO, Berge, Dale L. 
ANTHRO, Buonforte, Richard H. 
ANTHRO, Clark, John E. 
ANTHRO, Crandall, David P. 
ANTHRO, Forsyth, Donald W. 
ANTHRO, Forsythe, Evie  
ANTHRO, Hartley-Moore, Julie 
ANTHRO, Hawkins, John P. 
ANTHRO, Hayes, Sophie 
ANTHRO, Houston, Stephen D.  
ANTHRO, Janetski, Joel C. 
ANTHRO, Johnson, David J. 
ANTHRO, Knoll, Michelle 
ANTHRO, Matheny, Ray T. 
ANTHRO, Nielsen, Glenna 
ANTHRO, Olsen, Bill 
ANTHRO, Robertson, Ian  
ANTHRO, Schaub, Megan 
ANTHRO, Schulthies, Tara 
ECON, Bradford, Scott  
ECON, Butler, Matthew  
ECON, Butler, Richard  
ECON, Cardon, James  
ECON, Eide, Eric  
ECON, Gardner, Delworth 
ECON, Garner, Phillip  
ECON, Gathright, Graton  
ECON, Jensen, Farrell  
ECON, Jensen, Mark  
ECON, Johnson, Katie 
ECON, Johnson, Ryan  
ECON, Jordan, Shawn  
ECON, Kearl, James  
ECON, Lambson, Val 
ECON, Lefgren, Lars  
ECON, Mackay, Bret  
ECON, McDonald, James  
ECON, McIntyre, Frank  
ECON, McKnight, Chenoa  
ECON, Norman, Stephen  
ECON, Phillips, Kerk  
ECON, Pope, Arden  
ECON, Pope, Clayne 
ECON, Pope, Rulon  
ECON, Ransom, Michael  
ECON, Showalter, Mark  
ECON, Sims, David  
ECON, Sneed, Andrea  
ECON, Spencer, David  
ECON, Waters, Steven  
ECON, Wilson, Sven 
ECON, Wimmer, Larry  
GEOG, Anderson, Kirk 
GEOG, Bekker, Matthew F.  
GEOG, Christensen, Alan Jay 
GEOG, Davis, James A.  
GEOG, Durrant, Jeffrey O.  
GEOG, Emmett, Chad F.  
GEOG, Gluch, Renee  
GEOG, Golightly, George 
GEOG, Hardin, Perry J.  
GEOG, Harris, Heather 
GEOG, Hudman, Lloyd E.  
GEOG, Jackson, Andrew  
GEOG, Jackson, Mark W.  
GEOG, Jackson, Richard H.  
GEOG, James, David  
GEOG, Knapp, Jill  
GEOG, Monson, Clark  
GEOG, Morgan, Donald L.  
GEOG, Otterstrom, Samuel M. 
GEOG, Plewe, Brandon S. 
GEOG, Shumway, J. Matthew 
HIST, Birrell, Scott
HIST, Bohac, Rodney 
HIST, Brown, Kendall W. 
HIST, Buckley, Jay H. 
HIST, Butler, Lee 
HIST, Cannon, Brian Q. 
HIST, Choate, Mark I.
HIST, Cooper, Glen 
HIST, Daynes, Kathryn 
HIST, Doxey, Gary B.
HIST, Dursteler, Eric 
HIST, Embry, Jessie 
HIST, Farmer, J. Michael 
HIST, Fredrickson, Kris 
HIST, Fox, Frank 
HIST, Garcia, Ignacio 
HIST, Grandstaff, Mark R. 
HIST, Green, Arnold
HIST, Hall, John F. 
HIST, Hamblin, William 
HIST, Harline, Craig 
HIST, Harreld, Donald J. 
HIST, Hartley, William G. 
HIST, Haslam, Gerald 
HIST, Holmes, Blair R. 
HIST, Holzapfel, Richard 
HIST, Huntsman, Eric 
HIST, Kerry, Paul. E.
HIST, Kimball, Richard 
HIST, Mason, Matthew 
HIST, Miller, Shawn W.
HIST, Murdock, Michael 
HIST, Pixton, Paul B. 
HIST, Pulsipher, Jenny 
HIST, Radke, Andrea 
HIST, Radle, Julie C. 
HIST, Richards, Mary Stovall 
HIST, Rugh, Susan Sessions 
HIST, Ryskamp, George 
HIST, Shumway, Jeffrey M. 
HIST, Thorp, Malcolm 
HIST, Underwood, Grant 
HIST, Walker, Gary L. 
HIST, Walker, Ron 
HIST, West, Emily 
HIST, White, Ken 
HIST, Winkler, Albert 
HIST, York, Neil L. 
POLSC, Bohn, David E. 
POLSC, Bowen, DL  
POLSC, Bryner, Gary  
POLSC, Champion, Brian  
POLSC, Christensen, Raymond V. 
POLSC, Cooper, Scott  
POLSC, Damron, Danny  
POLSC, Davis, Richard D.  
POLSC, Daynes, Byron W.  
POLSC, Elliot, Lynn  
POLSC, Fager, Amy   
POLSC, Fry, Earl Howard  
POLSC, Gilchrist, Brent  
POLSC, Goodliffe, Jay  
POLSC, Goss, Robert  
POLSC, Hancock, Ralph C.  
POLSC, Hawkins, Darren  
POLSC, Hawkins, Kirk  
POLSC, Holland, Matt  
POLSC, Hudson, Valerie M.  
POLSC, Hyer, Eric A.  
POLSC, Ingersoll, Cindy  
POLSC, Jacoby, Wade  
POLSC, Magleby, David B.  
POLSC, Monson, Quin  
POLSC, Mott, Jon  
POLSC, Nielson, Daniel L.  
POLSC, Palkki, David  
POLSC, Patterson, Kelly D.  
POLSC, Pope, Jeremy  
POLSC, Reynolds, Noel B.  
POLSC, Ringer, Jeff  
POLSC, Robbins, Bryce 
POLSC, Schulzke, Eric  
POLSC, Smith, Justin 
POLSC, Snow, R.J. 
POLSC, Stiles, Kendall  
POLSC, Tanner, Emily 
POLSC, Tortosa, Marta  
POLSC, Wilson, Sven Eric  
PSYCH, Allen, Mark
PSYCH, Barlow, Sally H.
PSYCH, Bigler, Erin D.
PSYCH, Bloch, George J.
PSYCH, Brown, Bruce L.
PSYCH, Burlingame, Gary M.
PSYCH, Carpenter, Bruce
PSYCH, Christensen, Karen 
PSYCH, Clayton, Claudia
PSYCH, Erickson, Annette 
PSYCH, Gantt, Edwin
PSYCH, Hedges, Dawson
PSYCH, Higbee, Kenneth L.
PSYCH, Holt-Lunstad, Julianne
PSYCH, Hopkins, Ramona
PSYCH, Lambert, Michael J.
PSYCH, Layne, Christopher
PSYCH, Manwaring, Kim
PSYCH, Miller, Jr., Harold L.
PSYCH, Norton, Elizabeth J.
PSYCH, Pedersen, Darhl M.
PSYCH, Ridge, Robert D.
PSYCH, Robinson, Paul W.
PSYCH, Slife, Brent D.
PSYCH, Spackman, Matt
PSYCH, Spangler, Diane
PSYCH, Steffen, Patrick
PSYCH, Steffensen, Scott
PSYCH, Tucker, Dana L
PSYCH, Warren, Jared
PSYCH, Wells, Gawain
PSYCH, Williams, Richard N.
PSYCH, Yamawaki, Niwako
SFL, Bahr, Kathleen S.  
SFL, Baird, Marie  
SFL, Barlow, Brent 
SFL, Baugh, Dawna  
SFL, Beutler, Ivan F.  
SFL, Braithwaite, Julee  
SFL, Burnham, Catherine A.  
SFL, Butler, Mark H. 
SFL, Carroll, Jason 
SFL, Clarke, Maribeth C.  
SFL, Crane, D. Russell 
SFL, Day, Randal 
SFL, Dollahite, David C.
SFL, Draper, Thomas 
SFL, Duncan, Steve  
SFL, Eatough, Judith   
SFL, Feinauer, Leslie L. 
SFL, Flom, Ross 
SFL, Galbraith, Richard 
SFL, Hancey, Helen  
SFL, Harper, James M.  
SFL, Hart, Craig 
SFL, Hiatt, Rachel   
SFL, Holman, Thomas 
SFL, Klein, Shirley R.  
SFL, Hawkins, Alan J.  
SFL, Hill, E. Jeffrey  
SFL, Ingoldsby, Bron 
SFL, Larson, Jeffry H. 
SFL, Magarrell, Roberta 
SFL, McCoy, Kelly 
SFL, Mead, Eugene 
SFL, Miller, Richard B. 
SFL, Nelson, David 
SFL, Nelson, Larry 
SFL, Nielsen, Karla  
SFL, Olsen, Susanne 
SFL, Olson, Terrance
SFL, Pitts, Shauna 
SFL, Poduska, Bernard 
SFL, Porter, Chris 
SFL, Riddle, Marilyn  
SFL, Robinson, Clyde 
SFL, Rowley, Maxine 
SFL, Scoresby, Lynn 
SFL, Stahmann, Robert F.  
SFL, Stimpson, Miriam  
SFL, Stocks, Janet  
SFL, Taylor, David A.  
SFL, Thompson, Mary J.  
SFL, Watson, Wendy L. 
SFL, Yang, Chongming 
SOCW, Cox, Shirley  
SOCW, Edwards, Marge  
SOCW, Farley, Bill  
SOCW, Brown, Louise 
SOCW, Harris, Jerry 
SOCW, Hawkins, Jean 
SOCW, Lilly, J. P. 
SOCW, Marett, Kevin  
SOCW, Matheson, Kenneth  
SOCW, Matheson, Wes 
SOCW, Norman, Judith  
SOCW, Panos, Patrick  
SOCW, Pehrson, Kyle 
SOCW, Peterson, Bert 
SOCW, Pettys, Gregory  
SOCW, Proctor, Allen 
SOCW, Roby, Jini  
SOCW, Seipel, Mike  
SOCW, Sheffield, Wendy 
SOCW, Spaid, Wanda  
SOCW, Squires, Gwen 
SOCW, Walton, Elaine   
SOCW, Willey, Lisa 
SOC, Bahr, Howard M   
SOC, Bahr, Stephen J.  
SOC, Bartlett, Amanda 
SOC, Brown, Ralph B.  
SOC, Call, Vaughn R.A.   
SOC, Chadwick, Bruce A.   
SOC, Cornwall, Marie   
SOC, Dufur, Mikaela   
SOC, England, Lynn   
SOC, Forste, Renata  
SOC, Gallab, Abdullahi   
SOC, Heaton, Tim B.   
SOC, Hellewell, Meri 
SOC, Hoffmann, John P.   
SOC, Holland, Kimberlee B.   
SOC, Jacobson, Cardell K.  
SOC, Johnson, Barry L.   
SOC, Johnson, Richard E.  
SOC, Knapp, Stan J.   
SOC, McCabe, Margaret  
SOC, McClendon, Richard   
SOC, Olsen, Joseph   
SOC, Tiek, Allison 
SOC, Ward, Carol J.   

