Oops. I posted my answer in the wrong spot. Let me try again:
Ovarian cysts are fairly common among women of ages. (Although mostly
women of child-bearing years get them, girls not yet in puberty
sometimes get ovarian cysts, as do women who?ve already been through
*All* women get small cysts, when an egg matures in a follicle (or
sac) on the surface of the ovary, but normally, the sac dissolves and
the cyst is released. When it?s not released, the cyst may cause pain.
(For an illustration of what ovarian cysts look like, check out
?Ovarian Cysts? at The University of Maryland: ) Sometimes, ovarian cysts
that cause pain are related to endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory
Most ovarian cysts go away all on their own (within 3 menstrual
cycles). Cysts that continue to cause pain beyond this time frame may
require medical treatment (hormone therapy, usually in the form of
birth control pills, or surgery).
Doctors think the following things may increase a woman?s risk of
getting painful ovarian cysts:
? Treatment for infertility
? Use of Norplant birth control
? Being overweight (which can raise a person?s estrogen levels)
If a woman experiences any of the following things, in addition to
pelvic pain, she should seek immediate medical help:
? Sudden and severe pelvic pain accompanied by nausea or vomiting
? Vaginal bleeding
? Faintness
? Dizziness, especially if the pain lasts more than 2 hours
To help relieve pain from ovarian cysts, doctors recommend the following:
? Use a heating pad
? Some herbal teas may help soothe tense muscles. Chamomile, mink,
raspberry, and blackberry herbal teas are a good choice. Avoid
? Don?t wait to use the bathroom, as this may cause pressure that increases pain.
? Take acetaminophen (like Tylenol), or an anti-inflammatory drug
(like Ibuprofen or Advil)
Women with perpetual ovarian cyst problem may wish to consider taking
birth control pills. (When ovulation stops, there?s a much smaller
chance of developing cysts.)
For a good article about ovarian cysts, their causes, and their
treatment, see ?Ovarian Cysts? at WebMD:
Also see the Mayo Clinic article ?Ovarian Cysts:?
And eMedicine?s ?Ovarian Cysts:?
Best wishes,
?Ovarian cysts? |