Gym2 --
As you may be aware, traffic is being held off Captiva while bridges
are being assessed for erosion damage:
Ganett News Press
"Repairs begin on drawbridge today," (Cull, Aug. 18, 2004)
However, according to Monday's Miami Herald aerial surveys of the new
cut at Blind Pass show no buildings having been swept away with the
erosion. Lee County Office of Emergency Management spokesman Pat
O'Rourke is quoted as saying: "The split occurred along a spit of land
inside a state refuge, roughly two-thirds down the island, and
apparently didn't affect any buildings." However, virtually all boat
docks have been reported as destroyed and an estimated 30% of the
Miami Herald
(Aug. 16, 2004)|Anne|Y
As might be expected with the island still isolated, the Castaways
website has no updated information yet:
The Google search strategy was to use Google News and search for:
captiva blind pass
Best regards,
Omnivorous-GA |