College of Fine Arts and Communications

COMMS, Adams, Ed
COMMS, Baker, Sherry
COMMS, Campbell, Joel
COMMS, Cluff, Connie
COMMS, Cressman, Dale
COMMS, Cutri, Chris
COMMS, Egan, Kay
COMMS, Griffiths, Tom
COMMS, Hawkins, Eliza Tanner
COMMS, Long, Rich
COMMS, Martin, Dennis
COMMS, McKinlay, Doug
COMMS, Mouritsen, Russ
COMMS, Palmer, Allen
COMMS, Peterson, Layne
COMMS, Plowman, Kenneth
COMMS, Powell, Bobeta
COMMS, Randle, Quint
COMMS, Rawlins, Brad
COMMS, Robinson, Tom
COMMS, Stoker, Kevin
COMMS, Stout, Dan
COMMS, Thomsen, Steve
COMMS, Turner, Lesley
COMMS, Wallace, Lindsey 
COMMS, Walz, J. Robert
COMMS, Wilson, Laurie
MUSIC, Anderson, Richard 
MUSIC, Asplund, Christian T.
MUSIC, Bachelder, Daniel F.
MUSIC, Belknap, Monte
MUSIC, Bigelow, A. Claudine
MUSIC, Blackinton, David P.
MUSIC, Boothe, Randall W.
MUSIC, Boren, Murray E.
MUSIC, Broomhead, G. Paul
MUSIC, Brough, Ronald P.
MUSIC, Brown, David C.
MUSIC, Bush, Douglas E.
MUSIC, Call, R. Steven
MUSIC, Christensen, Janielle
MUSIC, Christensen, Ruth M.
MUSIC, Clayton, April D.
MUSIC, Cook, R. Don
MUSIC, Dabczynski, Andrew H.
MUSIC, Durham, Thomas L.
MUSIC, Giovannetti, Geralyn A.
MUSIC, Green, Lawrence
MUSIC, Hall, Rosalind B.
MUSIC, Hansen, H. Eric
MUSIC, Harker, Brian C.
MUSIC, Hicks, Michael D.
MUSIC, Hinckley, Jaren S.
MUSIC, Holden, Scott L.
MUSIC, Hopkin, J. Arden
MUSIC, Howard, Luke B.
MUSIC, Jaccard, Jerry-Louis
MUSIC, Jessop, S. Gordon
MUSIC, Johnson, , Steven P.
MUSIC, Katseanes, Kory L.
MUSIC, Kenney, Susan H.
MUSIC, Lindeman, Stephan D.
MUSIC, Lockwood, Gayle
MUSIC, Lowe, Laurence M.
MUSIC, Monson, Dale E.
MUSIC, Ohman, Mike
MUSIC, Ownbey, ShruDeLi
MUSIC, Peery-Fox, Irene
MUSIC, Peterson, Donald L.
MUSIC, Powley, E. Harrison
MUSIC, Randall, David M
MUSIC, Reed, Julie Bevan
MUSIC, Ricks, Steven L.
MUSIC, Robison, Clayne W.
MUSIC, Sargent, David H.
MUSIC, Shumway, Jeffrey L.
MUSIC, Smith, Christian B.
MUSIC, Smith , C. Raymond
MUSIC, Staheli, Ronald J.
MUSIC, Vincent, Lawrence P.
TMA, Bean, Lisa
TMA, Bell, Shirene
TMA, Belnap, Allison
TMA, Boyer, Roxanna
TMA, Chabries, April
TMA, Duncan, Dean W.
TMA, Farahnakian, Mary
TMA, Ferguson, Stan
TMA, Fielding, Eric
TMA, Freeman, Stephanie
TMA, Funk, Elizabeth
TMA, Gale, Larrie
TMA, Gold, Linda
TMA, Hanson, Carolyn
TMA, Harrop-Purser, Laurie
TMA, Heiner, Barta
TMA, Huntsman, Karla
TMA, Jensen, Amy
TMA, Jones, Megan Sanborn
TMA, Larsen, Darl
TMA, Lefler, Tom
TMA, Loosli, Kelly
TMA, Morgan, David
TMA, Nelson, George
TMA, Nelson, Bob
TMA, Reed, Heidi
TMA, Roach, Kristee
TMA, Russell, Tom
TMA, Samuelsen, Eric
TMA, Scanlon, Rory
TMA, Sorensen, Rodger
TMA, Swenson, Janet L.
TMA, Swenson, Sharon
TMA, Threlfall, Tim
TMA, Witt, Elain 
VA, Adams,  Paul 
VA, Allen, Von 
VA, Anderson, Bethanne  
VA, Barrett, Robert   
VA, Barsch, Wulf   
VA, Barton, Gary    
VA, Beattie, Donna Kay  
VA, Brinkerhoff, Val   
VA, Christensen, Brian  
VA, Day, Michael   
VA, Draper, Byron   
VA, Elder, Ray   
VA, Everett, Peter   
VA, Finalyson, Cynthia   
VA, Fullmer, Howard   
VA, Gillett, Eric   
VA, Haltern, Hagen   
VA, Hamilton, Mark   
VA, Hill, Sherron   
VA, Hull, Richard   
VA, Jensen, Heather   
VA, Johnson, Mark   
VA, Kimball, Wayne   
VA, Loosli, Kelly   
VA, Magleby, Mark  
VA, Marshall, Robert  
VA, Ostraff, Joe   
VA, Peacock, Martha  
VA, Pulfer, Adrian   
VA, Smith, Bruce   
VA, Sullivan, Linda   
VA, Telford, John   
VA, Woodward, Ryan   

