Hi Mimi25!
My search returned the following results for the best ways to tone,
firm and build up your buttocks.
Whether you want to add bulk and mass to "flat" buttocks or lift
"droopy" ones, the most effective exercises are variations of squats
and lunges. The difference is in the amount of weight needed for
resistance and the number of repetitions.
?If you want bulk, use more weight and less repetitions per set
(8-12). If you want definition and toning, use less weight and more
?For people looking to firm and tone their backsides, there are some
exercises that are more effective than others in targeting the muscles
of the butt. (..) Ask any personal trainer and they'll probably
agree that the squat is the best exercise you can do for your butt.?
According to Jeff O'Connell of Men's Fitness, ?the squat is the single
most effective exercise there is, period...nothing else even comes
close in terms of effectiveness, variety or metabolism-boosting
ability." Lunges are the next best thing for your butt and thighs.
The Squat
?Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower your body as
though you are 'sitting' in a chair until your thighs are parallel
with the ground. Keeping the weight in your heels, push yourself up
slowly until you're back where you started. Key points: don't allow
your knees to extend over your toes and keep your torso tight and
Do this exercise 1 or 2 times per week, 2-3 sets of 12 to 16 reps with medium
to heavy weight.?
The Lunge
?Stand with feet together holding a medium to heavy weight. Slowly
lower your body into a lunge position, keeping the front knee and back
knee at 90 degree angles. Keeping the weight in your heels, push
back up (slowly!) to starting position. Remember to never lock your
knees at the top and never let your knee bend past your toes. Keep
torso tight and upright Do this exercise 1 or 2 times per week, 2-3
sets of 12 to 16 reps with Light to medium weight.?
About.com: Exercise
Bodybuilding.com provides detailed descriptions and pictures of the
best exercises to tone the gluteus.
?Increasing the size of the gluteus maximus will give the butt an
appearance of being lifted up and back - the bubble-butt effect.
A glute specialization routine to really ?tone? those glutes up in a
hurry should include:
- Squats
- Pile Squats
- Lunges
- Glute Kickbacks
See descriptions and pictures here:
Glute Kickbacks
Plie Squats
Deep Squats http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/exerprint.php?Real=%3C%3D+7&Name=Barbell+Full+Squat&MainMuscle=&Isolation=&Equip=&order=Name
Walking Lunges
Source: Bodybuilding.com
View and print guides for every exercise!
Go to: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/exercises.htm
There are a number of exercises you can do to make your butt bigger.
Squats and lunges are great for building up the rear end.
Here is a powerful and effective exercise you can do at home to build
your butt up in a hurry.
?You will need a solid chair or bench for this exercise. (..) You will
also need to have something solid that you can grab onto. This can be
a railing or a door frame or a pole, etc. Place the chair immediately
in front of this solid object.?
?Stand on the chair on one leg facing the solid object and hold onto
it at about waist level directly in front of you. Your heel should be
close to the back edge of the chair.?
?Lower your body as far down as you can go into a one-legged squat.
Your other leg will drop down below the level of the chair seat behind
you. You should feel a great stretch in your glute. Make sure you
continue to keep a firm grip on whatever you are holding on to.?
?Push yourself back up using your glute as much as possible?
See the picture to see how this exercise will look.
More information on lunges and pictures of how to do them go to
Tanji Johnson, one of the fastest rising competitors on the pro
fitness circuit describes ways to help you reach your gluteus maximus
potential in the article Tushi Tips.
The term gluteus maximus is the official title for the derriere.
Reverse Hack Squats: 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps.
Stiff-legged Deadlifts: 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps.
Jump Lunges: 3 sets to fatigue
Dumbbell Step Ups: 3 sets of 25
Descriptions of these exercises can be found at the following link:
?With additional emphasis on the hamstrings, the rear lunge is a great
exercise for the buttocks, yet is often one of the most neglected in
the lunge series of exercises. Stepping back further (a longer lunge)
emphasizes the hip flexors and gluteus maximus.?
Video clip: Step Up
?The Step Up tones and shapes the hips and glutes, recruiting all
lower body muscle groups, and is the best buttocks conditioning
exercise around.?
Kick Your Butt into Shape
?Squats are the time-honored way of training your gluteus maximus
(butt). You can add resistance by performing them while holding
dumbbells in your hands or with a bar across your shoulders. If you
opt for the bar, make sure you have a spotter unless the resistance is
very light.?
BellaOnline's Exercise Editor, Monica Neave illustrates the top 5 butt
exercises for the best results in the article at the following link.
Four of the five exercises are variations of the squat.
Buttocks and thighs look better when the muscles underneath are firm and tight.
Here are exercises that can help.
Additional articles
Top 10 Butt Exercises
How do I make my butt bigger?
Search criteria:
Increase gluteus size
Tone OR firm buttocks OR butt OR gluteus
Effective exercises gluteus +size
Primary exercises butt OR gluteus
Exercises tone OR firm butt
I hope the information provided is helpful.
Best wishes,
Bobbie7 |