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During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: probonopublico-ga List Price: $2.00 |
18 Aug 2004 21:53 PDT
Expires: 23 Aug 2004 00:25 PDT Question ID: 389779 |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: sublime1-ga on 18 Aug 2004 22:41 PDT |
You think that a being which is beyond duality is capable of choosing sides? |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: probonopublico-ga on 18 Aug 2004 23:12 PDT |
Hi, Sublime One Are all Gods 'beings beyond duality'? I dunno, I am a mere Questioner. What about Mars? Surely he was something more than a mere Planet or a Candy Bar? |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: easterangel-ga on 18 Aug 2004 23:18 PDT |
Bryan. God will be on the side of the righteous! |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: politicalguru-ga on 19 Aug 2004 00:18 PDT |
Our side, of course! And quiet seriously, the WWI archives demonstrate how both sides claimed (to their own people) that "God is on our side" (somewhere next to the claim that by Christmas they'll be all at home). Much material is available on the Internet, describing the war propaganda during the First World War and how religion played a role. Historical cases of wars fought between people from the same religion often repeat this model: each side does not only claim that they are morally and theologically correct (even if this is not a religious war), but also that the other side lacks morals and it is in fact a duty to "correct their ways". |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: adiloren-ga on 19 Aug 2004 00:57 PDT |
I doubt that "God" actively picks a side to support in a war. For example, if your two kids are fighting- do you pick a side? You more likely want to stop them from hurting each other. |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: probonopublico-ga on 19 Aug 2004 01:44 PDT |
Hi, Politicalguru Good to see you around. I was actually thinking about WWI, where several Christian countries were on opposing sides and, I suppose, they all thought that God was on their side. Are you up for a Question on propaganda in WW1, etc.? All the Best Bryan |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: owain-ga on 19 Aug 2004 01:47 PDT |
What makes you think God supports either or both sides? He just sits up there laughing all his heads off. Owain |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: pugwashjw-ga on 19 Aug 2004 02:05 PDT |
Neither!. All their prayers are in vain. War is just one form of wickedness that God hates. A definition of wickedness is that which is bad morally. And that which causes deliberate injury, is malevolent and is destructive. This is exactly what war is. There would be no wickedness if God had not given us free will. We, people, have made a lot of wrong decisions, and been helped in this by Satan the devil, as mentioned in Revelation. If you believe in the bible, you would also believe in his powerful influence. Is he on the earth?. Yes!,according to Revelation 12;7,12. Satan influences governments and people to start and participate in war, and no matter how "good" a person is at home, the moment he/she goes to war, he/she is doing Satan`s will, not Gods. In early wars, like w.w.1, men who did not sign up were sent a white feather on the basis they were cowards. In actual fact, they were doing what God required, even though they may not have realized it themselves. If everyone refused to fight, on both sides, wars would not happen. |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: omnivorous-ga on 19 Aug 2004 04:00 PDT |
King James version, Exodus 15:3 -- "The Lord [is] a man of war: the Lord [is] his name." |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: probonopublico-ga on 19 Aug 2004 04:04 PDT |
Great Comments Everyone, Many thanks but I suspect that this is mostly guesswork, because I haven't seen any Search Strategies, yet. However, I am prepared to accept that Owain knows more than he has so far let on with his statement that 'he's laughing all his heads off ...' I infer this to mean that God is a man and that he has got several heads. This should make him easy to spot, if he ever comes knocking on my door. None of this Jupiter nonsense, dressing himself up as a swan. |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: smudgy-ga on 19 Aug 2004 05:21 PDT |
The thought of people on both sides of a war praying for God's help makes me think of the following quotation, whose vintage and pedigree I do not know: "Why pray? If it changes God's mind, then he is not sovereign; if it does not change His mind, then it is superfluous." This leads to some interesting theological dilemmas, including the one that we're addressing now. |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: neutralobserver-ga on 19 Aug 2004 08:32 PDT |