College of Health and Human Performance 

DANCE, Ahlander, Julie  
DANCE, Allen, Sandy  
DANCE, Allred, Katie   
DANCE, Austin, Ed  
DANCE, Austin, Vickie  
DANCE, Bell, Jacque  
DANCE, Berrett, Marilyn  
DANCE, Black, Cathy  
DANCE, Chitwood, Ric  
DANCE, Davis, Susanne  
DANCE, Debenham, Pat  
DANCE, Dijkwel, Jan 
DANCE, Edgington, Marci  
DANCE, Espinoza, Kerina 
DANCE, Eyre, Tara 
DANCE, Geslison, Jeanette  
DANCE, Gibb, Sara Lee  
DANCE, Grenko, Elaine  
DANCE, Hill, Claudia  
DANCE, Holman, Curt  
DANCE, Holman, Sharon  
DANCE, Huang, Jiamin  
DANCE, Keck, Brent  
DANCE, Larsen, Gary  
DANCE, Lives, Amy  
DANCE, Markgraf, Amy  
DANCE, Maxfield, Jodi  
DANCE, Musil, Pam  
DANCE, Nuttall, Ron  
DANCE, Ollerton, Christine  
DANCE, Patterson, Suzi 
DANCE, Peay, Delynne   
DANCE, Perry, Kirstyn  
DANCE, Phillips, Rebecca 
DANCE, Prohosky, Caroline  
DANCE, Robinson, Raymond  
DANCE, Robison, Shani  
DANCE, Russell, Marsha  
DANCE, Sanders, Benjamin  
DANCE, Sheffield, Kathleen  
DANCE, Shumway, Jana  
DANCE, Stoddard, Lisa  
DANCE, Stubbs, Chris  
DANCE, Thompson, Lynne 
DANCE, Tuia, Kau'i  
DANCE, Wakefield, Lee  
DANCE, Wakefield, Linda 
DANCE, West, Colleen  
DANCE, Wiblin, Eleanor  
DANCE, Willes, J'Lene  
DANCE, Wood, Susan 
HLTH, Barnes, Michael D.   
HLTH, Cole, Gene   
HLTH, Coon,  Paul E.    
HLTH, Dearden, Kirk    
HLTH, Hawks, Steve    
HLTH, Heiner, Steven W.   
HLTH, Hill, Sue   
HLTH, James, Sherald    
HLTH, Karren, Keith   
HLTH, Lindsay, Gordon B.  
HLTH, Merrill, Ray M.  
HLTH, Neiger, Brad L.  
HLTH, Novilla, Len   
HLTH, Page, Randy M.  
HLTH, Rowan, Joleen  
HLTH, Thackeray, Rosemary   
HLTH, Thygerson, Alton   
PE, Aldana, Steve  
PE, Alger, Sandy   
PE, Barker, Ruel  
PE, Chamberlain, Diane   
PE, Collier, Sharron  
PE, Feland, Brent 
PE, George, Jim  
PE, Kaiser, David  
PE, Olson, Mel   
PE, Vehrs, Pat  
RMYL, Barney, Keith 
RMYL, Catherall, Tom 
RMYL, Freeman, Patti 
RMYL, Fry, Eliza 
RMYL, Gray, Howard 
RMYL, Harris, Brad 
RMYL, Hill, Brian 
RMYL, Holley, Bruce 
RMYL, Lindeman, Barbara 
RMYL, Nelson, Doug 
RMYL, Olson, Burton 
RMYL, Palmer, Gary 
RMYL, Widmer, Mark  
RMYL, Zabriskie, Ramon 

