Sure you're not thinking of two different songs?
"Shine On Harvest Moon"
Shine on, shine on harvest moon up in the sky
I ain't had no lovin' since January, February, June, or July
Snow time ain't no time to sit outdoors and spoon
Shine on, shine on harvest moon for me 'n' my gal
C'mon, shine on harvest moon way up there in the sky. Don'tcha
know I ain't had no lovin' since January, February, June, AND July? Now, looka
here?don't you know better than to set out there in the snow 'n'
spoon? C'mon, I don't
want no half moon, I want a full moon.
Oh, won't you shine on, shine on harvest moon (shine on, shine on)
Up in the sky? (shine on)
I ain't had no lovin' since January, February, June, or July
(ah-ooba, ah-ooba, ah-ooba , ah-ooh)
Don't you know you're gonna freeze to death
Settin' out there in the snow tryin' to spoon?
So shine on, shine on harvest moon for me 'n' my gal
"Button Up Your Overcoat"
List -en, Big boy! Now that I've got you made,
Good -ness, but I'm a -fraid. Some -thing's gon -na hap -pen to you.
Lis -ten Big Boy! You've got me hooked and how!
I would die if I should lose you now.
But -ton Up Your O -ver -coat When the wind is free
Take good care of your -self your be -long to me!
Eat an ap -ple ev -'ry day; Get in bed by three
Take good care of your -self you be -long to me!
Be care -ful cross -ing streets Oo -oo! Don't eat meats Oo -oo!
Cut out sweets Oo -oo! You'll get a pain and ru -in your tum -tum!
Keep a -way from boot -leg hootch When you're on a spree
Take good care of your -self you be -long to me. |