Dear Suzebaby,
First of all, congratulations on your decision, to further your
education. I answered this week a question regarding getting into a
graduate school in the United States (this one also came from Oz, by
the way...), which might be helpful as background material:
enrolment in american universities?
There are several types of scholarhsips and financial aid possible for
Australians who pursue a degree in the United States.
The first, most competetive one, but also the most distinguished is
the Fulbright Scholarship
<> - if you hurry up, you
could apply, since the deadline is August the 31st!
Monash Awards
<> is sponsored by the Australian government and
is for people pursuing postgraduate degrees (M.As and PhDs). It is
also quiet a prestigeous scholarship.
The American Association of University Women grants the "International
Fellowship" for non-American women who would like to pursue a research
degree (M.A, PhD, and Postdoc)
AFUW Fellowship
Fellowships awarded to Australian women to support Ph.D. research in
any field in Australia or abroad.
Freda Bage Fellowship
Three-year fellowships awarded to fund women graduates students who
are Australian citizens pursuing Ph.D. degrees in Australia or
overseas, and to assist non-Australians pursuing Ph.D. degrees at
Australian institutions
Some scholarships are relevant to a specific field
For "Australian graduate students (masters, PhD or post-doctoral) who
will benefit from doing advanced research or study in the fields of
business, science, technology, medicine, and engineering in the United
H-Net lists the different opportunities available in the Humanities
and Social Sciences
Visual Arts
The Anne and Gordon Samstag International Visual Arts Scholarship
As you've asked in your question, some scholarships are based in
specific universities or colleges:
Ball State University - Dept. of English
Bentley College
Calvin Technology Seminary
Carlow University
Fordham University
Harvard University - Frank Knox Memorial Fellowships
Harvard University - R.G. Menzies Scholarship
Michigan State University - Floriculture Industry Research and
Scholarship Trust (FIRST)
New School of Architecture
Rhode Island School of Design
Troy State University - Assistantship in the MBA programme
University of Central Florida
University of Chicago - Ledley Scholarship
<,4081> - you have
to study physics AND be "lineal descendants of members of the
Australian forces and associated services who were active in a theatre
of war during 1939/45."
University of Hawaii - East West Centre
- only for programmes within this centre.
University of Illinois at Chicago - Institute on Disability and Human Development
University of Pittsburgh, Asian Studies Program
University of Minnesota, Charles Babbage Institute
University of Southern Mississippi
University of Southwestern Louisiana
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
However, this is a sample of what could be offered to an international
student (no matter from which country) as financial aid. You shoudl
really go though the thousands of offers at the International Student
Exchange and Study Abroad Resource Center
<>. As
you can see there (and also in some of those I found there), most
grants are not country-specific.
More importantly, most graduate schools in the United States have
grant programmes and teaching or ersearch assistant positions for
their graduate students (Americans and non-Americans alike). These
come from the department, and depend on university/department
resources. Any good university's site, or departmental site would
reveal the financial aid possibilities.
For example, Stanford University (taken only because Harvard had been
already mentioned, and Stanford came up second in a search for
"university") offers the following:
PhD in Medicine (after your MD)
Other Faculties
"The Stanford Graduate Fellowship Program ensures funding for
outstanding graduate students. Students receiving these three-year
fellowships are free to choose their research projects and are not
dependent on federal funding of a project or on faculty research
assistantships. Graduate students applying to Stanford do not apply
for this fellowship but are automatically considered once they have
been admitted. Through fellowship and university funds, they receive
full-time tuition and a $25,500 stipend. There are 363 graduate
students currently matriculating under the program in 36 fields. Call
(650) 723-4210"
That fact (and there are thousands of institutions in the United
States!) would probably mean, that despite having your question
answered, you might want to think the other way round: to have a
shortlist of institutions you'd like to pursue your degree in, and
check what they offer to their graduate students. How many TAships
(teaching assistant positions), research grants or scholarships exist
within the university's resources.
General Resources
On opportunities (all kinds of them) available to Australian citizens
Grantsearch Australia Listing of various grants, scholarships, and
fellowships for Australian students
EduPass - Free Scholarship Search
I hope this answers your question. Please contact me if you need any
further clarifications on this answer before you rate it.
Search strategy:
"australian citizens" scholarships/grants
fulbright australia |