College of Humanities   

ENGL, Abbott, Jennifer 
ENGL, Adams, Joyce
ENGL, Archibald, Dixie 
ENGL, Baker, Roger 
ENGL, Barnes, Jim 
ENGL, Beeson, John 
ENGL, Belknap, Shauna 
ENGL, Bell, Kristi 
ENGL, Bennion, John 
ENGL, Bird, Penny 
ENGL, Black, Dianna 
ENGL, Black, Sharon 
ENGL, Boswell, Grant 
ENGL, Boswell, Lisa 
ENGL, Boyle, Sharon 
ENGL, Brown, Karen 
ENGL, Burton, Gideon 
ENGL, Cannon, Ann 
ENGL, Card, Laura 
ENGL, Case, Test 
ENGL, Christiansen, Nancy 
ENGL, Christianson, Frank 
ENGL, Christy, Lynne 
ENGL, Clark, Gregory 
ENGL, Clark, Linda 
ENGL, Crisler, Jesse 
ENGL, Crisler, Lou Ann  
ENGL, Cronin, Gloria 
ENGL, Crowe, Christopher 
ENGL, Cutchins, Dennis 
ENGL, Cutler, Edward 
ENGL, Cutler, Mary Lynn
ENGL, Day, Stacy  
ENGL, Dean, Deborah 
ENGL, de Hoyos, Ben 
ENGL, Dickson, Vernon 
ENGL, Duerden, Richard 
ENGL, Eastley, Aaron 
ENGL, Eddy, Shauna 
ENGL, Eliason, Eric 
ENGL, Fidel, Melia 
ENGL, Fieldsted, LoAnn 
ENGL, Fleming, Anne 
ENGL, Flores, Melissa 
ENGL, Fox, C Jay 
ENGL, Garrard-Willis, Janet 
ENGL, Geary, Edward A.  
ENGL, Grierson, Sirpa 
ENGL, Gunn, Nancy
ENGL, Hale, Lisa 
ENGL, Hansen, Kristine 
ENGL, Harris, Claudia 
ENGL, Harrison, Deborah 
ENGL, Hartley, Julie 
ENGL, Haslam, Matthew 
ENGL, Hatch, David 
ENGL, Hatch, Gary 
ENGL, Hatch, Scott 
ENGL, Hickman, Trenton 
ENGL, Howe, Susan 
ENGL, Jackson, Matthew 
ENGL, Jackson, Nathan 
ENGL, Jackson, Sherland 
ENGL, Jackson, Tracy 
ENGL, Jacobs, James 
ENGL, Johnson, Kimberly 
ENGL, Johstoneaux, Pamela 
ENGL, Johstoneaux, Raphael 
ENGL, Jones, Helen 
ENGL, Jones, Sondra 
ENGL, Jorgensen, Bruce 
ENGL, Knight, Ann Dee 
ENGL, Kramer, Neal 
ENGL, Larsen, Lance 
ENGL, Laurence, Craig 
ENGL, Lawrence, Keith 
ENGL, Lee, Betty 
ENGL, Lee, Mary 
ENGL, Lott, Kent 
ENGL, Lundquist, Suzanne 
ENGL, MacFarlane, Nancy 
ENGL, Madden, Patrick  
ENGL, Margetts, Angela 
ENGL, Mason, Nicholas 
ENGL, Matthews, Kristin 
ENGL, McInelly, Brett 
ENGL, Means, Robert 
ENGL, Miller, Susan 
ENGL, Muhlestein, Daniel 
ENGL, Murphy, John 
ENGL, Nelson, Joyce 
ENGL, Newell, Neil 
ENGL, Nickell, Samila
ENGL, Norris, G Leslie 
ENGL, Palmer, E. Paia 
ENGL, Patchell, Shawn 
ENGL, Paul, Danette 
ENGL, Paxman, David 
ENGL, Perry, Dennis 
ENGL, Perry, Kim 
ENGL, Petersen, Zina 
ENGL, Pierotti, Karen 
ENGL, Plummer, Louise 
ENGL, Pollington, Mary 
ENGL, Robinson, Judith 
ENGL, Rudy, Jill 
ENGL, Rutter, Michael 
ENGL, Scofield, Jorae 
ENGL, Sevison, Alan 
ENGL, Shakespeare, William 
ENGL, Siegfried, Brandie 
ENGL, Silver, Cherry 
ENGL, Smith, Jan 
ENGL, Snyder, Delys 
ENGL, Snyder, Phillip 
ENGL, Sorensen, Peter 
ENGL, Steadman, Lori 
ENGL, Steed, Jason 
ENGL, Talbot, John 
ENGL, Tanner, John 
ENGL, Tanner, Stephen 
ENGL, Taylor, Sally 
ENGL, Thayer, Douglas 
ENGL, Thomas, Paul 
ENGL, Thorne-Murphy, Leslee 
ENGL, Thomas-Pollei, Kimberly  
ENGL, Thursby, Jacqueline 
ENGL, Van Valkenburgh, Nichole 
ENGL, Wahlquist, Elizabeth 
ENGL, Walker, Steven 
ENGL, Wall, Martha 
ENGL, Walton, Rick 
ENGL, Weyand, Larkin 
ENGL, Wickman, Matthew 
ENGL, Williams, Lyle 
ENGL, Wistisen, Nicole
ENGL, Woods, Ron 
ENGL, Woolley, Ann 
ENGL, Yates, Heidi 
ENGL, Young, Bruce 
ENGL, Young, Margaret 
ENGL, Zimmerman, Beverly 
FRENITAL, Bozgo, Edlira  
FRENITAL, Cropper, Corry 
FRENITAL, Decoo, Wilfried  
FRENITAL, Erickson, Robert  
FRENITAL, Hillam, Johanne 
FRENITAL, Hurlbut, Jesse 
FRENITAL, Johnson, Maria  
FRENITAL, Kemp, Melanie 
FRENITAL, Klein, Ilona  
FRENITAL, Lambert, Gary 
FRENITAL, Le Bras, Yvon  
FRENITAL, Lee, Daryl  
FRENITAL, Noble, Cinzia 
FRENITAL, Olivier, Marc  
FRENITAL, Purcell, Matt  
FRENITAL, Sowell, Madison 
FRENITAL, Sprenger, Anca  
FRENITAL, Sprenger, Scott  
FRENITAL, Thompson, Chantal   
FRENITAL, Unlandt, Nicolaas  
FRENITAL, Walker, Marie-Chantal  
FRENITAL, Welch, Jeannie  
FRENITAL, Whitaker, Marie  
GERMSLAV, Brewer, Cindy P. 
GERMSLAV, James, Michelle Stott 
GERMSLAV, Jones, Randall L.  
GERMSLAV, Keele, Alan F. 
GERMSLAV, Kelling, Hans-Wilhelm 
GERMSLAV, Lund, Randall J. 
GERMSLAV, Lyon, James K. 
GERMSLAV, McFarland, Robert B. 
GERMSLAV, Plummer, Thomas G. 
HCCL, Anderson, David L.
HCCL, Benfell, V. Stanley  
HCCL, Butler, Terrell M.  
HCCL, Burns, Mark K.
HCCL, Call, Michael J.  
HCCL, Christenson, Allen J. 
HCCL, DeBloois, Nanci A. 
HCCL, Duckwitz, Norbert 
HCCL, Fisher, Deborah S.
HCCL, Green, Jon D. 
HCCL, Hall, John F. 
HCCL, Handley, George B.  
HCCL, Hegstrom, Valerie
HCCL, Huntsman, Eric D. 
HCCL, Kramer, Nate
HCCL, Hone, Carolyn 
HCCL, Lounsbury, Richard C. 
HCCL, Macfarlane, Karen C.  
HCCL, Macfarlane, Roger T.  
HCCL, Miller, J. Scott
HCCL, Parry, Joseph D. 
HCCL, Peek, Cecilia M.  
HCCL, Peer, Larry H.  
HCCL, Pratt, Dale
HCCL, Sederholm, Carl H.
HCCL, Shumway, Larry V.  
HCCL, Sondrup, Steven P. 
HCCL, Soper, Kerry D. 
HCCL, Sowell, Debra H.
HCCL, Stanford, Charlotte
HCCL, Tate, George S. 
LING, Adams, Linda 
LING, Anderson, Neil 
LING, Bailey, Anna 
LING, Baker, Wendy 
LING, Brugger, Don 
LING, Burton, Mirial 
LING, Chapman, Don 
LING, Collins, Katheryn 
LING, Corri, Teresa 
LING, Cox, Troy 
LING, Damron, Julie 
LING, Daniel, Phyllis 
LING, Dant, Doris 
LING, Davies, Mark
LING, Dixon, Joan 
LING, Eddington, David 
LING, Eggington, William 
LING, Elzinga, Dirk 
LING, Farnsworth, Maryruth
LING, Fowers, Jill  
LING, Frost, Linda
LING, Gardner, Dee 
LING, Gomm, Robert    
LING, Goodliffe, Sharlene 
LING, Graham, C. Ray
LING, Hales, Valerie 
LING, Hallen, Cynthia 
LING, Harrison, Debbie 
LING, Henrichsen, Lynn 
LING, Isaak, Curtis 
LING, Javier, Kiffany 
LING, Johnson, Cary 
LING, Johnson, Lisa 
LING, Kohler, Joyce 
LING, Longberg, Pauline 
LING, Lonsdale, Deryle 
LING, Luthy, Melvin 
LING, Manning, Alan 
LING, Markovic, Jelena 
LING, Melby, Alan 
LING, Oaks, Dallin 
LING, Payne, Connie 
LING, Probst, Glen 
LING, Robertson, John 
LING, Roberts, Jason 
LING, Shelley, Monte 
LING, Skousen, Royal 
LING, Slowinski, Patrick 
LING, Steinagel, Lane 
LING, Strong-Krause, Diane 
LING, Tanner, Mark 
LING, Thorne, Melvin 
LING, Tinney, Mari Vawn 
LING, Tyre, Serena   
LING, Wolfersberger, Mark 
LING, Woods, Tracy 
PHIL, Anderson, Travis 
PHIL, Arts, Michael   
PHIL, Carter, K Codell 
PHIL, Cook, Roger  
PHIL, Faulconer, James E 
PHIL, Foster, Christopher   
PHIL, Gates, Darin  
PHIL, Graham, Daniel W 
PHIL, Grandy, David A 
PHIL, Hedengren, Paul C 
PHIL, Nielsen, Jeffery 
PHIL, Packard, Dennis J  
PHIL, Paulsen, David L 
PHIL, Rasmussen, Dennis F
PHIL, Siebach, James L 
PHIL, Treharne, Katie 
PHIL, Warner, C Terry
PHIL, White, Robert  
PHIL, Wrathall, Mark 
SPANPORT, Alba, Orlando 
SPANPORT, Alonso, Ma Josefina 
SPANPORT, Bateman, Blair 
SPANPORT, Bausset Cecil, Ana 
SPANPORT, Blackwell, Lili 
SPANPORT, Brown, Jack V.
SPANPORT, Call, Rachel 
SPANPORT, Chaparro, Ana María 
SPANPORT, Clegg, J. Halvor 
SPANPORT, Cluff, Russell M.
SPANPORT, Davies, Kathy 
SPANPORT, Deaton, Jacqueline  
SPANPORT, Dennis, Ronald D.
SPANPORT, Detrick, Mónica 
SPANPORT, DeVore, Cherilee Beus 
SPANPORT, Fails, Willis C. 
SPANPORT, Flores, Enoc  
SPANPORT, García, Mara  
SPANPORT, Hague, Daryl 
SPANPORT, Hawkins, Ana María 
SPANPORT, Hegstrom, Valerie 
SPANPORT, Hoskisson, Quina 
SPANPORT, Knapp, Nieves 
SPANPORT, Labrum, Marian 
SPANPORT, Lago, Baldomero
SPANPORT, Laraway, David 
SPANPORT, Larson, Jerry W.  
SPANPORT, Lee, Bruce 
SPANPORT, Luengo, Maribel 
SPANPORT, Luke, Chad
SPANPORT, Lund, Christopher 
SPANPORT, Lyon, Ted    
SPANPORT, Melendez, Gloria    
SPANPORT, Mella, Anne 
SPANPORT, Melo, Anita  
SPANPORT, Memmott, Juleen     
SPANPORT, Meredith, Alan
SPANPORT, Pratt, Dale 
SPANPORT, Preto-Bay, Ana 
SPANPORT, Quackenbush, Howard 
SPANPORT, Quinn, Patricia 
SPANPORT, Rosenberg, John R. 
SPANPORT, Santos, Cecilia  
SPANPORT, Sherman, Alvin F. 
SPANPORT, Skyles, Kirk 
SPANPORT, Smead, Robert N. 
SPANPORT, Stallings, Gregory C 
SPANPORT, Turley, Jeffrey  
SPANPORT, Ulloa, Sara  
SPANPORT, Weatherford, Doug 
SPANPORT, Williams, Frederick 
SPANPORT, Williams, Lynn G. 
SPANPORT, Williams, Mabel 
SPANPORT, Witherspoon, Tomoe 
SPANPORT, Wyatt, Arwen   
J. Reuben Clark Law School 

