Need a list of words that children should know from Kindergarten to
Grade 12. I need the actual word lists and why they are accredited
lists. It has to be a very thorough answer, with support materials,
and references. This has to be a comprehensive answer, which may
differ state to state. |
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Aug 2004 08:17 PDT
Hello languageexpert-ga,
By Grade 12, a student is expected to have a fairly adult-level
vocabularly of tens of thousands of words, at least, and perhaps more.
This is particularly true of their reading vocabularly, which is
generally more comprehensive than their spoken vocabulary.
I am not aware of comprehensive lists that would include so many
thousands of words, other than dictionaries.
There may well be such lists for younger students through, say, the
third grade, with their much more limited vocabularies.
That said, there are certainly expectations for what a student should
know at different grade levels, and part of the reading comprehension
testing that is done includes testing for appropriate vocabulary
achievement levels.
Can you clarify for us what you expect in the way of an answer here?
Full word lists? Samples of vocabulary tests? Something else?
Any additional detail you could provide would be useful in helping to
focus our research.
Clarification of Question by
06 Aug 2004 09:24 PDT
Can you clarify for us what you expect in the way of an answer here?
Full word lists? Samples of vocabulary tests?
I am looking for what the school systems look for both list and
possibly tests associated with those lists. I am not interested in the
Dolch list, West List, Academic Word List, but anything that
constiutes the list of words per grade in US School systems that would
be a national list... such as the Tampa Reads list. Thanks, Steven
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Aug 2004 11:09 PDT
Are you familiar with the lists at this site:
Are these the sorts of things you're after?
If so, for lists that originate from commercial sources (like
TampaReads) you would have to purchase the materials from the
organization itself.
If I may ask for further clarification, are you looking for
information as to where you can order vocabulary materials such as
those provided by TampReads? Or is it something else that you need?
Thanks again.