I'm not US resident, I own (100%) a Delaware LLC.
As the LLC will be a webhosting company, the LLC will buy/rent dedicated servers
from a company outside USA and resell web space to customers worldwide including
USA (except Delaware state).
1. What are the legal obligations for the LLC's foreign owner with IRS ? Will I
have to pay something and how to do that ? (administrative forms...)
2. What about taxes if I sell web space to customers from others US states ?
Do I have to register as an out-of-state entity in each US states ?
3. As there is no obligation for a LLC to have a bank account, can I use a
personal bank account ? If not, can you provide a list of US banks able to open
a corporate bank account with VISA/Mastercard card for a low fee ? (strict
minimum deposit...)
4. Is there a legal obligation for Delaware LLC to to keep an accountancy ?
Questions appear to be clear, clear answers are expected,
clarification requests are welcome ! |