LAW, Armond, David  
LAW, Augustine-Adams, Kif  
LAW, Averett, Steve  
LAW, Backman, James  
LAW, Bradshaw, Susan 
LAW, Burns, Jean  
LAW, Conklin, Curt  
LAW, Craig, Alison
LAW, Dominguez, David  
LAW, Driessen, Marguerite  
LAW, Durham, Cole  
LAW, Echohawk, Larry  
LAW, Farmer, Larry  
LAW, Fee, John  
LAW, Fleming, Clifton 
LAW, Fletcher, Galen L.  
LAW, Floyd, Douglas  
LAW, Gedicks, Frederick  
LAW, Gerdy, Kristin  
LAW, Goldsmith, Michael  
LAW, Gordon, James 
LAW, Griffith, Susan 
LAW, Hansen, H. Reese 
LAW, Hernandez, Carl 
LAW, Hill, Gary  
LAW, Hoagland, Mary 
LAW, Jensen, Mary  
LAW, Kono, David 
LAW, Lee, Thomas
LAW, Long, Lance 
LAW, Loveless, A. Scott  
LAW, Lundberg, Constance 
LAW, Lyman, Lovisa  
LAW, Neeleman, Stanley  
LAW, Peterson, Janet   
LAW, Preston, Cheryl
LAW, Pullins, Kathy   
LAW, Rasband, James    
LAW, Scharffs, Brent  
LAW, Sears, Dennis    
LAW, Sewell, Elizabeth  
LAW, Thomas, David 
LAW, Urquiaga, Laurie   
LAW, Wardle, Lynn  
LAW, Welch, John    
LAW, Wilkins, Richard  
LAW, Williams, Gerald  
LAW, Wise, Jane   
LAW, Wood, Stephen 
LAW, Worthen, Kevin  

