Clarification of Question by
14 Aug 2004 04:27 PDT
Hi joey-ga,
1. Are you specifically looking for a company that can customize their
lesson plans for your specific needs?
Answer - doesn't matter as long as I get what I want - which is a
thorough/detailed Micrososft Word lesson plan with lots of hands-on
2. What kind of age group / audience are you looking for? High
school, college, seniors, corporate, native speakers of foreign
languages, etc.?
Answer - adults with minimal computer experience.
3. As you seem to be interested in a company you can deal with in the
future for additional lesson plans, will all your requests be for
standard computer lessons (e.g. Word, Excel, Windows, Internet, etc.,)
or will they extend to other things (basic chemistry, calculus, etc.)?
Answer - right now I would say standard computer lesson plans.
Hoped this help,