There is a good article at http://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll/Magazines/Ensign/2003.htm/ensign%20may%202003.htm/war%20and%20peace.htm?f=templates$fn=document-frame.htm$3.0#JD_E3305.78JD_E3305.78 that some of you may find provides an interesting perspective on this question. |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: sublime1-ga on 19 Aug 2004 13:34 PDT |
"What about Mars? Surely he was something more than a mere Planet or a Candy Bar?" As is often the case, the answer is in the question: The fact that Mars 'was', and is no longer, makes it clear that he was not the eternal, infinite, non-dual God in question here, of which there is only one, worshipped in many different traditions. For a more edifying discussion of the topic, read the Bhagavad Gita, in which Arjuna poses this very question to Lord Krishna, and Krishna eventually clarifies that all things which transpire on the earth are for the spiritual education of those who participate in them, and are thus a matter of karma. The key to accepting all this seemingly useless bloodshed is also revealed, which is that no one ever really dies, only the body. The spirits of these war-ravaged souls go on with their God-natured eternal life, integrating both the joyous and horrible experiences until they finally arrive at an understanding of their true nature, which is beyond good or bad, pain or pleasure, or duality of any kind. This is, of course, a lesson which can be learned in much less difficult ways, meditation being one. "Know thyself" is, as ever, the key to enlightenment. |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: sublime1-ga on 19 Aug 2004 13:38 PDT |
Oh... since you like links, here's one to the Bhagavad Gita: http://www.santosha.com/philosophy/gita-chapter1.html |
bc, ad
From: daytrader_7__6-ga on 19 Aug 2004 13:39 PDT |
Before Jesus, God would have been on the side of the righteous, as with Moses and the exodus. After JC, God is still on the side of the righteous, but the righteous refuse to take a side and fight. Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. John 13:34 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: just4fun2-ga on 19 Aug 2004 16:08 PDT |
Who do you think started the war? |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: lahoria-ga on 20 Aug 2004 01:32 PDT |
Or may be he is browsing g o o g l e answers for the answer too :) Regards Lahoria |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: pugwashjw-ga on 20 Aug 2004 08:30 PDT |
from the Bible. Second Peter 3;3." For you know this first, that in the last days there will come to be ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desire".4. and saying "Where is this promised presence of his?. Why, from the day our forefathers fell aslepp in death, ALL THINGS ARE CONTINUING EXACTLY, as from creations beginning". Many of the comments prove this scripture true. Prior to World War One, most people had a deep respect for the Bible, but this is no longer the case. Does the presence of ridiculers indicate Armageddon is closer than we think??? |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: probonopublico-ga on 20 Aug 2004 09:50 PDT |
All I seem to be getting are MORE QUESTIONS ... C'mon Guys and Gals I want ANSWERS! And well-documented answers in true GA tradition, complete with Search Strategies. Chris (Pugwash) has even asked 'Does the presence of ridiculers indicate Armageddon is closer than we think???' Chris, I dunno what I think, never mind what 'we think'. Anyhow, who is this Armageddon person anyway? Another politician? Gosh is it that late already? Time to open another bottle of vino. |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: pugwashjw-ga on 21 Aug 2004 01:04 PDT |
Hi there Bryan. How`s that english weather?. To answer your question, Armageddon is not a person, or even a known place, but more of a situation. Have a read of Revelation 16; 14 to 16. My source is simply the whole Bible. Its the basis from which all other commentaries are based. The use of this name of Armageddon, does not mean that this coming battle will be fought at the literal mountain of Megiddo, which is only a mound 21 metres high, where the ancient site of Megiddo, the town, is found. When God battles "the kings of the entire inhabited earth", to restrict them all to a geographically small site does not make sense, but it clearly indicates a "battlefield". In our day and age, "Kings" refers to government organizations. In Revelation 18, these same "Kings" will mourn the passing of "Babylon the Great", organized religion, and the "travelling merchants", the world of business, will say "too bad, too bad", [Revelation 18,verse 11]. Three distinct forces. Government, business and religion. |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: probonopublico-ga on 21 Aug 2004 03:31 PDT |