Marriot School of Management    

SOAIS, Albrecht, Conan C. 
SOAIS, Albrecht, W. Steve 
SOAIS, Anderson, Bonnie Brinton  
SOAIS, Averett, Julie A.  
SOAIS, Barrick, John A.  
SOAIS, Black, Ervin L.  
SOAIS, Burton, F. Greg 
SOAIS, Bybee, Katie 
SOAIS, Carleton, Amber 
SOAIS, Cherrington, J. Owen  
SOAIS, Christensen, Theodore E. 
SOAIS, Coles, Andrea 
SOAIS, Cottrell, David M.  
SOAIS, Dalebout, Richard S. 
SOAIS, Dean, Douglas L.   
SOAIS, Gardner, Robert L.
SOAIS, Glover, Steven M.  
SOAIS, Hansen, Gary W. 
SOAIS, Hansen, James V.
SOAIS, Hendershot, Shawnee Marie     
SOAIS, Heninger, William G. 
SOAIS, Hillquist, April
SOAIS, Hobson, L. Scott  
SOAIS, Jackson, Robert B.  
SOAIS, Johnson, Peter M.  
SOAIS, Larson, Melissa  
SOAIS, Leikam, Shannon L.  
SOAIS, Liddle, Stephen W. 
SOAIS, Lindstrom, Craig J  
SOAIS, Livingstone, Donald H. 
SOAIS, Lowry, Paul Benjamin 
SOAIS, McKell, Lynn J.  
SOAIS, Meservy, Rayman D.  
SOAIS, Nemrow, Norman R. 
SOAIS, Paik, Gyung H.  
SOAIS, Peterson, Fredric Grant 
SOAIS, Prawitt, Douglas F.  
SOAIS, Radebaugh, Lee H. 
SOAIS, Randall, Boyd C.
SOAIS, Richardson, Vernon J. 
SOAIS, Romney, Marshall B.  
SOAIS, Smith, Emily P.  
SOAIS, Spilker, Brian C.  
SOAIS, Stewart, Dave N.  
SOAIS, Stice, Earl K. 
SOAIS, Stice, James D. 
SOAIS, Stocks, Kevin D. 
SOAIS, Summers, Scott L.  
SOAIS, Swain, Monte R.  
SOAIS, Whatcott, Cherali  
SOAIS, Wilks, T. Jeffrey  
SOAIS, Worsham, Ronald G.  
SOAIS, Zimbelman, Mark F.  
MGT, Adams, Greg  
MGT, Allred, Chad 
MGT, Boyer, Brian H.
MGT, Brashier, Greg 
MGT, Brau, James C.
MGT, Bryson, Phillip J.
MGT, Christensen, Glenn L.
MGT, Crawford, Robert G.
MGT, DeRosia, Eric 
MGT, Dishman, Paul L.
MGT, Fawcett, Stanley E.
MGT, Geurts, Michael D.
MGT, Giauque, William C.
MGT, Green, Cami 
MGT, Hafen, Steven 
MGT, Heaton, Hal B.
MGT, Holmes, Andrew L.
MGT, Huff, Lenard  
MGT, Hunt, H. Keith
MGT, Karlsson, Anders Mikael
MGT, Kohler, Amy Michele
MGT, Koller, Roland H.
MGT, LaTurner, Tony 
MGT, Longmore, Dean 
MGT, Maisondieu-Laforge, Olivier 
MGT, Masters, Tamara M.
MGT, McQueen, Grant R.
MGT, Merrill, Craig B.
MGT, Mitton, Todd 
MGT, Nelson, Ray D.
MGT, Newby, Van 
MGT, Ogden, Jeffrey A.
MGT, Pinegar, J. Michael
MGT, Rhoads, Gary K.
MGT, Sampson, Scott E.
MGT, Sawaya, William J.
MGT, Seawright, Kristie Kay
MGT, Slade, Barrett A.
MGT, Smith, Scott M.
MGT, Stone, Bernell K.
MGT, Sudweeks, Bryan Lorin
MGT, Swenson, Michael J.
MGT, Swinyard, William R.
MGT, Tate, Joyce S.
MGT, Thorley, Steven R.
MGT, Vorkink, Keith P.
MGT, Whitlark, David B.
MGT, Witt, Douglas E.
MGT, Young, Joan W.
PMGT, Adolphson, Donald L.
PMGT, Arbon, Chyleen A.
PMGT, Bigelow, Mark
PMGT, Brady, F. Neil
PMGT, Cooper, Catherine Lee
PMGT, Cornia, Gary C.
PMGT, Facer, Rex L
PMGT, Fordiani, Vince
PMGT, Glad, Cindy 
PMGT, Harmon, Tanya
PMGT, Hart, David W.
PMGT, Jackson, Paul
PMGT, Knighton, Lennis M.
PMGT, Memmott, Jon 
PMGT, Okerlund, Vicki W.
PMGT, Parsons, Robert J.
PMGT, Thompson, Jeffrey 
PMGT, Wadsworth, Lori L.
PMGT, Wheeler, Gloria E. 
OLS, Baker, William H.
OLS, Beeston, Maridee
OLS, Berry, Gregory Richard
OLS, Bryce, David J.
OLS, Cherrington, David J.
OLS, Clark, Kathy P.
OLS, Derr, C. Brooklyn 
OLS, DeTienne, Kristen B.
OLS, Dyer, Jeffrey H.
OLS, Dyer, W. Gibb
OLS, Eliason, Susan C.
OLS, England, R. Breck
OLS, Gardner, Timothy
OLS, Gibbs, Randy John
OLS, Godfrey, Paul C.
OLS, Gregersen, Hal B.
OLS, Gubler, Shandon D.
OLS, Hansen, Mark H.
OLS, Hanson, Kaye Terry
OLS, Hatch, Nile W.
OLS, Jackson, W. Burke
OLS, Jenkins, Holly B.
OLS, Jennings, Dave 
OLS, Kirkham, Kate L.
OLS, LeBaron, Curtis Dale
OLS, Meek, Christopher B.
OLS, Mills, Gordon E.
OLS, Perry, Devern J.
OLS, Sanders, Wm. Gerard 
OLS, Thompson, Michael P.
OLS, Timm, Paul R.
OLS, Vaughn, Karey 
OLS, Vawdrey, Colleen 
OLS, Whetten, David A.
OLS, Woodworth, Warner P.
OLS, Woolley, Scott  
OLS, Young, Ray L.  

