I have two problem in Vbscript. The first one is all about Grading
system. This is the code, just fix the program specially in
calculation and the output.
Sub mon_OnClick
Dim ans1
end sub
Sub mon1_OnClick
Dim ans2
end sub
<p align="center"><font size="5" color="White">Grading System</font></p>
<font color=blue><body bgcolor=Green>
<FORM id="frm">
<td colspan=22%> Quiz 1
<td colspan=22%>Quiz 2
<td colspan=22%> CS
<td colspan=22%>Exam
<td colspan=22%>PC1
<td colspan=22%>PC2
<td colspan=22%>CS
<td colspan=22%>Exam
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=oneP size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=twoP size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=threeP size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=fourP size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=fiveP size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=sixP size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=sevenP size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=eightP size=5>
<FORM id="form">
<tr> <td colspan=22%> Quiz 1
<td colspan=22%>Quiz 2
<td colspan=22%> CS
<td colspan=22%>Exam
<td colspan=22%>PC1
<td colspan=22%>PC2
<td colspan=22%>CS
<td colspan=22%>Exam
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=onem size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=twom size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=threem size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=fourm size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=PC1m size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=PC2m size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=CSLm size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=ELABm size=5>
<tr> <td colspan=22%> Quiz 1
<td colspan=22%>Quiz 2
<td colspan=22%> CS
<td colspan=22%>Exam
<td colspan=22%>PC1
<td colspan=22%>PC2
<td colspan=22%>CS
<td colspan=22%>Exam
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=Q1f size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=Q2f size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=CSf size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=ELECf size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=PC1f size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=PC2f size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=CSLf size=5>
<td colspan=22%><INPUT id=ELABf size=5>
<FORM id="FORM4">
<input type=Radio name="LEC" value="Lecture">LECTURE
<input type=Radio name="LEC" value="Laboratory">LABORATORY
<Form id=FORM5>
<input type=button value=PRELIM id=mon>
<input type=button value=MIDTERM id=mon1>
<input type=button value=FINALS id=mon3>
<input type=button value=SEMGRADE id=mon4>
<p align="left"><font size="2" color="red">Note:</font></p>
<p align="left"><font size="2" color="white">Q1 * .20 + Q2 * .20 + CS
* .10 + Exam * .50 = Grade <B> in <I>LECTURE</I></B></font></p>
<p align="left"><font size="2" color="white">PC1 * .20 +PC2 * .20 + CS
* .10 + Exam * .50 = Grade <B> in <I>LABORATORY</I></B></font></p>
<p align="left"><font size="2" color="white">Prelem Grade *.30 +
Midterm Grade *.30) + Final Grade *.40 <B> to get
The program is almost done just some fix in calculation.
The 2nd problem is about vbscript log in. In this program you need to
put your name, e-mail address, and your phone number. After you sign
up it will go to a new page and display what you sign up and that is
the name, e-mail, and phone number. Also put a program for error input
of else statement. Like if he didn't sign the e-mail add. box. the
error will accur and say pls put your e-mail add to continue. Just
like that.
Hope you finish this as soon as possible i need it until August 8, 2004. T.y |