Hi, Chris Many thanks for the info. I never realised that Megiddo was merely a mound only 21 metres high. So, not much of a mountain and certainly not worth fighting about. Is this the sort of mountain that you intend to climb? If so, I can understand why you are only going to take a ½ bottle of Champers with you. Anyway, please be careful! The weather here in the UK is very mixed at present: some nice sunny days and others wet and windy. In other words, typically August weather. But for the likes of me who hates extremes of hot and cold, it suits me fine. All the Best Bryan |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: pugwashjw-ga on 21 Aug 2004 15:38 PDT |
Hi again Bryan, Pugwash here.. Gary ...not Chris...Nice to hear back from you. No, I will not be climbing any edifice here on earth, and anyway I`m a beer man!. In my studies of the Bible, some scriptures can only be taken literally. Like the one which warns that the death toll from this " War of Armageddon", people fighting God`s spiritual forces, will be so great that the bodies will not be buried but will become carrion food for the birds. Revelation 19;21. And in Ezekiel 39 verse 4, written 591 years before Jesus, is the prophecy of the same results. " On the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and all your bands and the peoples that will be with you. To birds of prey, birds of every sort of wing, and the wild beasts of the field I will give YOU ...FOR FOOD. These are the warnings given to the " ridiculers" and I am trying very hard not to be included. At the same time, the Bible directs me to love my fellow man, to do him no harm. A good comparison would be if I saw a stranger about to be run down by a bus..and killed.. it would be my duty to shout a warning. I`m looking forward to future Bible questions. |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: digsalot-ga on 21 Aug 2004 16:36 PDT |
Hi Probo - - Whether we believe in "end time" prophecy or we don't, Megiddo is more than just a bump on the landscape. First, there was the ancient city of Megiddo (archaeological research demonstrates more than 25 consecutive cities at the site of Megiddo were built over a period of six to eight thousand years.) Like onion-skins, the ruins of over 25 layers of construction and destruction are in that mound. - - and then, there are the Plains of Megiddo which are part of the Armageddon valley - a beautiful agricultural region. It's very easy to understand why Biblical prophecies predict the last great battle between Good and Evil will be fought on the plains of Megiddo and Armageddon. For 5,000 years, armies have met and killed each other there. Predicting another battle at Megiddo was a no-brainer. Armageddon and the Plains of Megiddo, also known the Plain of Jezreel. is a flat valley which extends all the way from Haifa on the Mediterranean Sea, past Megiddo to Jezreel, where it slopes downward to Beth Shan below sea level in the Jordon Valley. Harmageddon (Armageddon) means the "Mount of Megiddo," and it has also given it's name to that great plain of Jezreel which belts across the middle of the region. All the armies in the world could find room to meet within this area. Once again, the Mount of Megiddo, or Armageddon, is much more than just a bump in the landscape where the city of Meggido itself once stood. Besides, if any armies want to fight there, they will first have to get permission from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. :) - - They pretty much run the place. Armageddon is an archaeological paradise and they don't want 'just anybody' messing it up. If life could only be that simple. Digs |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: probonopublico-ga on 21 Aug 2004 23:06 PDT |
Wow, Gary & Digs This is fascinating stuff! Although I've never seen it, I just love this Armageddon/Harmageddon (spellings vary) that you've both been raving about. What a great place for a theme park! I bet there'd be room for a super Disneyland, a huge Football Stadium, a Cricket Pitch, a Bowling Alley, a Big Mac, Ski Slopes, Camel Rides, a Gladitorium, an Auditorium, a Crematorium, a Sanatorium ... The mind boggles. And what's more, I bet the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania would jump at the idea. Watch this space! Many thanks. All the Best Bryan |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: froggie1687-ga on 22 Aug 2004 22:11 PDT |
Well i will give you my logical answer. I believe that God will sit back and watch them kill eachother until they can work out who wins. God doesn't pick sides. |
Re: During a War, Which Side Does God Go Rooting For?
From: froggie1687-ga on 22 Aug 2004 22:16 PDT |
i seriously think the real answer is that he is on neither side and that he is hoping the war ends peacefully, but how is there so supposed to be a search-inquired answer?? well i mean DUH who would really know??? and why does this answer even matter????? |
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