David O. McKay School of Education 

ASLP, Blair, Nancy 
ASLP, Brinton, Bonnie 
ASLP, Channell, Ron 
ASLP, Culatta, Barbara 
ASLP, Dorais, Ann
ASLP, Dromey, Christopher 
ASLP, Flom, Helen 
ASLP, Fujiki, Martin 
ASLP, Harris, Richard 
ASLP, Jensen, Marilyn 
ASLP, McPherson, David
ASLP, Nissen, Shawn 
ASLP, Pierce, Kathy 
ASLP, Robinson, Lee A 
CPSE, Allen, Melissa A.
CPSE, Ashbaker, Betty Y. 
CPSE, Rachel E. Crook 
CPSE, Dyches Tina T.
CPSE, Fischer, Lane
CPSE, Gibb, Gordon S.
CPSE, Gleave, Robert 
CPSE, Hancock, Diane 
CPSE, Heaps, Richard A. 
CPSE, Jackson, Aaron P.
CPSE, Marchant, Michelle 
CPSE, Okiishi, John 
CPSE, Prater, Mary Anne 
CPSE, Richards, P. Scott 
CPSE, Smith, Steven A. 
CPSE, Smith, Timothy B 
CPSE, Wilder, Lynn K. 
CPSE, Williams, Marleen S. 
CPSE, Young, Ellie 
EDLF, Baugh, Steven  
EDLF, Bennett, Bonnie         
EDLF, Ferrin, Scott E.
EDLF, Geo-JaJa, Macleans A. 
EDLF, Hess, Nelda 
EDLF, Hite, Julie
EDLF, Hite, Steven J. 
EDLF, Holsinger_Donald B.  
EDLF, Hyer,Karen 
EDLF, Lorimer, Autumn  
EDLF, Matthews, Joseph L. 
EDLF, Mayes, Clifford T. 
EDLF, Randall, E. Vance 
EDLF, Richards, A. Legrand 
EDLF, Richins, Andrea  
EDLF, Willardson, J.D. 
EDLF, Williams, Ellen 
IPT, Allen, Stephanie 
IPT, Bray, Michele 
IPT, Campbell, Olin J. 
IPT, Christensen, Trudy   
IPT, Flake, Haley 
IPT, Gibbons, Andy S.
IPT, Gottfredson, Conrad   
IPT, Graham, Charles 
IPT, Howell, Scott   
IPT, Inouye, Dillon K. 
IPT, Laws, Dwight R
IPT, Merrill, Paul F. 
IPT, Olsen, James B
IPT, Sudweeks, Richard 
IPT, Williams, David 
IPT, Yanchar, Stephen 
TED, Abbott, Kristine 
TED, Adair, Marta 
TED, Bikhazi, Nadia  
TED, Birrell, Jim 
TED, Borup, Beth  
TED, Bowen, Joseph 
TED, Bullough, Bob 
TED, Campbell, Joy 
TED, Chilcoat, George
TED, Clemmer, Janice 
TED, Cutri, Ramona  
TED, Draper, Roni Jo 
TED, Earle, Becky  
TED, Earle, Rodney 
TED, Egan, Winston M. 
TED, Eldredge, Lloyd 
TED, Erickson, Lynnette 
TED, Evans, Annette  
TED, Evensen, Nancy 
TED, Frankovich, Marti 
TED, Goodwin, Chris 
TED, Hales, Valerie 
TED, Hall, Kendra 
TED, Hansen, Merrell 
TED, Hathaway, Mary
TED, Hoff, Heidi  
TED, Jacobs, James 
TED, Jensen, Allen 
TED, Kemppainen, Raija  
TED, Larsen, Jean 
TED, Livingston, Nancy 
TED, Losser, Janet  
TED, Monroe, Eula 
TED, Moody, Joan 
TED, Morrison, Tim 
TED, Neff, Lynette 
TED, Olsen, Annette  
TED, Olsen, Roger 
TED, Oveson, Janae 
TED, Pinnegar, Stefinee 
TED, Ridlon, Candice 
TED, Sabey, Brenda
TED, Schmidt, Stan 
TED, Shumway, Linda 
TED, Smith, Leigh 
TED, Smith, Stephanie 
TED, Squires, David 
TED, Sudweeks, Dana  
TED, Swanson, Benjamin  
TED, Teemant, Annela 
TED, Tolman, Marvin 
TED, Tunnell, Michael 
TED, Tuttle, Marie 
TED, Welling, Myra 
TED, Wentworth, Nancy 
TED, Whitehead, Ritchie 
TED, Wilcox, Brad 
TED, Young , Emily  
TED, Young, Janet 

College of Nursing 

NURS, Abegglen, JoAnn 
NURS, Anderson, Vickie 
NURS, Beckstrand, Renea 
NURS, Berry, Judi 
NURS, Birkhead, Ana 
NURS, Blad, Kent 
NURS, Blad, Paul 
NURS, Bond, Elaine 
NURS, Callister, Lynn 
NURS, Campbell, Lora Jean 
NURS, Carlton, Troy
NURS, Christiaens, Glenda 
NURS, Clark, Mary Lynn 
NURS, Cornell, Gretchen 
NURS, Coverston, Catherine 
NURS, Cox, Amy 
NURS, Dearing, Karen 
NURS, Ellinger, Patricia 
NURS, Freeborn, Donna 
NURS, Gibbons Davis, Denise 
NURS, Hubert, Peggy 
NURS, Jarrett, Rose Ann 
NURS, Johnson, Janessa 
NURS, Johnson, Mary Jayne 
NURS, Johnson, Rebecca 
NURS, Lassetter, Jane
NURS, Mandleco, Barbara 
NURS, Marshall, Elaine 
NURS, Memmott, Rae Jeanne 
NURS, Miller, Carma 
NURS, Mills, Debra 
NURS, Palmer, Sheri 
NURS, Ravert, Patricia 
NURS, Riddle, Lana 
NURS, Robinson, Ken 
NURS, Rushton, Pat 
NURS, Schwartz, Rosanne 
NURS, Sebresos, Yolanda 
NURS, Skelton, Holly 
NURS, Stevens, Linda 
NURS, Stoneman, Eva 
NURS, Sutherland, Carolyn 
NURS, Tiedeman, Mary 
NURS, Warnick, Myrna 
NURS, Whitenight, Kathryn 
NURS, Wiker, Kathleen 
NURS, Williams, Mary  

