Rotraut Suzanne Berner was born in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1948. That
would make her around 56 years old. She studied in Munich, Germany.
From 1975 to 1977, she worked in publicity and as an independent
graphic artists. She won a prize in 1984 for children's book
illustrations. She lives in Heidelberg, Germany.
"Rotraut Suzanne Berner est née à Stuttgart. Elle a étudié à l'Ecole
supérieure des Arts et Métiers de Munich. De 1975 à 1977, elle a
travaillé dans la publicité et comme graphiste indépendante. Elle a
reçu en 1984, le Deutescher Jugendliteraturpreiss de l'illustration.
Elle exerce aujourd'hui son métier à Heidelberg."
"Rotraut Susanne Berner, born in 1948, studied graphic design in
Munich and today lives as a freelance illustrator in Heidelberg. She
has illustrated numerous children's books and was awarded the Celestin
Piatti-Prize for book illustrations in 1983. Her latest illustrations
for the Beltz & Gelberg List appeared in the book Mutter, Vater, ich
und sie (Mother, Father, Me and Her)."
As such, it seems pretty clear that Ms Berner is not New Jersey-born
author you had in mind.
search strategy:
rotraut berner
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