The New York Times, January 1, 1930, has stock tables that show the
yearly high, low, last, and net change for the year 1929.
Since there were relatively few gainers for 1929, it's possible to
comb through the lists and identify the top performers. I did that
and the two leading gainers were:
United Light and Power B
Last: 92 7/8
Net Change: +60 3/4
(Percent change: +189% )
Standard Power and Light
Last: 125
Net Change: +77
(Percent change: +160% )
Both of these stocks were on the "Curb" exchange. This was the term
for what eventually became the American Exchange.
If you wish, you can purchase the New York Times tables that I used
from the New York Times archive:
1929 Stock Market Dealings (Curb Exchange)
1929 Stock Market Dealings (NYSE)
For 1987, USA Today has an article that lists the leading gainers and
losers of year on the NYSE, AMEX, and Over-the-Counter (aka NASDAQ)
The two leaders (both from the over-the-counter market) were:
Rea Gold
12/31/86 close: 3/8
12/31/87 close: 3 1/8
Percent change for 1987: +733.3%
GBI International
12/31/86 close: 1/4
12/31/87 close: 2
Percent change for 1987: +700%
"The best, worst stocks of 1987"
USA TODAY Jan 4, 1988. pg. 05.E
If you happen to be curious about the two leaders on the NYSE and AMEX, they were:
12/31/86 close: 14 3/4
12/31/87 close: 48 3/8
Percent change for 1987: +228%
12/31/86 close: 2 1/8
12/31/87 close: 6 1/8
Percent change for 1987: +188.2%
12/31/86 close: 2 7/8
12/31/87 close: 10 1/4
Percent change for 1987: +256.5%
American Cablesys.
12/31/86 close: 14 1/8
12/31/87 close: 44 1/2
Percent change for 1987: +215%
search strategy:
new york times historical archive, 1/1/1930, stock
library newspaper database, "stocks of 1987"
If anything is unclear, please use the "request clarification" feature
to let me know. Thanks. |