College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 

CHEM, Anderson, Wayne J.  
CHEM, Andrus, Merritt B. 
CHEM, Armstrong, James R.  
CHEM, Asplund, Matthew C. 
CHEM, Boerio-Goates, Juliana 
CHEM, Brown, Philip R. 
CHEM, Burton, Greg F. 
CHEM, Buskirk, Allen 
CHEM, Cannon, John F. 
CHEM, Castle, Steven L. 
CHEM, Cecil, James C.  
CHEM, Curtis, Guy E  
CHEM, Dearden, David V. 
CHEM, DeFreese, LaNiece  
CHEM, Eatough, Delbert J. 
CHEM, Erickson, Peggy B.  
CHEM, Farnsworth, Paul B. 
CHEM, Fleming, Steven A. 
CHEM, Goates, Steven R. 
CHEM, Graves, Steven W. 
CHEM, Hallock, Robert B.  
CHEM, Hansen, Lee D. 
CHEM, Harris, Casey  
CHEM, Harrison, Roger G. 
CHEM, Henderson, Douglas J. 
CHEM, Hinshaw, Barbara C. 
CHEM, Jackson, Bruce J.  
CHEM, Jensen, Kelly J.  
CHEM, Kling, Keith R.  
CHEM, Kuchar, Marvin C.J. 
CHEM, LaFleur, Philip D. 
CHEM, Lamb, John D. 
CHEM, Lee, Milton L. 
CHEM, Li, Du  
CHEM, Lindh, Gypzy  
CHEM, Linford, Matthew R. 
CHEM, Mangelson, Nolan F. 
CHEM, Meaders, William A.  
CHEM, Nielson, Jennifer 
CHEM, Nordmeyer, Francis R. 
CHEM, Owen, Noel L. 
CHEM, Paxman, Robert G.  
CHEM, Peterson, Matt A. 
CHEM, Robins, Morris J. 
CHEM, Rollins, Katie M.  
CHEM, Sandberg, Howard E. 
CHEM, Savage, Paul B. 
CHEM, Sevy, Eric. T. 
CHEM, Shirts, Randall B. 
CHEM, Siebert, Dorothy L.
CHEM, Simmons, Daniel L. 
CHEM, Smith, Wesley D. 
CHEM, Smyers, Michael D.  
CHEM, Tachka, Susan L.  
CHEM, Thornley, Nancy E.  
CHEM, Thulin, Craig D. 
CHEM, Vollmer-Snarr, Heidi R. 
CHEM, Watt, Gerald D. 
CHEM, Whitehead, Bart  
CHEM, Willardson, Barry M. 
CHEM, Wood, Steven G. 
CHEM, Woodfield, Brian F. 
CHEM, Woolley, Adam T. 
CHEM, Woolley, Earl M. 
CHEM, Zimmerman, S. Scott 
CS, Barker, Cory
CS, Barrett, William
CS, Burton, Robert
CS, Clement, Mark
CS, Cornell, Aurel
CS, Egbert, Parris
CS, Embley, David
CS, Flanagan, J. Kelly
CS, Goodrich, Michael
CS, Jones, Mike
CS, Knutson, Charles
CS, Langkilde-Geary, Irene
CS, Larson, Gene
CS, Martinez, Tony
CS, Mercer, Eric
CS, Morse, Bryan
CS, Ng, Yiu-Kai
CS, Olsen, Dan
CS, Patten, Lynn
CS, Rodham, Ken
CS, Roper, Paul
CS, Seamons, Kent
CS, Sederberg, Tom
CS, Seppi, Kevin
CS, Snell, Quinn
CS, Sorenson, Frank
CS, Tijerino, Yuri
CS, Varkevisser, Mindy
CS, Ventura, Dan
CS, Walker, Klark 
CS, Warnick, Sean
CS, Windley, Phillip
CS, Woodfield, Scott
GEOL, Bickmore, Barry R. 
GEOL, Britt, Brooks B. 
GEOL, Christiansen, Eric H. 
GEOL, Dorais, Michael J. 
GEOL, Griffen, Dana T. 
GEOL, Harris, Ron A. 
GEOL, Keach II, R. William
GEOL, Keith, Jeffrey D. 
GEOL, Kowallis, Bart J. 
GEOL, Loosli, Joanne
GEOL, Mayo, Alan L. 
GEOL, McBride, John H. 
GEOL, Morgan, Marge 
GEOL, Morris, Thomas H. 
GEOL, Mortenson, Kris 
GEOL, Nelson, Stephen T. 
GEOL, Nixon, R. Paul 
GEOL, Ritter, Scott M. 
GEOL, Skinner, M. Randal
GEOL, Stadtman, Ken
GEOL, Sullivan, Kim
GEOL, Thompson, Kirsten
GEOL, Tingey, David G. 
MATH, Baker, Brandon 
MATH, Baker, Roger C.   
MATH, Bakker, Lennard 
MATH, Barrett, Wayne W. 
MATH, Cannon, James W. 
MATH, Cardon, David 
MATH, Chahal, Jasbir 
MATH, Chow, Sum 
MATH, Clark, David A. 
MATH, Conner, Gregory R.   
MATH, Dallon, John 
MATH, Dorff, Michael 
MATH, Doud, Darrin
MATH, Fearnley, Lawrence 
MATH, Forcade, Rodney W. 
MATH, Garner, Lynn E. Chair 
MATH, Glasgow, Scott 
MATH, Grant, Christopher P. 
MATH, Halverson, Denise
MATH, Humphries, Stephen 
MATH, Jarvis, Tyler  
MATH, Kuttler, Kenneth L. 
MATH, Lamoreaux, Jack W. 
MATH, Lang, William E. 
MATH, Li, Xian-Jin 
MATH, Logan, Jim
MATH, Lu, Kening 
MATH, McKay, Steven 
MATH, Moore, Hal 
MATH, Ouyang, Tiancheng 
MATH, Pollington, Andrew D. 
MATH, Robertson, Jackie
MATH, Shorey, Tarlok 
MATH, Skarda, R. Vencil 
MATH, Smith, Leri Dawn
MATH, Smith, William V. 
MATH, Stanger, Adrian 
MATH, Stoddard, Lonette 
MATH, Swenson, Eric 
MATH, Tolman, L. Kirk 
MATH, Villamizar, Vianey 
MATH, Wright, David G. 
MATH, Wyckoff, S. Kerry
MTHED, Armstrong, Gerald M. 
MTHED, Caldwell, Jennifer 
MTHED, Earl, Bill  
MTHED, Fielding, Jill 
MTHED, Gerson, Hope
MTHED, Gwilliam, Becky 
MTHED, Kimball, Larry
MTHED, Lawlor, Gary 
MTHED, Leatham, Keith  
MTHED, Mathews, Jessica  
MTHED, Peterson, Blake E.
MTHED, Siebert, Dan 
MTHED, Speiser, Bob 
MTHED, Stotts, Mauri 
MTHED, Verbanatz, Beth
MTHED, Voyles, Jacqueline 
MTHED, Walter, Chuck 
MTHED, Walter, Janet 
MTHED, Williams, Steve 
PHSCS, Ah You, Nan Ellen  
PHSCS, Allred, David Dean  
PHSCS, Andersen, Freeman C.  
PHSCS, Bergeson, Scott D.  
PHSCS, Berrondo, Manuel   
PHSCS, Campbell, Branton   
PHSCS, Christensen, Clark G.  
PHSCS, Clark, Robert Beck  
PHSCS, Daniel, W. Scott  
PHSCS, Davis, Robert C.  
PHSCS, Dibble, William E.  
PHSCS, Durfee, Dallin   
PHSCS, Ellsworth, John   
PHSCS, Erickson, Mark O.  
PHSCS, Evenson, William E.  
PHSCS, Farrer, Jeff   
PHSCS, Harrison, B. Kent  
PHSCS, Hart, Grant W.  
PHSCS, Hatch, Dorian M.  
PHSCS, Hess, Bret C.  
PHSCS, Hintz, Eric G.  
PHSCS, Hirschmann, Eric H.  
PHSCS, Ireland, Laralee   
PHSCS, Joner, Michael D.  
PHSCS, Jones, Steven E.  
PHSCS, Knight, Larry V.  
PHSCS, Lawler, M. Jeannette  
PHSCS, Leishman, Timothy W.  
PHSCS, Lewis, James   
PHSCS, Lifferth, Wesley H.  
PHSCS, Mason, Grant W.  
PHSCS, Merrill, John J.  
PHSCS, Moody, J. Ward  
PHSCS, Peatross, Justin B.  
PHSCS, Peterson, Wayne D.  
PHSCS, Rasband, S. Neil  
PHSCS, Rees, Lawrence B.  
PHSCS, Sommerfeldt, Scott D.  
PHSCS, Sorensen, Diann W.  
PHSCS, Spencer, Ross L.  
PHSCS, Stokes, Harold T.  
PHSCS, Taylor, Benjamin J.  
PHSCS, Turley, R. Steven  
PHSCS, Van Huele, Jean-Francois S.  
PHSCS, Vanfleet, Richard R.  
PHSCS, Young, Joseph D.  
STAT, Bryce, G. Rex 
STAT, Carter, Kathi 
STAT, Christensen, Howard 
STAT, Christensen, William 
STAT, Collings, Bruce 
STAT, Collings, Patti 
STAT, Corlett, Greg 
STAT, Dauwalder, Ruth 
STAT, Eggett, Dennis 
STAT, Fellingham, Gilbert 
STAT, Fields, Paul 
STAT, Galbraith, Erin 
STAT, Grimshaw, Scott 
STAT, Larsen, Wayne 
STAT, Lawson, John 
STAT, Maynes, Dennis 
STAT, Nichols, Rebecca 
STAT, Nielsen, Lynne 
STAT, Reese, Shane 
STAT, Sagers, John 
STAT, Schaalje, Bruce
STAT, Scott, Del 
STAT, Snow, Greg 
STAT, Tolley, Dennis 
STAT, Whiting, David 
STAT, Williams, Daniel 
STAT, Wolfson, Lara 

Source of Research:
Brigham Young University

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