Request for Question Clarification by
10 Aug 2004 08:13 PDT
Hi roget,
I believe I have found the typing program you are looking for.
Please take a look at these desriptions of the program and let me know
if it sounds like the one.
"[This program] is an adaptive touch typing tutor for Windows, that
helps you to reach professional typing skills. As a result you will
type 3-5 faster without errors and acquire better working ergonomy.
Natural, efficient finger movements and greater confidence will
decrease stress in hands, arms and neck. TypingMaster adapts to your
personal needs by giving immediate feedback on your progress and
focusing particulary on those areas that need extra training. [This
program] analyzes your typing while you are using your word processor,
email program or any other Windows application and detects your most
difficult keys and words. Based on this information [this program] is
able to create fully tailored exercises for your current needs. This
Try-Before-Buy copy is a fully featured time limited license."
"The complete touch-typing course will teach you the touch-typing
technique starting with the basics and advancing step-by-step using
examples, word drills and games to get you familiar with your
[This program] also offers a revision course for people who have had
experience with touch-typing, but want to freshen up on their typing
skills. Courses to practice the special keys of the keyboard and the
numeric keypad along with a course aimed for professional typists are
also included.
With the Interactive Review Wizard in [this program], you will be able
to fine-tune your typing skills. These tools monitor your typing and
create customized training to suit your individual needs. Because of
this, they will help improve your typing long after you have finished
with the courses."
Waiting to hear your views.
Best regards,