Since the salinity of seawater is typically 3% to 3.5%, to approximate
the salinity of seawater, your ratio should be 30 to 35 parts salt to
1000 parts water.
Eight tablespoons of salt (4 fluid ounces) added to one gallon of
water (128 fluid ounces) will give you a good approximation of
Keep in mind that seawater contains trace elements, additional
minerals that are not present in table salt (sodium chloride), so this
won't actually duplicate seawater closely enough to be suitable for a
saltwater aquarium.
"Seawater is about 3% salt - 1/2 ounce of salt in one pint of tap water."
Florida Aquaculture: Teacher Tips
"Seawater contains 3 percent salt by weight; this is equivalent to 30
parts per thousand (ppt) or 30,000 parts per million (ppm)."
The Use of Salt in Aquaculture
"The average salinity of sea water is 35 part per thousand by weight
(3.5 percent by weight)."
Advanced Water Systems
"There are many different components of sea water. However, there are
eleven ions that make up its main chemicals. Those eleven chemicals,
according to Oceans by Karl Turekian, are (in grams per kilogram of
water): Chloride (19.l35), Sodium (10.76), Sulfate (2.712), Magnesium
(1.294), Calcium (0.413), Potassium (0.387), Bicarbonate (0.142),
Bromide (0.067), Strontium (0.008), Boron (0.004), and Fluoride
Chloride and sodium are the elements in table salt. That is why
seawater is referred to as salt water. The two most abundant chemicals
in the sea make up salt... If you dissolved 35 grams of salt that you
would find in your house in one liter of tap water, you will get
something that is practically seawater."
Components and Salinity of Seawater
Here you'll find a detailed look at the mineral components of seawater:
Sea Friends: Composition of Seawater
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: salinity seawater percent
I hope this helps. If anything is unclear, or if a link doesn't work
for you, please request clarification; I'll be glad to offer further
assistance before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |